/** * Webhook update product action. * * @return void * * @Route("/update", methods={"POST"}, name="import-product-update") */ public function updateAction() { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HARAVAN_HMAC_SHA256'])) { $myApp = AppModel::findFirstById(1); $hmac_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HARAVAN_HMAC_SHA256']; $data = file_get_contents('php://input'); $verified = Utils::verify_webhook($data, $hmac_header, $myApp->sharedSecret); if ($verified) { $product = json_decode($data); $cleanData = strip_tags($product->body_html); $myStore = StoreModel::findFirst(['name = :storeName:', 'bind' => ['storeName' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HARAVAN_SHOP_DOMAIN']]]); // Create session information $this->session->get('oauth_token') != "" ? $this->session->get('oauth_token') : $this->session->set('oauth_token', $myStore->accessToken); $this->session->get('shop') != "" ? $this->session->get('shop') : $this->session->set('shop', $myStore->name); $this->session->get('sid') != "" ? $this->session->get('sid') : $this->session->set('sid', $myStore->id); // Get collection id from collect API $haravanCollection = EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->getCollectsByProductId($product->id); // if category already mapped to five -> continue, else -> exit $myCategoryMap = CategoryMap::findFirst(['hid = :hid:', 'bind' => ['hid' => $haravanCollection[0]->collection_id]]); if (!$myCategoryMap) { exit; } // if not found product id -> exit $myAds = AdsModel::findFirst(['rid = :rid:', 'bind' => ['rid' => $product->id]]); if (!$myAds) { exit; } // Update table ADS $myAds->assign(['uid' => $myStore->uid, 'title' => $product->title, 'description' => $cleanData, 'price' => $product->variants[0]->price, 'seokeyword' => $product->tags, 'lastpostdate' => time()]); if ($myAds->update()) { $this->debug($product->id); // Update to product_map table $myProduct = ProductMap::findFirst(['hid = :hid:', 'bind' => ['hid' => $product->id]]); $myProduct->assign(['title' => $myAds->title, 'price' => $myAds->price]); if ($myProduct->update()) { error_log($myProduct->title . ' created success!'); } // Delete queued data. (Production) // $myProductQueue->delete(); } } } else { error_log('Request not from haravan'); } }
/** * Install action. * * @return void * * @Route("/install", methods={"GET", "POST"}, name="import-site-install") */ public function installAction() { $formData = $success = $error = []; $message = ''; $shopName = (string) $this->request->getQuery('shop', null, ''); $code = (string) $this->request->getQuery('code', null, ''); // Get app setting $myApp = AppModel::findFirstById(1); if ($shopName == '') { die('shopname not found'); return $this->response->redirect('notfound'); } // Select Store $myStore = StoreModel::findFirst(['name = :shopName:', 'bind' => ['shopName' => $shopName]]); if (!$myStore) { // Create new store if not exist $myStore = new StoreModel(); $myStore->assign(['name' => $shopName, 'uid' => $this->session->get('me')->id]); $myStore->save(); return $this->response->redirect(EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->getAuthorizationUrl($shopName, $myApp->apiKey, $myApp->permissions, $myApp->redirectUrl), true, 301); } if ($myStore->accessToken != "") { $accessToken = $myStore->accessToken; } else { // get access token and store to session, db $accessToken = EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->getAccessToken($shopName, $myApp->apiKey, $myApp->sharedSecret, $code, $myApp->redirectUrl); // Write access token to db spefified shop $myStore->accessToken = $accessToken; $myStore->status = StoreModel::STATUS_ENABLE; $myStore->save(); } $this->session->get('oauth_token') != "" ? $this->session->get('oauth_token') : $this->session->set('oauth_token', $accessToken); $this->session->get('shop') != "" ? $this->session->get('shop') : $this->session->set('shop', $shopName); $this->session->get('sid') != "" ? $this->session->get('sid') : $this->session->set('sid', $myStore->id); // if is installed store, => return to homepage. if ($myStore->config == StoreModel::INSTALLED && $myStore->mapped == StoreModel::MAPPED) { return $this->response->redirect('/home', true, 301); } // Submit data to database when setup completed. if (!empty($this->request->hasPost('fsubmit'))) { $pass = false; $formData = array_merge($formData, $this->request->getPost()); $categoryMap = (array) $formData['mapping']; foreach ($categoryMap as $haravanId => $itemMap) { $myCategoryMap = new CategoryMap(); $myCategoryMap->sid = (int) $myStore->id; $myCategoryMap->hid = (int) $haravanId; $myCategoryMap->fid = (int) $itemMap['id']; $myCategoryMap->fname = (string) $itemMap['name']; $myCategoryMap->status = (int) CategoryMap::STATUS_PENDING; $myCategoryMap->totalItem = 0; $myCategoryMap->totalItemSync = 0; $myCategoryMap->totalItemQueue = 0; if ($myCategoryMap->save()) { $success[] = $haravanId; $pass = true; } else { foreach ($myCategoryMap->getMessages() as $msg) { $message .= str_replace('###haravanId###', $haravanId, $this->lang->_($msg->getMessage())) . '<br />'; } } } // If insert to category map and FIVE user table is ok. if ($pass) { $myStore->config = StoreModel::INSTALLED; if ($myStore->update()) { // Register webhook EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->registerWebhook('products/create', $this->url->getBaseUri() . 'product/add'); EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->registerWebhook('products/update', $this->url->getBaseUri() . 'product/update'); EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->registerWebhook('app/uninstalled', $this->url->getBaseUri() . 'home/remove'); $this->flash->success(str_replace('###haravanId###', implode(',', $success), $this->lang->_('message-create-success'))); // Insert current progress to product log table. $myProductLog = new ProductLog(); $myProductLog->assign(['sid' => $myStore->id, 'message' => $this->lang->_('message-category-map-initialize'), 'type' => ProductLog::TYPE_IMPORT, 'status' => ProductLog::STATUS_CURRENT_PROCESSING, 'class' => 'info']); $myProductLog->create(); } else { $this->flash->error($this->lang->_('message-update-config-falied')); } } else { $this->flash->error($message); } } $this->session->set('shop', $myStore->name); $this->session->set('oauth_token', $myStore->accessToken); $haravanCollections = []; $haravanCollections = array_merge($haravanCollections, EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->getCollections()); $haravanCollections = array_merge($haravanCollections, EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->getSmartCollections()); $myCategories = Category::parent_sort(Category::find(['order' => 'orderno ASC'])->toArray()); $currentProcess = ProductLog::findFirst(['sid = :sid: AND status = :status: AND type = :type:', 'bind' => ['sid' => $myStore->id, 'status' => ProductLog::STATUS_CURRENT_PROCESSING, 'type' => ProductLog::TYPE_IMPORT]]); if ($currentProcess) { $currentProcessMessage = $currentProcess->message; } else { $currentProcessMessage = ""; } $redirectIframeHome = 'https://' . $myStore->name . '/admin/app#/embed/' . $myApp->apiKey; $this->bc->add($this->lang->_('title-index'), 'import/install'); $this->bc->add($this->lang->_('title-install'), ''); $this->view->setVars(['bc' => $this->bc->generate(), 'collections' => $haravanCollections, 'myCategories' => $myCategories, 'myStore' => $myStore, 'formData' => $formData, 'error' => $error, 'currentProcessMessage' => $currentProcessMessage, 'redirectIframeHome' => $redirectIframeHome]); }