private function set_attributes() { $groups = []; $columns = TbColumn::find()->where('fdTableID = :table_id', [':table_id' => $this->table->id])->all(); $i = 0; foreach ($columns as $column) { switch ($column->fdDataType) { case 1: $this->timeline_column = $column; if ($column->fdSearchType > 0) { $this->search_columns[] = $column; } break; case 2: $this->groups[] = $column->fdName; break; case 3: $this->search_columns[] = $column; break; default: break; } if ($column->fdChartDisplay && $column->fdDataType == '0') { $this->chart_show_arr[] = $column->fdName; $this->chart_show_columns[$column->fdName] = $column; } if ($column->fdTableDisplay) { $this->table_show_arr[] = $column->fdName; $this->table_show_columns[$column->fdName] = $column; $format_key = $i; $format_value = $column->fdFormatter; $this->format_group[$format_key] = $format_value; $i++; } if ($column->fdOrderType > 0) { $this->order_group[$column->fdName] = 1; if ($column->fdOrderType > 1) { $this->order_column = $column; } } } }
<th>数据类型</th> <th>搜索类型</th> <th>下拉列表</th> <th>是否排序</th> <th>图表显示</th> <th>表格显示</th> <th>显示格式</th> <th>操作</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($datas as $data) { ?> <?php $column = TbColumn::find()->where('fdTableID = :table_id and fdName = :name', [':table_id' => $table->id, ':name' => $data['Field']])->one(); ?> <?php if (!$column) { $column = new TbColumn(); $column->fdName = $data['Field']; } ?> <tr> <td class="column_id"><?php echo isset($column->id) ? $column->id : 'null'; ?> </td> <td class="column_name"><?php echo $column->fdName; ?>
echo Url::base(); ?> /js/echarts/dist/echarts-all.js"></script> <?php foreach ($menu->tables as $table) { ?> <div> <form class="form-inline" role="form"> <div> <div style="float: left;"> <?php //生成搜索框组 echo Html::hiddenInput('table_id', $table->id); echo Html::hiddenInput('order_column', '', ['class' => 'order_column']); echo Html::hiddenInput('order_type', 'desc', ['class' => 'order_type']); $columns = TbColumn::find()->where('fdTableID = :table_id and (fdSearchType > 1 or (fdSearchType = 1 and fdSelectID > 0))', [':table_id' => $table->id])->all(); foreach ($columns as $column) { switch ($column->fdSearchType) { case 1: echo '<div class="form-group">'; echo "<label>{$column->fdDesc}</label> "; echo Html::dropDownList($column->fdName, '', Dictionary::getSelectItem($column->fdSelectID), ['class' => 'form-control', 'style' => 'width: auto;']); echo '</div>'; break; case 2: echo '<div class="form-group">'; echo "<label>{$column->fdDesc}</label> "; echo Html::textInput($column->fdName, '', ['class' => 'form-control', 'style' => 'width: auto;', 'placeholder' => $column->fdDesc]); echo '</div>'; break; case 3:
public function actionDeleteColumn() { $column_id = 0 + \Yii::$app->request->post('id', ''); TbColumn::deleteAll("id = {$column_id}"); echo json_encode(['code' => 0, 'msg' => '请求操作成功']); }