replaceInsertTags() public static method

Replace insert tags with their values
public static replaceInsertTags ( string $strBuffer, boolean $blnCache = true ) : string
$strBuffer string The text with the tags to be replaced
$blnCache boolean If false, non-cacheable tags will be replaced
return string The text with the replaced tags
  * Gets the label for a language, optionally replacing insert tags.
  * @param string $language
  * @param bool   $replaceInsertTags
  * @return string
 public function get($language, $replaceInsertTags = true)
     $language = strtolower($language);
     if (empty($this->map[$language])) {
         return strtoupper($language);
     $value = $this->map[$language];
     if ($replaceInsertTags) {
         $value = Controller::replaceInsertTags($value);
     return $value;
  * Generate the page title with ##title## as placeholder for dynamic title
  * @param PageModel $pageModel
  * @return string
 protected function generatePageTitle(PageModel $pageModel)
     $layoutModel = LayoutModel::findByPk($pageModel->layout);
     if ($layoutModel === null) {
         return '##title##';
     $title = $layoutModel->titleTag ?: '{{page::pageTitle}} - {{page::rootPageTitle}}';
     $title = str_replace('{{page::pageTitle}}', '##title##', $title);
     // Fake the global page object
     $GLOBALS['objPage'] = $pageModel;
     // Replace the insert tags
     $title = Controller::replaceInsertTags($title, false);
     // Remove the faked global page object
     return $title;
  * Check whether there is a cached version of the page and return a response object
  * @return Response|null
 public static function getResponseFromCache()
     // Build the page if a user is (potentially) logged in or there is POST data
     if (!empty($_POST) || \Input::cookie('BE_USER_AUTH') || \Input::cookie('FE_USER_AUTH') || \Input::cookie('FE_AUTO_LOGIN') || $_SESSION['DISABLE_CACHE'] || isset($_SESSION['LOGIN_ERROR']) || \Message::hasMessages() || \Config::get('debugMode')) {
         return null;
     $strCacheDir = \System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir');
     // Try to map the empty request
     if (\Environment::get('relativeRequest') == '') {
         // Return if the language is added to the URL and the empty domain will be redirected
         if (\Config::get('addLanguageToUrl') && !\Config::get('doNotRedirectEmpty')) {
             return null;
         $strCacheKey = null;
         $arrLanguage = \Environment::get('httpAcceptLanguage');
         $strMappingFile = $strCacheDir . '/contao/config/mapping.php';
         // Try to get the cache key from the mapper array
         if (file_exists($strMappingFile)) {
             $arrMapper = (include $strMappingFile);
             $arrPaths = array(\Environment::get('host'), '*');
             // Try the language specific keys
             foreach ($arrLanguage as $strLanguage) {
                 foreach ($arrPaths as $strPath) {
                     $strKey = $strPath . '/empty.' . $strLanguage;
                     if (isset($arrMapper[$strKey])) {
                         $strCacheKey = $arrMapper[$strKey];
             // Try the fallback key
             if ($strCacheKey === null) {
                 foreach ($arrPaths as $strPath) {
                     $strKey = $strPath . '/empty.fallback';
                     if (isset($arrMapper[$strKey])) {
                         $strCacheKey = $arrMapper[$strKey];
         // Fall back to the first accepted language
         if ($strCacheKey === null) {
             $strCacheKey = \Environment::get('host') . '/empty.' . $arrLanguage[0];
     } else {
         $strCacheKey = \Environment::get('host') . '/' . \Environment::get('relativeRequest');
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCacheKey'] as $callback) {
             $strCacheKey = \System::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback[1]}($strCacheKey);
     $blnFound = false;
     $strCacheFile = null;
     // Check for a mobile layout
     if (\Input::cookie('TL_VIEW') == 'mobile' || \Environment::get('agent')->mobile && \Input::cookie('TL_VIEW') != 'desktop') {
         $strMd5CacheKey = md5($strCacheKey . '.mobile');
         $strCacheFile = $strCacheDir . '/contao/html/' . substr($strMd5CacheKey, 0, 1) . '/' . $strMd5CacheKey . '.html';
         if (file_exists($strCacheFile)) {
             $blnFound = true;
     } else {
         $strMd5CacheKey = md5($strCacheKey . '.desktop');
         $strCacheFile = $strCacheDir . '/contao/html/' . substr($strMd5CacheKey, 0, 1) . '/' . $strMd5CacheKey . '.html';
         if (file_exists($strCacheFile)) {
             $blnFound = true;
     // Check for a regular layout
     if (!$blnFound) {
         $strMd5CacheKey = md5($strCacheKey);
         $strCacheFile = $strCacheDir . '/contao/html/' . substr($strMd5CacheKey, 0, 1) . '/' . $strMd5CacheKey . '.html';
         if (file_exists($strCacheFile)) {
             $blnFound = true;
     // Return if the file does not exist
     if (!$blnFound) {
         return null;
     $expire = null;
     $content = null;
     $type = null;
     $files = null;
     $assets = null;
     // Include the file
     require_once $strCacheFile;
     // The file has expired
     if ($expire < time()) {
         return null;
     // Define the static URL constants (see #7914)
     define('TL_FILES_URL', $files);
     define('TL_ASSETS_URL', $assets);
     // Read the buffer
     $strBuffer = ob_get_clean();
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $session */
     $session = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_frontend');
     // Session required to determine the referer
     $data = $session->all();
     // Set the new referer
     if (!isset($_GET['pdf']) && !isset($_GET['file']) && !isset($_GET['id']) && $data['referer']['current'] != \Environment::get('requestUri')) {
         $data['referer']['last'] = $data['referer']['current'];
         $data['referer']['current'] = substr(\Environment::get('requestUri'), strlen(\Environment::get('path')) + 1);
     // Store the session data
     // Load the default language file (see #2644)
     // Replace the insert tags and then re-replace the request_token tag in case a form element has been loaded via insert tag
     $strBuffer = \Controller::replaceInsertTags($strBuffer, false);
     $strBuffer = str_replace(array('{{request_token}}', '[{]', '[}]'), array(REQUEST_TOKEN, '{{', '}}'), $strBuffer);
     // HOOK: allow to modify the compiled markup (see #4291 and #7457)
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['modifyFrontendPage']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['modifyFrontendPage'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['modifyFrontendPage'] as $callback) {
             $strBuffer = \System::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback[1]}($strBuffer, null);
     // Content type
     if (!$content) {
         $content = 'text/html';
     $response = new Response($strBuffer);
     // Send the status header (see #6585)
     if ($type == 'error_403') {
     } elseif ($type == 'error_404') {
     $response->headers->set('Vary', 'User-Agent', false);
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', $content . '; charset=' . \Config::get('characterSet'));
     // Send the cache headers
     if ($expire !== null && (\Config::get('cacheMode') == 'both' || \Config::get('cacheMode') == 'browser')) {
         $response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=' . ($expire - time()));
         $response->headers->set('Pragma', 'public');
         $response->headers->set('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT');
         $response->headers->set('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $expire) . ' GMT');
     } else {
         $response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
         $response->headers->set('Pragma', 'no-cache');
         $response->headers->set('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
         $response->headers->set('Expires', 'Fri, 06 Jun 1975 15:10:00 GMT');
     return $response;
  * @param $db
  * @param $doTable
  * @param $table
  * @return null|string
 public function setTitle($db, $doTable, $table)
     // sorted by priority
     if (!$doTable) {
         return null;
     $colsForTitle = $this->modules[$doTable]['title'];
     array_unshift($colsForTitle, 'ps_title');
     $colsForTitle = $colsForTitle ? $colsForTitle : array();
     // hook for custom title
     if ($this->modules[$doTable] && is_array($this->modules[$doTable]['setCustomTitle'])) {
         foreach ($this->modules[$doTable]['setCustomTitle'] as $callable) {
             return $this->{$callable[0]}->{$callable[1]}($table, $db, $colsForTitle, $doTable);
     foreach ($colsForTitle as $title) {
         if (!$db[$title]) {
         $ct = deserialize($db[$title]);
         // check if value is serialize
         if (is_array($ct) && !empty($ct)) {
             $meta = Helper::parseStrForMeta($db[$title]);
             $db[$title] = $meta;
         if ($db[$title] && (is_string($db[$title]) || is_numeric($db[$title]))) {
             $return = $db[$title];
             $return = Controller::replaceInsertTags($return);
             $return = strip_tags($return);
             $return = trim($return);
             return $return;
     return null;