  * Map Child Resources
  * @return void
 private function _mapChildData()
     // do we have an array of child resources?
     if (isset($this->raw->children) && is_array($this->raw->children)) {
         // loop through each child resource and bind as a resource object
         foreach ($this->raw->children as $child) {
             $childResource = new Tables\Resource($this->_database);
             // add this child to
             array_push($this->record->children, $childResource);
  * Process the compose step
  * @return     void
 public function step_compose_process()
     // Initiate extended database class
     $row = new Resource($this->database);
     $row->load(Request::getInt('id', 0));
     if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
         throw new Exception($row->getError(), 500);
     $isNew = $row->id < 1 || substr($row->id, 0, 4) == '9999';
     $row->created = $row->created ? $row->created : Date::toSql();
     $row->created_by = $row->created_by ? $row->created_by : User::get('id');
     // Set status to "composing"
     if ($isNew) {
         $row->published = 2;
     } else {
         $row->published = $row->published ?: 2;
     $row->publish_up = $row->publish_up && $row->publish_up != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $row->publish_up : Date::toSql();
     $row->publish_down = $row->publish_down && $row->publish_down != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $row->publish_down : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $row->modified = Date::toSql();
     $row->modified_by = User::get('id');
     $row->access = $row->access ?: 0;
     $row->fulltxt = trim(preg_replace('/\\\\/', "%5C", $row->fulltxt));
     $row->introtext = String::truncate(strip_tags($row->fulltxt), 500);
     //$row->fulltxt   = $this->_txtAutoP($row->fulltxt, 1);
     // Get custom areas, add wrapper tags, and compile into fulltxt
     $type = new Type($this->database);
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'elements.php';
     $elements = new Elements(array(), $type->customFields);
     $schema = $elements->getSchema();
     $fields = array();
     if (is_object($schema)) {
         foreach ($schema->fields as $field) {
             $fields[$field->name] = $field;
     $nbtag = isset($_POST['nbtag']) ? $_POST['nbtag'] : array();
     $found = array();
     foreach ($nbtag as $tagname => $tagcontent) {
         $f = '';
         $row->fulltxt .= "\n" . '<nb:' . $tagname . '>';
         if (is_array($tagcontent)) {
             $c = count($tagcontent);
             $num = 0;
             foreach ($tagcontent as $key => $val) {
                 if (trim($val)) {
                 $row->fulltxt .= '<' . $key . '>' . trim($val) . '</' . $key . '>';
             if ($c == $num) {
                 $f = 'found';
         } else {
             $f = trim($tagcontent);
             if ($f) {
                 $row->fulltxt .= trim($tagcontent);
                 //(isset($fields[$tagname]) && $fields[$tagname]->type == 'textarea') ? $this->_txtAutoP(trim($tagcontent), 1) : trim($tagcontent);
         $row->fulltxt .= '</nb:' . $tagname . '>' . "\n";
         if (!$f && isset($fields[$tagname]) && $fields[$tagname]->required) {
             $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_CONTRIBUTE_REQUIRED_FIELD_CHECK', $fields[$tagname]->label));
         $found[] = $tagname;
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!in_array($field->name, $found) && $field->required) {
             $found[] = $field->name;
             $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_CONTRIBUTE_REQUIRED_FIELD_CHECK', $field->label));
     $row->title = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $row->title);
     $row->title = $this->_txtClean($row->title);
     // Strip any scripting there may be
     if (trim($row->fulltxt)) {
         $row->fulltxt = \Components\Resources\Helpers\Html::stripStyles($row->fulltxt);
         $row->fulltxt = $this->_txtClean($row->fulltxt);
         //$row->fulltxt   = $this->_txtAutoP($row->fulltxt, 1);
         $row->footertext = $this->_txtClean($row->footertext);
     // Check content
     if (!$row->check()) {
     // Fall back to step if any errors found
     if ($this->getError()) {
         $this->view->step = $this->step;
     // reset id
     if ($isNew) {
         $row->id = null;
     // Store new content
     if (!$row->store()) {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('Error: Failed to store changes.'));
         $this->view->step = $this->step;
     // build path to temp upload folder and future permanent folder
     $session = App::get('session');
     $created = Date::format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
     $oldPath = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->config->get('uploadpath', '/site/resources'), DS) . Html::build_path($created, $session->get('resources_temp_id'), '');
     $newPath = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->config->get('uploadpath', '/site/resources'), DS) . Html::build_path($row->created, $row->id, '');
     // if we have a temp dir, move it to permanent location
     if (is_dir($oldPath)) {
         \Filesystem::move($oldPath, $newPath);
         $old = DS . $session->get('resources_temp_id') . DS;
         $new = DS . $row->id . DS;
         // update all images in abstract
         $row->introtext = str_replace($old, $new, $row->introtext);
         $row->fulltxt = str_replace($old, $new, $row->fulltxt);
         // clear temp id
     // Checkin the resource
     // Is it a new resource?
     if ($isNew) {
         // Get the resource ID
         if (!$row->id) {
             $row->id = $row->insertid();
         // Automatically attach this user as the first author
         Request::setVar('pid', $row->id);
         Request::setVar('id', $row->id);
         Request::setVar('authid', User::get('id'));
         include_once __DIR__ . DS . 'authors.php';
         $authors = new Authors();
  * Checks in a checked-out resource and redirects
  * @return     void
 public function cancelTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     // Incoming
     $id = Request::getInt('id', 0);
     $pid = Request::getInt('pid', 0);
     // Checkin the resource
     $row = new Resource($this->database);
     // Redirect
  * Save an attachment
  * @return     void
 public function saveTask()
     if (Request::getVar('no_html', 0)) {
         return $this->ajaxUploadTask();
     // Incoming
     $pid = Request::getInt('pid', 0);
     if (!$pid) {
     // Incoming file
     $file = Request::getVar('upload', '', 'files', 'array');
     if (!$file['name']) {
     // Make the filename safe
     $file['name'] = \Filesystem::clean($file['name']);
     // Ensure file names fit.
     $ext = \Filesystem::extension($file['name']);
     $file['name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $file['name']);
     if (strlen($file['name']) > 230) {
         $file['name'] = substr($file['name'], 0, 230);
         $file['name'] .= '.' . $ext;
     // Instantiate a new resource object
     $row = new Resource($this->database);
     if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
     $row->title = $row->title ? $row->title : $file['name'];
     $row->introtext = $row->title;
     $row->created = Date::toSql();
     $row->created_by = User::get('id');
     $row->published = 1;
     $row->publish_up = Date::toSql();
     $row->publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $row->standalone = 0;
     $row->path = '';
     // make sure no path is specified just yet
     // Check content
     if (!$row->check()) {
     // File already exists
     if ($row->loadByFile($file['name'], $pid)) {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('A file with this name and type appears to already exist.'));
     // Store new content
     if (!$row->store()) {
     if (!$row->id) {
         $row->id = $row->insertid();
     // Build the path
     $listdir = $this->_buildPathFromDate($row->created, $row->id, '');
     $path = $this->_buildUploadPath($listdir, '');
     // Make sure the upload path exist
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         if (!\Filesystem::makeDirectory($path)) {
     // Perform the upload
     if (!\Filesystem::upload($file['tmp_name'], $path . DS . $file['name'])) {
     } else {
         // File was uploaded
         // Check the file type
         $row->type = $this->_getChildType($file['name']);
         // If it's a package (ZIP, etc) ...
         			Breeze presentations haven't been used for some time.
         			Completely unnecessary code?
         			if ($row->type == 38)
         				require_once(PATH_CORE . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'pcl' . DS . 'pclzip.lib.php');
         				if (!extension_loaded('zlib'))
         					// Check the table of contents and look for a Breeze viewer.swf file
         					$isbreeze = 0;
         					$zip = new PclZip($path . DS . $file['name']);
         					$file_to_unzip = preg_replace('/(.+)\..*$/', '$1', $path . DS . $file['name']);
         					if (($list = $zip->listContent()) == 0)
         						die('Error: '.$zip->errorInfo(true));
         					for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($list); $i++)
         						if (substr($list[$i]['filename'], strlen($list[$i]['filename']) - 10, strlen($list[$i]['filename'])) == 'viewer.swf')
         							$isbreeze = $list[$i]['filename'];
         						//$this->setError(substr($list[$i]['filename'], strlen($list[$i]['filename']), -4).' '.substr($file['name'], strlen($file['name']), -4));
         					if (!$isbreeze)
         						for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($list); $i++)
         							if (strtolower(substr($list[$i]['filename'], -3)) == 'swf'
         							 && substr($list[$i]['filename'], strlen($list[$i]['filename']), -4) == substr($file['name'], strlen($file['name']), -4))
         								$isbreeze = $list[$i]['filename'];
         							//$this->setError(substr($list[$i]['filename'], strlen($list[$i]['filename']), -4).' '.substr($file['name'], strlen($file['name']), -4));
         					// It IS a breeze presentation
         					if ($isbreeze)
         						// unzip the file
         						$do = $zip->extract($path);
         						if (!$do)
         							$row->path = $listdir . DS . $isbreeze;
         							@unlink($path . DS . $file['name']);
         						$row->type = $this->_getChildType($row->path);
         						$row->title = $isbreeze;
     // Scan for viruses
     $fpath = $path . DS . $file['name'];
     if (!\Filesystem::isSafe($fpath)) {
         if (\Filesystem::delete($fpath)) {
             // Delete associations to the resource
             // Delete resource
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('File rejected because the anti-virus scan failed.'));
     if (!$row->path) {
         $row->path = $listdir . DS . $file['name'];
     $row->path = ltrim($row->path, DS);
     // Store new content
     if (!$row->store()) {
     // Instantiate a Resources Assoc object
     $assoc = new Assoc($this->database);
     // Get the last child in the ordering
     $assoc->ordering = $assoc->getLastOrder($pid);
     $assoc->ordering = $assoc->ordering ? $assoc->ordering : 0;
     // Increase the ordering - new items are always last
     // Create new parent/child association
     $assoc->parent_id = $pid;
     $assoc->child_id = $row->id;
     $assoc->grouping = 0;
     if (!$assoc->check()) {
     if (!$assoc->store(true)) {
     } else {
         if (is_readable($path . DS . $file['name'])) {
             $hash = @sha1_file($path . DS . $file['name']);
             if (!empty($hash)) {
                 $this->database->setQuery('SELECT id FROM `#__document_text_data` WHERE hash = \'' . $hash . '\'');
                 if (!($doc_id = $this->database->loadResult())) {
                     $this->database->execute('INSERT INTO `#__document_text_data` (hash) VALUES (\'' . $hash . '\')');
                     $doc_id = $this->database->insertId();
                 $this->database->execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__document_resource_rel` (document_id, resource_id) VALUES (' . (int) $doc_id . ', ' . (int) $row->id . ')');
                 system('/usr/bin/textifier ' . escapeshellarg($path . DS . $file['name']) . ' >/dev/null');
     // Push through to the attachments view