/** * @param $name * @param string $env * @return Mysql * @throws \Exception */ public static function instance($name, $env = 'product') { if (empty(self::$_configs)) { self::$_configs = \Config\Database::getConfig($name, $env); } if (!isset(self::$_instances[$name])) { $instance = new Mysql(self::$_configs['host'], self::$_configs['user'], self::$_configs['password'], self::$_configs['database']); self::$_instances[$name] = $instance; return self::$_instances[$name]; } return self::$_instances[$name]; }
public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = array_merge(array('where' => '', 'columns' => '*', 'limit' => 100), $args); if (!isset($args['table'])) { die('Table not defined.'); } extract($args); $this->table = $table; $this->where = $where; $this->columns = $columns; $this->limit = $limit; $db_object = \Config\Database::get_instance(); $this->dbConn = $db_object::get_db(); }
if (!empty($request)) { if (strpos($request, $request_home) === 0) { $request = substr($request, strlen($request_home)); if (strpos($request, 'admin/') === 0) { $admin_routing = true; include_once 'controllers/admin/admin_controller.php'; $request = substr($request, strlen('admin/')); } $components = explode('/', $request, 3); if (count($components) > 1) { list($controller, $method) = $components; if (!$method) { $method = 'index'; } $params = isset($components[2]) ? $components[2] : array(); $admin_folder = $admin_routing ? 'admin/' : ''; $pathToControllerFile = 'controllers/' . $admin_folder . $controller . '_controller.php'; include_once $pathToControllerFile; } } } $admin_namespace = $admin_routing ? 'Admin' : ''; $controller_class = $admin_namespace . '\\Controllers\\' . ucfirst($controller) . '_Controller'; $instance = new $controller_class(); if (method_exists($instance, $method)) { call_user_func_array(array($instance, $method), array($params)); } else { die('No such method'); } $db_object = Database::get_instance(); $db_connection = $db_object::get_db();
/** * Constructor. * * @param \CodeIgniter\Database\Forge $forge */ public function __construct(Forge $forge = null) { $this->forge = !is_null($forge) ? $forge : \Config\Database::forge($this->DBGroup); $this->db = $this->forge->getConnection(); }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->connections = \Config\Database::getConnections(); }
public function loadDependencies() { if ($this->db === null) { $this->db = \Config\Database::connect($this->DBGroup); $this->db->initialize(); } if ($this->migrations === null) { // Ensure that we can run migrations $config = new \Config\Migrations(); $config->enabled = true; $this->migrations = Services::migrations($config, $this->db); $this->migrations->setSilent(true); } if ($this->seeder === null) { $this->seeder = \Config\Database::seeder($this->DBGroup); $this->seeder->setSilent(true); } }
/** * Provides a shared instance of the Query Builder. * * @param string $table * * @return BaseBuilder|Database\QueryBuilder */ protected function builder(string $table = null) { if ($this->builder instanceof BaseBuilder) { return $this->builder; } $table = empty($table) ? $this->table : $table; // Ensure we have a good db connection if (!$this->db instanceof BaseConnection) { $this->db = Database::connect($this->DBGroup); } $this->builder = $this->db->table($table); return $this->builder; }
/** * Seeder constructor. * * @param BaseConfig $config * @param BaseConnection $db */ public function __construct(BaseConfig $config, BaseConnection $db = null) { $this->seedPath = $config->filesPath ?? APPPATH . 'Database/'; if (empty($this->seedPath)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid filesPath set in the Config\\Database.'); } $this->seedPath = rtrim($this->seedPath, '/') . '/Seeds/'; if (!is_dir($this->seedPath)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to locate the seeds directory. Please check Config\\Database::filesPath'); } $this->config =& $config; if (is_null($db)) { $db = \Config\Database::connect($this->DBGroup); } $this->db =& $db; }
function __construct() { $this->db = new Data\Db(Database::get()); }
/** * Ensures that we have created our migrations table * in the database. */ protected function ensureTable() { if ($this->db->tableExists($this->table)) { return; } $forge = \Config\Database::forge(); $forge->addField(['version' => ['type' => 'BIGINT', 'constraint' => 20, 'null' => false], 'group' => ['type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 255, 'null' => false], 'time' => ['type' => 'timestamp', 'null' => false]]); $forge->createTable($this->table, true); }