  * Repositories requests credentials, let's put them in.
  * @return \Composer\Util\Svn
 protected function doAuthDance()
     $this->io->write("The Subversion server ({$this->url}) requested credentials:");
     $this->hasAuth = true;
     $this->credentials['username'] = $this->io->ask("Username: "******"Password: "******"Should Subversion cache these credentials? (yes/no) ", true);
     return $this;
  * Repositories requests credentials, let's put them in.
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return \Composer\Util\Svn
 protected function doAuthDance()
     // cannot ask for credentials in non interactive mode
     if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('can not ask for authentication in non interactive mode');
     $this->io->writeError("The Subversion server ({$this->url}) requested credentials:");
     $this->hasAuth = true;
     $this->credentials['username'] = $this->io->ask("Username: "******"Password: "******"Should Subversion cache these credentials? (yes/no) ", true);
     return $this;
 public static function initMagentoRootDir(ProjectConfig $projectConfig, \Composer\IO\IOInterface $io, \Composer\Util\Filesystem $filesystem, $vendorDir)
     if (false === $projectConfig->hasMagentoRootDir()) {
         $projectConfig->setMagentoRootDir($io->ask(sprintf('please define your magento root dir [%s]', ProjectConfig::DEFAULT_MAGENTO_ROOT_DIR), ProjectConfig::DEFAULT_MAGENTO_ROOT_DIR));
     $magentoRootDirPath = $projectConfig->getMagentoRootDir();
     $magentoRootDir = new \SplFileInfo($magentoRootDirPath);
     if (!is_dir($magentoRootDirPath) && $io->askConfirmation('magento root dir "' . $magentoRootDirPath . '" missing! create now? [Y,n] ')) {
         $io->write('magento root dir "' . $magentoRootDirPath . '" created');
     if (!is_dir($magentoRootDirPath)) {
         $dir = self::joinFilePath($vendorDir, $magentoRootDirPath);
 private function handleCommit()
     if ($this->outputter->isEmpty()) {
     switch ($this->config->getCommitAuto()) {
         case 'never':
         case 'ask':
             if ($this->io->askConfirmation('<info>Would you like to commit the update? </info>[<comment>no</comment>]: ', false)) {
         case 'always':
  * Generate database config. will store in: etc/secret.yml.
  * @param IOInterface $io
  * @return  void
 protected static function genSecretConfig(IOInterface $io)
     $etc = __DIR__ . '/../../../etc';
     $secret = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($etc . '/secret.dist.yml'));
     if ($io->askConfirmation("\nDo you want to use database? [Y/n]: ", true)) {
         $io->write('Database driver only support mysql/postgresql now.');
         $driver = $io->ask("Database driver [mysql]: ", 'mysql');
         $host = $io->ask("Database host [localhost]: ", 'localhost');
         $name = $io->ask("Database name [acme]: ", 'acme');
         $user = $io->ask("Database user [root]: ", 'root');
         $pass = $io->askAndHideAnswer("Database password: "******"Table prefix [wind_]: ", 'wind_');
         $secret['database'] = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $pass, 'name' => $name, 'prefix' => $prefix);
     file_put_contents($etc . '/secret.yml', Yaml::dump($secret, 4));
     $io->write('Database config setting complete.');
  * Get an array of question lines and a default response and use them to format and ask a
  * question to console.
  * @param  array $lines
  * @param  bool  $default
  * @return bool
 public function ask(array $lines, $default = true)
     if ($this->verbosity < 1) {
         return $default;
     array_unshift($lines, 'QUESTION');
     $length = max(array_map('strlen', $lines));
     array_walk($lines, function (&$line) use($length) {
         $len = strlen($line);
         if ($len < $length) {
             $line = $line . str_repeat(' ', $length - $len);
         $line = "  {$line}  ";
     $space = str_repeat(' ', $length + 4);
     array_unshift($lines, '  <question>' . $space);
     array_push($lines, $space . '</question>');
     $question = PHP_EOL . implode('</question>' . PHP_EOL . '  <question>', $lines);
     $prompt = PHP_EOL . '    <option=bold>Y</option=bold> or <option=bold>N</option=bold> ';
     $prompt .= $default ? '[Y]' : '[N]';
     return $this->io->askConfirmation($question . PHP_EOL . $prompt, $default);
  * @param IOInterface $io
  * @param string      $question
  * @param bool        $default
  * @return bool
 public function askConfirmation(IOInterface $io, $question, $default = true)
     $question = $this->getDecoratedMessage($question, 'question', $io->isDecorated()) . ' ';
     $question .= '(Y/n): ';
     return $io->askConfirmation($question, $default);
 private function getPackagesInteractively(IOInterface $io, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Composer $composer, array $packages)
     if (!$input->isInteractive()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('--interactive cannot be used in non-interactive terminals.');
     $requires = array_merge($composer->getPackage()->getRequires(), $composer->getPackage()->getDevRequires());
     $autocompleterValues = array();
     foreach ($requires as $require) {
         $autocompleterValues[strtolower($require->getTarget())] = $require->getTarget();
     $installedPackages = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getPackages();
     foreach ($installedPackages as $package) {
         $autocompleterValues[$package->getName()] = $package->getPrettyName();
     $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
     $question = new Question('<comment>Enter package name: </comment>', null);
     $io->writeError('<info>Press enter without value to end submission</info>');
     do {
         $autocompleterValues = array_diff($autocompleterValues, $packages);
         $addedPackage = $helper->ask($input, $output, $question);
         if (!is_string($addedPackage) || empty($addedPackage)) {
         $addedPackage = strtolower($addedPackage);
         if (!in_array($addedPackage, $packages)) {
             $packages[] = $addedPackage;
     } while (true);
     $packages = array_filter($packages);
     if (!$packages) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must enter minimum one package.');
     $table = new Table($output);
     $table->setHeaders(array('Selected packages'));
     foreach ($packages as $package) {
     if ($io->askConfirmation(sprintf('Would you like to continue and update the above package%s [<comment>yes</comment>]? ', 1 === count($packages) ? '' : 's'), true)) {
         return $packages;
     throw new \RuntimeException('Installation aborted.');
  * Create the database schema if needed
  * @param IOInterface $io       Composer's IO interface
  * @param string      $host     The database host
  * @param string      $username The username for the MySQL user
  * @param string      $password The password for the MySQL user
  * @param string      $database The name of the database
 private static function createDatabase(IOInterface $io, $host, $username, $password, $database)
     $io->write(" Connecting to MySQL database {$database}@{$host}");
     $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $host . ';charset=UTF8';
     $pdo = new \PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
     $statement = $pdo->prepare("USE `{$database}`");
     $status = $statement->execute();
     $errors = $statement->errorInfo();
     // Throw an exception on error for any query that will be sent next
     $pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
     // 1049 is the error code thrown when the database doesn't exist, but
     // the MySQL user has the privilege to see it
     if ($errors[1] == 1049) {
         $answer = $io->askConfirmation(" <fg=green>The {$database} database doesn't exist. Would you like to have it created? (yes/no)</> [<comment>yes</comment>]\n > ", true);
         if ($answer) {
             $pdo->query("CREATE DATABASE `{$database}` COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci");
             $pdo->query("USE `{$database}`");
             $io->write(" <fg=green>New database created</>");
         } else {
             return false;
     } elseif (!$status) {
         throw new \Exception("Unable to connect to database: " . $errors[2]);
     // If the database is empty, fill it
     if ($pdo->query('SHOW TABLES')->rowCount() === 0) {
         $io->write(" <fg=green>Creating database schema...</> ", false);
         $sqlPath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../migrations/' . 'DATABASE.sql');
     return true;
  * Merges the dist gitignore to the project’s one
  * @param  IOInterface $io
  * @param  string $destination Absolute path to target .gitignore
 private static function verifyGitignore(IOInterface $io, $destination)
     $source = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/dist/gitignore';
     if (is_file($destination)) {
         // do not consider commented or empty lines
         $parseLines = function ($file) {
             $lines = file($file);
             $lines = array_filter($lines, function ($line) {
                 return !preg_match('/^(#|\\s*$)/', $line);
             $lines = array_map('trim', $lines);
             return $lines;
         $lines = $parseLines($source);
         $existings = $parseLines($destination);
         $missings = array_diff($lines, $existings);
         if (!empty($missings)) {
             $io->write(sprintf('<info>%s</info> is missing those lines:', str_replace(getcwd() . '/', '', $destination)));
             foreach ($missings as $missing) {
                 $io->write('  • ' . $missing);
             if ($io->askConfirmation('Would you like to add them ? (y/N) ', false)) {
                 $io->write(sprintf('Adding <info>%s</info> lines to gitignore.', count($missings)));
                 file_put_contents($destination, PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $missings) . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
     } else {
         // do not prompt, add file automatically
         $io->write(sprintf('Installing default <info>%s</info>.', str_replace(getcwd() . '/', '', $destination)));
         copy($source, $destination);
  * @param IOInterface $io
  * @param $parameters
  * @return bool
 private static function askConfirmation(IOInterface $io, $parameters)
     if (!$io->isInteractive()) {
         return true;
     $confirmation = $io->askConfirmation(sprintf('Do you want to create MySQL database \'%s\' and install Magento on it [Y,n]?', $parameters['db_name']), true);
     return $confirmation;