  * Creates data provider instance with search query applied
  * @param array $params
  * @return ActiveDataProvider
 public function search($params)
     $query = Category::find();
     // Подзапрос для получения количества статей в категориях и возможности сортировки по этому параметру
     $subQuery = Post::find()->select('category_id, count(id) as post_count')->groupBy('category_id');
     $query->leftJoin(['postsNum' => $subQuery], 'postsNum.category_id = id');
     $query->select('{{%category}}.*, postsNum.post_count');
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
      * Setup your sorting attributes
      * Note: This is setup before the $this->load($params)
      * statement below
     $dataProvider->setSort(['attributes' => ['id', 'parent_id', 'name', 'url', 'category_art', 'add_method', 'postCount' => ['asc' => ['postsNum.post_count' => SORT_ASC], 'desc' => ['postsNum.post_count' => SORT_DESC], 'label' => 'Order Name']]]);
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails
         // $query->where('0=1');
         return $dataProvider;
     // filter by order amount
     $query->andFilterWhere(['postsNum.post_count' => $this->postCount]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'parent_id' => $this->parent_id, 'post_num' => $this->post_num, 'category_art' => $this->category_art]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'name', $this->name])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'url', $this->url])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'icon', $this->icon])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'description', $this->description])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'meta_title', $this->meta_title])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'meta_descr', $this->meta_descr])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'meta_keywords', $this->meta_keywords])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'post_sort', $this->post_sort])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'short_view', $this->short_view])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'full_view', $this->full_view])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'header', $this->header])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'footer', $this->footer])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'header', $this->add_method]);
     return $dataProvider;
  * Возвращает список всех категорий статей
  * Обращение к БД происходит только при первом вызове метода. Результат записывается в params.
  * При последующих вызовах метода, результат берется из свойства params.
  * @return array Список категорий в виде массива, индексированного по id категории
 public static function getCategories()
     if (!isset(Yii::$app->params['categories']) || empty(Yii::$app->params['categories'])) {
         // Получаем из базы все категории и переиндексируем по ID
         Yii::$app->params['categories'] = ArrayHelper::index(Category::find()->asArray()->all(), 'id');
     return Yii::$app->params['categories'];
  * Finds the Category model based on its primary key value.
  * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
  * @param string $id
  * @return Category the loaded model
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
 protected function findModel($id)
     if (($model = Category::findOne($id)) !== null) {
         return $model;
     } else {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
文件: Post.php 项目: bessonov87/bw
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getCategory()
     return $this->hasOne(Category::className(), ['id' => 'category_id']);