public static function getBlind($id) { /*$html = '<div class="catalog_blocks">';*/ $blinds = BlindCatid::find()->where(['id_cat' => $id])->all(); $html = ''; foreach ($blinds as $bl) { $product = Blind::find()->where(['id' => $bl->id_blind])->one(); //Debag::prn($product); $html .= '<div class="product"> <a href="#">' . $product->name . '</a> <div class="info"> <span></span> <div class="hint"> ' . $product->description . ' </div> </div> </div>'; } /*$html .= '</div>';*/ return $html; }
/** * Updates an existing Blind model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id * @return mixed */ public function actionUpdate($id) { $blind = Blind::find()->where(['id' => $id])->one(); $model = new BlindForm(); $model->name = $blind->name; $model->status = $blind->status; $model->description = $blind->description; $model->tab = $blind->tab; $cat = BlindCatid::find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all(); $blindMaterialHeader = BlindMaterials::find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all(); //Debag::prn($_POST); foreach ($cat as $c) { $arr_catid[$c->id_cat] = ['selected ' => 'selected']; } $media = Media::find()->orderBy('id DESC')->all(); $supples = BlindIdmaterials::find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all(); foreach ($supples as $supl) { $arr_supl[$supl->id_materials] = ['selected ' => 'selected']; } $materials = \backend\modules\supplies\models\Supplies::find()->all(); foreach ($materials as $v) { $arr_materials[$v->id] = $v->code; } $arr_cat = CategoryTree::getTreeSelect(0); unset($arr_cat[0]); $blImg = new BlindImg(); $imgages = $blImg->find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all(); $addMaterials = \common\classes\Supplies::getAddSupplies(); if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate()) { $blind->name = $model->name; $blind->status = $model->status; $blind->description = $model->description; $blind->tab = $model->tab; $blind->save(); $delBmt = new BlindMaterials(); $delBmt->deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]); if (isset($_POST['blindTitle'])) { foreach ($_POST['blindTitle'] as $bt) { $arrBt = explode('*', $bt); $bmt = new BlindMaterials(); $bmt->id_blind = $blind->id; $bmt->id_materials = $arrBt[0]; $bmt->title = $arrBt[1]; $bmt->save(); } } $cat = BlindCatid::deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]); foreach ($model->categories as $cat) { $blindCatId = new BlindCatid(); $blindCatId->id_blind = $blind->id; $blindCatId->id_cat = $cat; $blindCatId->save(); } $blindImg = new BlindImg(); $cat = $blindImg->deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]); if (!empty($_POST['blind_image'])) { foreach ($_POST['blind_image'] as $img) { $blindImg = new BlindImg(); $imgarr = explode('*', $img); $blindImg->id_blind = $blind->id; $blindImg->images = $imgarr[0]; $blindImg->main = $imgarr[1]; $blindImg->save(); } } $cat = BlindIdmaterials::deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]); if (!empty($model->materials)) { foreach ($model->materials as $mat) { $blindMat = new BlindIdmaterials(); $blindMat->id_blind = $blind->id; $blindMat->id_materials = $mat; $blindMat->save(); } } //Debag::prn($_POST['infoPage']); $zag = PageToBlind::find()->where(['id_blind' => $blind->id])->all(); foreach ($zag as $v) { PageBlinds::deleteAll(['id' => $v->id_pages]); } PageToBlind::deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]); if (isset($_POST['infoPage'])) { foreach ($_POST['infoPage'] as $v) { $input = explode('*', $v); $s = str_replace('_', ' ', $input[0]); $pb = PageBlinds::find()->where(['name' => $s])->one(); if (empty($pb->id)) { $pb = new PageBlinds(); $pb->name = $s; $pb->save(); } //$pb->name = $input[0]; //$pb->save(); unset($input[0]); $del = PageToBlind::deleteAll(['id_pages' => $pb->id]); $ptb = new PageToBlind(); $ptb->id_pages = $pb->id; $ptb->id_blind = $blind->id; $ptb->save(); $cat = PageItem::deleteAll(['id_page' => $pb->id]); foreach ($input as $in) { //Debag::prn($in); $pageItem = new PageItem(); $item = explode('_', $in); if ($item[1] == 'materials') { $pageItem->id_page = $pb->id; $pageItem->id_item = $item[0]; $pageItem->item_type = 'materials'; } else { $pageTitle = PageForTitle::find()->where(['title' => $item[0]])->one(); if (empty($pageTitle->id)) { $pageTitle = new PageForTitle(); $pageTitle->title = $item[0]; $pageTitle->save(); } /*$pageTitle = new PageForTitle(); $pageTitle->title = $item[0]; $pageTitle->save();*/ $pageItem->id_page = $pb->id; $pageItem->id_item = $pageTitle->id; $pageItem->item_type = 'zagolovok'; } $pageItem->id_blind = $blind->id; $pageItem->save(); } } } else { } return $this->redirect(['update', 'id' => $blind->id]); } else { return $this->render('update', ['model' => $model, 'categories' => $arr_cat, 'catselect' => $arr_catid, 'materials' => $arr_materials, 'materialselect' => $arr_supl, 'media' => $media, 'img' => $imgages, 'bmt' => $blindMaterialHeader, 'blind' => $blind, 'addMat' => $addMaterials]); } }
</h1> <?php // echo $this->render('_search', ['model' => $searchModel]); ?> <p> <?php echo Html::a('Создать', ['create'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success']); ?> </p> <?php echo GridView::widget(['dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'filterModel' => $searchModel, 'columns' => [['class' => 'yii\\grid\\SerialColumn'], ['attribute' => 'name', 'format' => 'html', 'value' => function ($model) { return "<div>{$model->name}</div>"; }], ['class' => DataColumn::className(), 'header' => 'Раздел', 'format' => 'html', 'value' => function ($model) { $cat = \common\models\BlindCatid::find()->where(['id_blind' => $model->id])->all(); $title = '<ul>'; foreach ($cat as $c) { $catObj = \backend\modules\category\models\Category::find()->where(['id' => $c->id_cat])->one(); $title .= "<li>" . $catObj->name . "</li>"; } $title .= "</ul>"; return $title; }], ['attribute' => 'status', 'format' => 'text', 'value' => function ($model) { if ($model->status == 1) { return 'Опубликовано'; } else { return 'Не опубликовано'; } }], ['class' => DataColumn::className(), 'header' => 'Цена', 'format' => 'html', 'value' => function ($model) { $page2BlindID = PageToBlind::find()->where(['id_blind' => $model->id])->all();
public static function getCountItems($id, $num) { $cat = Categories::find()->where(['id' => $id])->one(); $count = $cat->count_product; $blinds = BlindCatid::find()->where(['id_cat' => $id])->offset($num * $count)->orderBy('id_blind DESC')->all(); //Debag::prn($count); //Debag::prn(count($blinds)); if (count($blinds) <= $count) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }