public function consume($filter) { parent::consume($filter); $query = $filter->query; $url = '' . urlencode($query) . '&key=' . urlencode(GOOGLE_API_KEY) . '&orderBy=recent&maxResults=20'; $page_token = null; for ($pageNo = 0; $pageNo < $this->maxPages; $pageNo++) { // Set current url $current_url = $url; if (!is_null($page_token)) { $current_url .= '&pageToken=' . urlencode($page_token); } // Fetch data $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($current_url)); foreach ($data->items as $item) { $interaction = array('interaction' => array('schema' => array('version' => 3), 'author' => array('username' => $item->actor->displayName, 'name' => $item->actor->displayName, 'id' => $item->actor->id, 'avatar' => $item->actor->image->url, 'link' => $item->actor->url), 'type' => 'googleplus', 'created_at' => new \MongoDate(strtotime($item->published)), 'content' => $item->object->content, 'id' => $item->id, 'link' => $item->url), 'googleplus' => $item->object, 'internal' => array('filter_id' => (int) $filter->id)); \Consumer\Interaction::insert($interaction); } if (isset($data->nextPageToken)) { $page_token = $data->nextPageToken; } else { break; } } sleep(rand(40, 60)); // Slow things down so we don't hit API limits }
public function consume($filter) { parent::consume($filter); $parameters = array('q' => str_replace(PHP_EOL, ' ', $filter->query_simple), 'type' => 'post', 'access_token' => FACEBOOK_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN); $url = '' . http_build_query($parameters); $content = file_get_contents($url); $response = json_decode($content); foreach ($response->data as $status) { if (!empty($status->message)) { $interaction = array('interaction' => array('schema' => array('version' => 3), 'author' => array('username' => $status->from->id, 'name' => $status->from->name, 'id' => $status->from->id, 'avatar' => '' . $status->from->id, 'link' => '' . $status->from->id), 'type' => 'facebook', 'created_at' => new \MongoDate(strtotime($status->created_time)), 'content' => isset($status->message) ? $status->message : NULL, 'id' => $status->id, 'link' => isset($status->link) ? $status->link : NULL), 'facebook' => $status, 'internal' => array('filter_id' => (int) $filter->id)); \Consumer\Interaction::insert($interaction); } } }
private function handlePost($post) { if ($post->verb != 'post') { Log::info('Skipping verb ' . $post->verb); return; } if (isset($post->disqusType)) { // Disqus $interaction = array('interaction' => array('schema' => array('version' => 3), 'author' => array('username' => isset($post->actor->preferredUsername) ? $post->actor->preferredUsername : '******', 'name' => $post->actor->preferredUsername, 'id' => $post->actor->id), 'type' => 'disqus', 'created_at' => new \MongoDate(time()), 'content' => $post->body, 'id' => $post->id, 'link' => $post->object->link), 'internal' => array('filter_id' => (int) $post->gnip->matching_rules[0]->tag)); } else { // WordPress $interaction = array('interaction' => array('schema' => array('version' => 3), 'author' => array('username' => $post->actor->displayName, 'name' => $post->actor->displayName, 'id' => $post->actor->id, 'avatar' => '' . $post->actor->wpEmailMd5, 'link' => $post->actor->link), 'type' => strtolower($post->provider->displayName), 'created_at' => new \MongoDate(time()), 'content' => $post->object->summary, 'id' => $post->object->id, 'link' => $post->object->link), 'internal' => array('filter_id' => (int) $post->gnip->matching_rules[0]->tag)); } \Consumer\Interaction::insert($interaction); }
public function consume($filter) { parent::consume($filter); $twitter = new \Endroid\Twitter\Twitter(TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET, TWITTER_ACCESSTOKEN, TWITTER_ACCESSTOKEN_SECRET); $requestsPerFilter = 0; $requestsCount = 0; $parameters = array('q' => str_replace(PHP_EOL, ' ', $filter->query), 'result_type' => 'recent', 'count' => 100); do { try { $response = $twitter->query('search/tweets', 'GET', 'json', $parameters); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error('Request failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); break; } $requestsCount++; if ($requestsPerFilter <= 0) { $limit = $response->getHeader('x-rate-limit-limit'); $intervalMinutes = 4; // We perform query every 4 minutes $requestsPerRun = $limit / 15 * $intervalMinutes; $activeFilters = Filter::where('active', 1)->count(); $requestsPerFilter = floor($requestsPerRun / $activeFilters); // Internal max so the requests doesn't take to long time to run if ($requestsPerFilter > 2) { $requestsPerFilter = 2; } } $response = json_decode($response->getContent()); foreach ($response->statuses as $status) { $interaction = array('interaction' => array('schema' => array('version' => 3), 'author' => array('username' => $status->user->screen_name, 'name' => $status->user->name, 'id' => $status->user->id_str, 'avatar' => $status->user->profile_image_url_https, 'link' => '' . $status->user->screen_name), 'type' => 'twitter', 'created_at' => new \MongoDate(strtotime($status->created_at)), 'content' => $status->text, 'id' => $status->id_str, 'link' => '' . $status->user->screen_name . '/status/' . $status->id_str), 'twitter' => $status, 'internal' => array('filter_id' => (int) $filter->id)); // If we have a tweet location if (!is_null($status->geo)) { $location = $this->reverseGeocode($status->geo->coordinates[0], $status->geo->coordinates[1]); $interaction['internal']['location'] = array('source' => 'tweet', 'coords' => array($status->geo->coordinates[0], $status->geo->coordinates[1]), 'state' => $location['state'], 'county' => $location['county'], 'country' => $location['country']); // Else get lat/lon from users bio location if available } elseif (!is_null($status->user->location)) { $location = $this->geocode($status->user->location); if (!is_null($location)) { $interaction['internal']['location'] = array('source' => 'bio', 'coords' => array((double) $location['lon'], (double) $location['lat']), 'state' => $location['state'], 'county' => $location['county'], 'country' => $location['country']); } } \Consumer\Interaction::insert($interaction); } } while ($requestsCount < $requestsPerFilter); }