  * Save a reply
  * @return  void
 public function savereplyTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     // Is the user logged in?
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         return $this->loginTask();
     // Incoming
     $questionID = Request::getVar('rid');
     $comment = Request::getVar('comment', array(), 'post', 'none', 2);
     // clean input
     array_walk($comment, function (&$field, $key) {
         $field = \Hubzero\Utility\Sanitize::clean($field);
     if (!$comment['item_id']) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_ERROR_QUESTION_ID_NOT_FOUND'));
     $row = Comment::oneOrNew($comment['id'])->set($comment);
     // Perform some text cleaning, etc.
     $row->set('anonymous', $row->get('anonymous') ? 1 : 0);
     $row->set('created', Date::toSql());
     $row->set('state', 0);
     $row->set('created_by', User::get('id'));
     // Save the data
     if (!$row->save()) {
         App::abort(500, $row->getError());
     // For email
     // Load question
     $question = Question::oneOrFail($questionID);
     // Build the "from" info
     $from = array('email' => Config::get('mailfrom'), 'name' => Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_ANSWERS'), 'multipart' => md5(date('U')));
     // Build the message subject
     $subject = Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_ANSWERS') . ', ' . Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_QUESTION') . ' #' . $question->get('id') . ' ' . Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_RESPONSE');
     $message = array();
     // Plain text message
     $eview = new \Hubzero\Mail\View(array('name' => 'emails', 'layout' => 'response_plaintext'));
     $eview->option = $this->_option;
     $eview->sitename = Config::get('sitename');
     $eview->question = $question;
     $eview->row = $row;
     $eview->boundary = $from['multipart'];
     $message['plaintext'] = $eview->loadTemplate();
     $message['plaintext'] = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message['plaintext']);
     // HTML message
     $message['multipart'] = $eview->loadTemplate();
     $message['multipart'] = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message['multipart']);
     // ---
     $authorid = $question->get('created_by');
     $receivers = $this->recipients();
     // send the response, unless the author is also in the admin list.
     if (!in_array($authorid, $receivers) && $question->get('email')) {
         if (!Event::trigger('xmessage.onSendMessage', array('answers_reply_comment', $subject, $message, $from, array($authorid), $this->_option))) {
     // admin emails
     if (!empty($receivers)) {
         if (!Event::trigger('xmessage.onSendMessage', array('new_answer_admin', $subject, $message, $from, $receivers, $this->_option))) {
     // Log activity
     $recipients = array($question->get('created_by'));
     $recipients[] = $row->get('created_by');
     if ($row->get('parent')) {
         $recipients[] = $row->parent()->get('created_by');
     } else {
         $response = Response::oneOrFail($row->get('item_id'));
         $recipients[] = $response->get('created_by');
     $recipients = $this->recipients($recipients);
     Event::trigger('system.logActivity', ['activity' => ['action' => $comment['id'] ? 'updated' : 'created', 'scope' => 'question.answer.comment', 'scope_id' => $row->get('id'), 'anonymous' => $row->get('anonymous', 0), 'description' => Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_' . ($comment['id'] ? 'UPDATED' : 'CREATED'), '<a href="' . Route::url($question->link()) . '">' . $question->get('subject') . '</a>'), 'details' => array('title' => $question->get('title'), 'url' => $question->link())], 'recipients' => $recipients]);
     App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&task=question&id=' . $questionID));
  * Save a reply
  * @return  void
 public function savereplyTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     // Is the user logged in?
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         return $this->loginTask();
     // Incoming
     $questionID = Request::getVar('rid');
     $comment = Request::getVar('comment', array(), 'post', 'none', 2);
     // clean input
     array_walk($comment, function (&$field, $key) {
         $field = \Hubzero\Utility\Sanitize::clean($field);
     if (!$comment['item_id']) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_ERROR_QUESTION_ID_NOT_FOUND'));
     $row = Comment::oneOrNew($comment['id'])->set($comment);
     // Perform some text cleaning, etc.
     $row->set('anonymous', $row->get('anonymous') ? 1 : 0);
     $row->set('created', Date::toSql());
     $row->set('state', 0);
     $row->set('created_by', User::get('id'));
     // Save the data
     if (!$row->save()) {
         throw new Exception($row->getError(), 500);
     // For email
     // Load question
     $question = Question::oneOrFail($questionID);
     // Get users who need to be notified on updates
     $apu = $this->config->get('notify_users', '');
     $apu = explode(',', $apu);
     $apu = array_map('trim', $apu);
     $receivers = array();
     // Build the "from" info
     $from = array('email' => Config::get('mailfrom'), 'name' => Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_ANSWERS'), 'multipart' => md5(date('U')));
     // Build the message subject
     $subject = Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_ANSWERS') . ', ' . Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_QUESTION') . ' #' . $question->get('id') . ' ' . Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_RESPONSE');
     $message = array();
     // Plain text message
     $eview = new \Hubzero\Mail\View(array('name' => 'emails', 'layout' => 'response_plaintext'));
     $eview->option = $this->_option;
     $eview->sitename = Config::get('sitename');
     $eview->question = $question;
     $eview->row = $row;
     $eview->boundary = $from['multipart'];
     $message['plaintext'] = $eview->loadTemplate();
     $message['plaintext'] = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message['plaintext']);
     // HTML message
     $message['multipart'] = $eview->loadTemplate();
     $message['multipart'] = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message['multipart']);
     // ---
     $authorid = $question->get('created_by');
     $apu = $this->config->get('notify_users', '');
     $apu = explode(',', $apu);
     $apu = array_map('trim', $apu);
     $receivers = array();
     if (!empty($apu)) {
         foreach ($apu as $u) {
             $user = User::getInstance($u);
             if ($user) {
                 $receivers[] = $user->get('id');
         $receivers = array_unique($receivers);
     // send the response, unless the author is also in the admin list.
     if (!in_array($authorid, $receivers) && $question->get('email')) {
         if (!Event::trigger('xmessage.onSendMessage', array('answers_reply_comment', $subject, $message, $from, array($authorid), $this->_option))) {
     // admin emails
     if (!empty($receivers)) {
         if (!Event::trigger('xmessage.onSendMessage', array('new_answer_admin', $subject, $message, $from, $receivers, $this->_option))) {
     App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&task=question&id=' . $questionID));