public function _initialize() { parent::_initialize(); //检查管理员登录 $this->check_admin(); $this->assign('admin_user', $this->admin_user); }
/** * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_initialize(); $this->_currentPostion(); $this->_currentUser(); $this->customConfig(); }
/** * 构造函数,验证用户是否登陆 */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (!session('userid')) { $this->redirect('Backend/Login/index'); } $this->cname = cookie('cname'); $this->username = cookie('username'); }
/** * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_initialize(); $this->_currentPostion(); $this->_currentUser(); $this->_recordCurrentPage(); // $this->customConfig(); C('TMPL_CACHE_ON', false); }
protected function display($templateFile = '', $charset = '', $contentType = '', $content = '', $prefix = '') { if (!$templateFile) { $templateFile = strtolower(CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME); } // TODO white_list 数据库得出可以显示的CONTROLLER_NAME if ($this->iswap) { $templateFile = 'wap/' . $templateFile; } parent::display($templateFile); }
protected function _initialize() { parent::_initialize(); //TODO:只获取全局通用的配置 $this->getConfig(); $seo = array('title' => C('WEBSITE_TITLE'), 'keywords' => C('WEBSITE_KEYWORDS'), 'description' => C('WEBSITE_DESCRIPTION')); $cfg = array('owner' => C('WEBSITE_OWNER'), 'statisticalcode' => C('WEBSITE_STATISTICAL_CODE'), 'theme' => getSkin(C('DEFAULT_SKIN'))); //若是晚上 则固定为darkly样式 if (isNight()) { $cfg['theme'] = "darkly"; } // $this->assignVars($seo, $cfg); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->showNav = true; if (session('companyid') <= 0) { //校验是否传入自动登录码 $companyId = I('companyId', 0); $chkloginstr = I('chkloginstr'); if (generateEncrypt($companyId) == $chkloginstr) { session('companyid', $companyId); } } if (session('companyid') <= 0) { $this->redirect('/Company/Index/index'); } if (CONTROLLER_NAME != 'Emailvalid') { $companyInfo = D('Company')->where(array('id' => session('companyid')))->find(); if ($companyInfo['emailstatus'] != 1) { $this->redirect('/Company/Emailvalid/emailvalidpage'); } } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
/** * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // $this->customConfig(); }
/** * Home模块基础类控制器构造 */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // $this->customConfig(); $this->themeConfig(); }
public function ajaxError($data) { parent::ajaxReturn(['status' => -1, 'message' => '失败', 'data' => $data]); }
/** * 微信方法 */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->employees = array('ouTetjpJvbB3o43-WzskTlKfHReQ' => 'VrWorking!'); if (!array_key_exists('signature', $_GET) || !array_key_exists('nonce', $_GET) || !array_key_exists('timestamp', $_GET)) { // 外部调用微信方法API ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 外部调用微信处理必备四个固定参数 method, time, ver, hash if (!array_key_exists('method', $_GET)) { echo json_encode($this->_err[1000]); exit; } // check input params if (I('hash') == '') { echo json_encode($this->_err[1000]); exit; } if (strcmp($this->_version, I('ver')) != 0) { echo json_encode($this->_err[1001]); exit; } // verify params $params['method'] = I('method'); $params['time'] = I('time'); $params['ver'] = I('ver'); if (!$this->verifyHash(I('hash'), $params)) { echo json_encode($this->_err[1003]); exit; } // 业务参数检查 if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]{2,}[a-zA-Z-]+[a-zA-Z]{2,}\$/", $params['method']) == false) { echo json_encode($this->_err[1001]); exit; } $str = explode('-', $params['method']); if (count($str) == 1) { $params['method'] = 'api' . strtoupper(substr($params['method'], 0, 1)) . substr($params['method'], 1); } else { foreach ($str as $k => $v) { if (strlen($v) > 0) { $str[$k] = strtoupper(substr($v, 0, 1)) . substr($v, 1); } } $params['method'] = 'api' . implode('', $str); } unset($str); $this->getWechatToken(); // init wechat token // auto fire method if (method_exists($this, $params['method'])) { call_user_func(array(get_class($this), $params['method'])); } exit; } else { // 微信服务器回调方法API //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // valid message tt(array('unique_id' => 1, 'comment' => 'WX_GET:' . json_encode($_GET))); tt(array('unique_id' => 2, 'comment' => 'WX_HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA:' . json_encode($GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]))); $tmpArr = array(self::MY_TOKEN, I('get.timestamp'), I('get.nonce')); sort($tmpArr, SORT_STRING); // 微信2014-03-04更正 $tmpStr = implode('', $tmpArr); $tmpStr = sha1($tmpStr); if ($tmpStr == I('get.signature')) { if (isset($_GET['echostr'])) { echo I('get.echostr'); // 来自微信的主动验证,直接返回 echostr 内容即可 tt(array('unique_id' => 3, 'comment' => '微信主动验证OK')); exit; } } else { tt(array('unique_id' => 4, 'comment' => 'signature ER: ' . $tmpStr . ' != ' . I('get.signature'))); exit; } // get message content $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; if (empty($postStr)) { exit; } // 解析消息 $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $openID = (string) $postObj->FromUserName; // 发送方的openid $serviceID = (string) $postObj->ToUserName; // 服务号 $msgType = (string) $postObj->MsgType; // 消息类型 text event $content = (string) trim($postObj->Content); $wxCreateTime = (int) $postObj->CreateTime; // 过滤垃圾微信的事件通知 $cacheFilter = F('WX_FILTER_' . date('Ymd')); if ($cacheFilter === false) { $cacheFilter = array(); $cacheFilter[$openID]['event'] = ''; $cacheFilter[$openID]['msg'] = ''; $cacheFilter[$openID]['time'] = $wxCreateTime; } else { if (array_key_exists($openID, $cacheFilter)) { $lastCreateTime = (int) $cacheFilter[$openID]['time']; $lastEvent = (string) $cacheFilter[$openID]['event']; $lastMsg = (string) $cacheFilter[$openID]['msg']; if (strtolower($msgType) == 'event') { $event = strtolower((string) trim($postObj->EventKey)); if ($lastEvent == $event && $lastCreateTime == $wxCreateTime) { // 微信连续push相同的事件,忽略 echo ''; exit; } $cacheFilter[$openID]['event'] = $event; $cacheFilter[$openID]['msg'] = ''; $cacheFilter[$openID]['time'] = $wxCreateTime; } else { $msg = strtolower((string) trim($postObj->MsgId)); if ($lastMsg == $msg && $lastCreateTime == $wxCreateTime) { // 微信连续push相同的msg,忽略 echo ''; exit; } $cacheFilter[$openID]['event'] = ''; $cacheFilter[$openID]['msg'] = $msg; $cacheFilter[$openID]['time'] = $wxCreateTime; } } else { $cacheFilter[$openID]['msg'] = ''; $cacheFilter[$openID]['event'] = ''; $cacheFilter[$openID]['time'] = $wxCreateTime; } } F('WX_FILTER_' . date('Ymd'), $cacheFilter); $this->getWechatToken(); // init wechat token // 以下是业务处理 $this->recordOpenUser($openID); // 尝试记录用户信息 $userID = 0; $userToken = ''; $userMobile = '0'; $userCityID = 0; $userOS = 0; $checkUserBind = $this->checkUserBind($openID); // 检查此微信号是否绑定手机 if ($checkUserBind === false) { // unregist } else { $userID = $checkUserBind['user_id']; $userToken = $checkUserBind['user_token']; $userMobile = $checkUserBind['user_mobile']; $userCityID = $checkUserBind['city_id']; $userOS = $checkUserBind['os']; } $model = M(); // 内部员工 $this->isEmployee = array_key_exists($openID, $this->employees); switch (strtolower($msgType)) { case 'event': // 接收 -> 事件推送 $event = (string) trim($postObj->Event); switch (strtolower($event)) { case 'subscribe': // 关注动作 $this->doSubscribe($openID, $userID, $userMobile, $this->time); $params = '{"touser": "******", "msgtype": "text", "text": {"content": "' . $this->lang['SUBSCRIBE'] . '"}}'; $this->push($openID, $params); break; case 'unsubscribe': // 取消关注动作 $this->doUnsubscribe($openID); break; case 'location': // 地理位置信息(用户自动上报) $lng = trim($postObj->Longitude); $lat = trim($postObj->Latitude); $address = $this->geodecode($lng, $lat, $userOS == 1 ? 'amap' : 'baidu'); // 逆向地理编码 $this->recordLocate($lng, $lat, $address, $openID, $userID); break; case 'click': // 自定义菜单的点击事件 $eventKey = (string) trim($postObj->EventKey); // 这个是自定义菜单中定义的 switch (strtoupper($eventKey)) { case 'K_ORDER_ADD': // 我要代驾 if ($checkUserBind === false) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['UNBIND'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['UNBIND']); } else { // 使用一个图文消息回复 $urlTips = $this->buildAsfUrl($this->ANDAIJIA['config']['URL_MOBILE'] . 'wechat?', array('method' => 'tips', 'time' => $this->time, 'ver' => '1.0')); $urlTips .= '&o=' . urlencode($openID) . '&u=' . $userID; $textTpl = '<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[' . $openID . ']]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[' . $serviceID . ']]></FromUserName><CreateTime>' . $this->time . '</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[news]]></MsgType>'; $textTpl .= '<ArticleCount>1</ArticleCount>'; $textTpl .= '<Articles>'; $textTpl .= '<item>'; $textTpl .= '<Title><![CDATA[手工提交您的位置信息]]></Title>'; $textTpl .= '<Description><![CDATA[点击左下角键盘图标,点击 + 按钮,再点击【位置】按钮,地图上显示您的位置后,点击右上角的【发送】按钮,即可将您现在所处的位置发送给我们了~]]></Description>'; $textTpl .= '<PicUrl><![CDATA[' . $this->ANDAIJIA['config']['URL_STATIC'] . '/public/images/tips0.jpg]]></PicUrl>'; $textTpl .= '<Url><![CDATA[' . $urlTips . ']]></Url>'; $textTpl .= '</item>'; $textTpl .= '</Articles>'; $textTpl .= '</xml>'; echo $textTpl; /* 检查是否提交坐标 $rs = $model->query('SELECT record_id,lng,lat,address FROM record_wechat WHERE flag=1 AND direction=2 AND create_time>DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -15 MINUTE) AND user_id='.$userID.' AND open_id="'.$openID.'" AND `comment` IN("AUTO_LOCATION","MAN_LOCATION") ORDER BY record_id DESC'); if ($rs == null) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['NO_LOCATION'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['NO_LOCATION']); break; }; $lng = $rs[0]['lng']; $lat = $rs[0]['lat']; $address = $this->geodecode($lng, $lat, ($userOS==1?'amap':'baidu')); // 逆向地理编码 if ($address == -2) { $respText = str_replace('{City}', mb_substr($this->city, 0, 2, 'UTF-8'), $this->lang['SERVICE_UNAVAILABEL']); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $respText); break; }; if ($address == false || $address == '') { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['NO_ADDRESS'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['NO_ADDRESS']); break; }; $this->addReadyOrder($userID, $checkUserBind['user_token'], $userMobile, $lng, $lat, $address, $openID, $serviceID); */ } break; case 'K_BALANCE': // 我的账户 -> 回复文本消息 if ($checkUserBind === false) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['UNBIND'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['UNBIND']); } else { // 显示用户账户信息 $userBalance = $checkUserBind['user_balance']; if ((double) $userBalance > 0) { $userAccountText = str_replace('{UserBalance}', $userBalance, $this->lang['ACCOUNT_CHARGE']); } else { $userAccountText = $this->lang['ACCOUNT_CASH']; // 现金用户 } $userAgent = $checkUserBind['user_agent']; if ($userAgent > 0) { $agent = D('Agent'); $rs = $agent->find($userAgent); if ($rs == null) { } else { if ($rs['agent_type'] == 1) { if ((double) $userBalance > 0) { // 储值卡+后付费 $userAccountText = $this->lang['ACCOUNT_CHARGE_VIP']; $userAccountText = str_replace('{UserBalance}', $userBalance, $userAccountText); $userAccountText = str_replace('{VipName}', $rs['agent_name'], $userAccountText); } else { // 仅后付费 $userAccountText = $this->lang['ACCOUNT_VIP']; } } } } $userAccountText = str_replace('{UserMobile}', $userMobile, $userAccountText); // 显示用户等级 $userLevel = $checkUserBind['user_level']; $level = array('普通用户', '普通用户', '白银用户', '黄金用户', '钻石用户'); $userLevelText = str_replace('{UserLevel}', $level[$userLevel], $this->lang['LEVEL']); // 显示用户累计里程 $userScore = $checkUserBind['user_score']; if ((int) $userScore > 0) { $userScoreText = str_replace('{UserScore}', $userScore, $this->lang['SCORE_AMOUNT']); } else { $userScoreText = $this->lang['SCORE_EMPTY']; } //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$userAccountText.'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $userAccountText . "\n" . $userLevelText . "\n" . $userScoreText); } break; case 'K_COUPONS': // 我的抵用券 -> 回复文本消息 if ($checkUserBind === false) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['UNBIND'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['UNBIND']); } else { // 检查用户有没有抵用券 $couponData = D('CouponData'); $rs = $couponData->where(array('user_id' => $userID, 'open' => 0, 'coupon_state' => 0, 'coupon_times' => array('neq', 0), 'available_time' => array('gt', $this->date)))->order('available_time ASC')->select(); if ($rs == null) { $couponDataText = $this->lang['COUPON_EMPTY']; } else { $couponDataText = $this->lang['COUPON_LIST_HEAD']; $couponDataText = str_replace('{CouponCount}', count($rs), $couponDataText); $itemCashTpl = $this->lang['COUPON_LIST_ITEM_CASH']; $itemRangeTpl = $this->lang['COUPON_LIST_ITEM_RANGE']; $couponItemsArr = array(); foreach ($rs as $val) { $couponAmount = (int) $val['coupon_amount']; $couponDistance = (int) $val['coupon_distance']; $availableTime = substr($val['available_time'], 0, 10); if ($couponAmount > 0 && $couponDistance == 0) { $tItem = $itemCashTpl; $tItem = str_replace('{CouponAmount}', $couponAmount, $tItem); $tItem = str_replace('{AvailableTime}', $availableTime, $tItem); $couponItemsArr[] = $tItem; continue; } if ($couponAmount == 0 && $couponDistance > 0) { $tItem = $itemRangeTpl; $tItem = str_replace('{CouponDistance}', $couponDistance, $tItem); $tItem = str_replace('{AvailableTime}', $availableTime, $tItem); $couponItemsArr[] = $tItem; continue; } } if (count($couponItemsArr) > 0) { $couponDataText = str_replace('{Item}', "\n" . implode("\n", $couponItemsArr), $couponDataText); } else { $couponDataText = $this->lang['COUPON_EMPTY']; // 异常情况 } } //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$couponDataText.'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $couponDataText); } break; case 'K_ORDERS': // 我的订单 -> 回复图文消息 消息链接带有用户user id参数 if ($checkUserBind === false) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['UNBIND'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['UNBIND']); } else { $build = ''; $time = $this->time; $ver = '2.0'; $hash = md5($userID . $userToken . $build . $time . $ver . $this->HASH_STRING_SUFFIX); $url = $this->ANDAIJIA['config']['URL_MAIN'] . 'order/index/?user_id=' . $userID . '&user_token=' . $userToken . '&build=' . $build . '&time=' . $time . '&ver=' . $ver . '&hash=' . $hash; $result = Curl::get($url, 2); if ($result === false) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['ORDER_EMPTY'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['ORDER_EMPTY']); } else { $queryOrders = json_decode($result['result'], true); if (count($queryOrders) > 0) { // 使用一个图文消息回复 $urlOrderList = $this->buildAsfUrl($this->ANDAIJIA['config']['URL_MOBILE'] . 'wechat?', array('method' => 'order-list', 'time' => $this->time, 'ver' => '1.0')); $urlOrderList .= '&o=' . urlencode($openID) . '&u=' . $userID; $textTpl = '<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[' . $openID . ']]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[' . $serviceID . ']]></FromUserName><CreateTime>' . $this->time . '</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[news]]></MsgType>'; $textTpl .= '<ArticleCount>1</ArticleCount>'; $textTpl .= '<Articles>'; $textTpl .= '<item>'; $textTpl .= '<Title><![CDATA[' . $this->lang['MSG_ORDER_TITLE'] . ']]></Title>'; $desc = str_replace("{OrderCount}", count($queryOrders), $this->lang['MSG_ORDER_DESCRIPTION']); $textTpl .= '<Description><![CDATA[' . $desc . ']]></Description>'; $textTpl .= '<PicUrl><![CDATA[]]></PicUrl>'; $textTpl .= '<Url><![CDATA[' . $urlOrderList . ']]></Url>'; $textTpl .= '</item>'; $textTpl .= '</Articles>'; $textTpl .= '</xml>'; echo $textTpl; } else { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['ORDER_EMPTY'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['ORDER_EMPTY']); } } } break; case 'K_PRICE': // 价格表 -> 回复文本消息 // 检查是否提交坐标 $rs = $model->query('SELECT record_id,lng,lat,address FROM record_wechat WHERE flag=1 AND direction=2 AND create_time>DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -15 MINUTE) AND user_id=' . $userID . ' AND open_id="' . $openID . '" AND `comment` IN("AUTO_LOCATION","MAN_LOCATION") ORDER BY record_id DESC'); if ($rs == null) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['NO_LOCATION'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['NO_LOCATION']); return; } $lng = $rs[0]['lng']; $lat = $rs[0]['lat']; $address = $this->geodecode($lng, $lat, $userOS == 1 ? 'amap' : 'baidu'); // 逆向地理编码 if ($address == -2) { $priceText = str_replace('{City}', mb_substr($this->city, 0, 2, 'UTF-8'), $this->lang['SERVICE_UNAVAILABEL']); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $priceText); break; } if ($address == false || $address == '') { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['NO_ADDRESS'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['NO_ADDRESS']); return; } $openUserCity = mb_substr($this->city, 0, 2, 'UTF-8'); if ($openUserCity == "上海" || $openUserCity == "郑州" || $openUserCity == "武汉" || $openUserCity == "济南") { if ($openUserCity == '上海') { $priceText = str_replace('{City}', $openUserCity, $this->lang['PRICE_SH']); } else { $priceText = str_replace('{City}', $openUserCity, $this->lang['PRICE_OTHER']); } } //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$priceText.'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $priceText); break; case 'K_BIND_COUPON': // 绑定抵用券 -> 回复文本消息 $urlCoupon = $this->buildAsfUrl($this->ANDAIJIA['config']['URL_MOBILE'] . 'wechat?', array('method' => 'coupon', 'time' => $this->time, 'ver' => '1.0')); $urlCoupon .= '&o=' . urlencode($openID) . '&u=' . $userID; $textTpl = '<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[' . $openID . ']]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[' . $serviceID . ']]></FromUserName><CreateTime>' . $this->time . '</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[news]]></MsgType>'; $textTpl .= '<ArticleCount>1</ArticleCount>'; $textTpl .= '<Articles>'; $textTpl .= '<item>'; $textTpl .= '<Title><![CDATA[' . $this->lang['MSG_VERIFY_COUPON_TITLE'] . ']]></Title>'; $desc = str_replace('{Rule}', $this->ANDAIJIA['config']['CLIENT_USER_SHARE_RULE'], $this->lang['MSG_VERIFY_COUPON_DESCRIPTION']); $textTpl .= '<Description><![CDATA[' . $desc . ']]></Description>'; $textTpl .= '<PicUrl><![CDATA[]]></PicUrl>'; $textTpl .= '<Url><![CDATA[' . $urlCoupon . ']]></Url>'; $textTpl .= '</item>'; $textTpl .= '</Articles>'; $textTpl .= '</xml>'; echo $textTpl; break; case 'K_SHARE': // 分享 -> 回复文本消息 // 用户点击后,取得注册用户的id构建一个链接,指向安师傅自己的网页 // 网页内部自己负责获取微信临时二维码,并维护二维码的过期自动重新创建 // 用户可以把这个页面分享出去 if ($checkUserBind === false) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['UNBIND'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['UNBIND']); } else { $urlShare = $this->buildAsfUrl($this->ANDAIJIA['config']['URL_MOBILE'] . 'wechat?', array('method' => 'share', 'time' => $this->time, 'ver' => '1.0')); $urlShare .= '&o=' . urlencode($openID) . '&u=' . $userID; $textTpl = '<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[' . $openID . ']]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[' . $serviceID . ']]></FromUserName><CreateTime>' . $this->time . '</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[news]]></MsgType>'; $textTpl .= '<ArticleCount>1</ArticleCount>'; $textTpl .= '<Articles>'; $textTpl .= '<item>'; $textTpl .= '<Title><![CDATA[' . $this->lang['MSG_SHARE_TILE'] . ']]></Title>'; $textTpl .= '<Description><![CDATA[' . $this->lang['MSG_SHARE_DESCRIPTION'] . ']]></Description>'; $textTpl .= '<PicUrl><![CDATA[]]></PicUrl>'; //$textTpl .= '<PicUrl><![CDATA['.$this->ANDAIJIA['config']['URL_STATIC_NEW'].'/public/images/640x320.png]]></PicUrl>'; $textTpl .= '<Url><![CDATA[' . $urlShare . ']]></Url>'; $textTpl .= '</item>'; $textTpl .= '</Articles>'; $textTpl .= '</xml>'; echo $textTpl; } break; } break; } break; case 'text': // 接收 -> 文本消息 // 前面都不匹配,可能是确认订单信息,或者是普通上行消息 if ($checkUserBind === false) { // 未绑定手机用户发送手机号,要求绑定 if (preg_match("/^1[3458][0-9]{9}\$/", $content)) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM user_wechat WHERE user_mobile="' . $content . '" LIMIT 1'; $ss = $model->query($sql); if ($ss == null) { $f = $this->createUserBindToken($openID, $content); if ($f === false) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['RECEIVE_SEND_VERIFY_CODE_FAILED'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['RECEIVE_SEND_VERIFY_FAILED']); } else { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['RECEIVE_SEND_VERIFY_SUCCESS'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['RECEIVE_SEND_VERIFY_SUCCESS']); } } else { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['RECEIVE_CHANGE_MOBILE'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['RECEIVE_CHANGE_MOBILE']); } break; } // 未绑定手机用户发送验证码,要求验证 if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{6}\$/", $content)) { $this->doUserBind($openID, $content); break; } } else { if (strtoupper($content) == 'X') { // [取消派单中超时订单] // 取出缓存中保存的两次订单提示日志,在此日志中的才可取消 $timeoutLog = (include '/www/daijia/Task/Conf/timeout.php'); // 记忆已经发出1、2次通知的订单id $noticeOne = $timeoutLog['one']; // 提醒过1次的订单id $noticeTwo = $timeoutLog['two']; // 提醒过2次的订单id $notice = array_merge($noticeOne, $noticeTwo); $notice = array_unique($notice); $notice = array_values($notice); $pattern = $this->ANDAIJIA['config']['APP_ORDER_TIMEOUT']; // 单位是分钟 $myOrderTimeoutId = array(); $myOrderTimeoutCoupon = array(); $myOrderTimeoutAddress = array(); // 找到立即单 $sql = 'SELECT order_id,coupon_data_id,departure FROM user_order WHERE order_state=1 AND create_time=request_time AND (driver_id=0 OR driver_id IS NULL) AND order_source=1 AND order_flag=0 AND ABS(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, NOW(), create_time))>=' . $pattern[0] . ' AND user_id=' . $userID . ' AND order_id IN (' . implode(',', $notice) . ')'; $rs = $model->query($sql); if ($rs == null) { } else { foreach ($rs as $item) { $myOrderTimeoutId[] = $item['order_id']; $myOrderTimeoutAddress[] = str_replace('[APP]', '', $item['departure']); if ($item['coupon_data_id'] != null) { $myOrderTimeoutCoupon[] = $item['coupon_data_id']; } } } // 找到SH预约单 $sql = 'SELECT order_id,coupon_data_id,departure FROM user_order WHERE city_id=321 AND order_state=1 AND create_time<>request_time AND (driver_id=0 OR driver_id IS NULL) AND order_source=1 AND order_flag=0 AND NOW()>=DATE_ADD(request_time, INTERVAL ' . (0 - 30 + $pattern[0]) . ' MINUTE) AND user_id=' . $userID . ' AND order_id IN (' . implode(',', $notice) . ')'; $rs = $model->query($sql); if ($rs == null) { } else { foreach ($rs as $item) { $myOrderTimeoutId[] = $item['order_id']; $myOrderTimeoutAddress[] = str_replace('[APP]', '', $item['departure']); if ($item['coupon_data_id'] != null) { $myOrderTimeoutCoupon[] = $item['coupon_data_id']; } } } // 找到OTHERS预约单 $sql = 'SELECT order_id,coupon_data_id,departure FROM user_order WHERE city_id<>321 AND order_state=1 AND create_time<>request_time AND (driver_id=0 OR driver_id IS NULL) AND order_source=1 AND order_flag=0 AND NOW()>=DATE_ADD(request_time, INTERVAL ' . (0 - 45 + $pattern[0]) . ' MINUTE) AND user_id=' . $userID . ' AND order_id IN (' . implode(',', $notice) . ')'; $rs = $model->query($sql); if ($rs == null) { } else { foreach ($rs as $item) { $myOrderTimeoutId[] = $item['order_id']; $myOrderTimeoutAddress[] = str_replace('[APP]', '', $item['departure']); if ($item['coupon_data_id'] != null) { $myOrderTimeoutCoupon[] = $item['coupon_data_id']; } } } if (count($myOrderTimeoutId) > 0) { // 取消订单 $sql = 'UPDATE user_order SET order_state=-1,cancel_time=NOW(),`comment`=CONCAT(`comment`, "客人从微信主动取消") WHERE order_state=1 AND user_id=' . $userID . ' AND order_id IN (' . implode(',', $myOrderTimeoutId) . ')'; $model->execute($sql); // 返还优惠券 if (count($myOrderTimeoutCoupon) > 0) { $sql = 'UPDATE coupon_data SET draw_time=NULL, coupon_state=0, coupon_times=(CASE WHEN coupon_times>-1 THEN coupon_times+1 ELSE coupon_times END) WHERE open=0 AND data_id IN (' . implode(',', $myOrderTimeoutCoupon) . ')'; $f = $model->execute($sql); } // 推送 $pushStr = "\n" . implode("\n", $myOrderTimeoutAddress); $params = '{"touser": "******", "msgtype": "text", "text": {"content": "' . $this->lang['PUSH_TIMEOUT_ORDER_CANCEL_ADDRESS'] . $pushStr . '"}}'; $this->push($openID, $params); break; } else { // 没有找到订单超时,可能订单已经取消了,或者根本就没有 $params = '{"touser": "******", "msgtype": "text", "text": {"content": "' . $this->lang['PUSH_TIMEOUT_ORDER_EMPTY'] . '"}}'; $this->push($openID, $params); break; } } // 可能是取消订单信息 if (strtoupper($content) == 'NO') { // [取消预定订单]拿到其全部预定信息 $sql = 'SELECT record_id FROM record_wechat WHERE flag=2 AND direction=1 AND create_time>DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -5 MINUTE) AND user_id=' . $userID . ' AND open_id="' . $openID . '" AND `comment`="WAIT_CONFIRM" ORDER BY record_id DESC'; $rs = $model->query($sql); if ($rs == null) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['APPLY_SERVICE_EMPTY'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['APPLY_SERVICE_EMPTY']); break; } else { foreach ($rs as $item) { $recordID = $item['record_id']; $model->execute('UPDATE record_wechat SET comment="CANCEL_CONFIRM" WHERE record_id=' . $recordID); } //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['APPLY_SERVICE_REMOVED'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['APPLY_SERVICE_REMOVED']); break; } } // 已绑定手机用户 if (strtoupper($content) == 'Y') { $sql = 'SELECT record_id,lng,lat FROM record_wechat WHERE flag=2 AND direction=1 AND create_time>DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -5 MINUTE) AND user_id=' . $userID . ' AND open_id="' . $openID . '" AND `comment`="WAIT_CONFIRM" ORDER BY record_id DESC LIMIT 1'; $rs = $model->query($sql); if ($rs == null) { } else { $recordID = $rs[0]['record_id']; $orderID = $this->addOrder($userID, $userToken, $userMobile, $rs[0]['lng'], $rs[0]['lat'], $openID); // 尝试创建订单 if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+\$/", $orderID) == false) { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['APPLY_SERVICE_FAILED'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['APPLY_SERVICE_FAILED'] . $orderID); break; } else { // 下单成功,结束流程,等待计划任务操作推送订单信息 $model->execute('UPDATE record_wechat SET comment="ORDER_COMPLETE+' . $orderID . '" WHERE record_id=' . $recordID); //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['APPLY_SERVICE_SUCCESS'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['APPLY_SERVICE_SUCCESS']); break; } } } // TODO: console if (strcmp($openID, 'oLDrijmU0j3gUqBbTGfPfYaqItbQ') == 0) { $this->console($content, $openID, $serviceID); break; } } //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['DEFAULT'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['DEFAULT']); // 默认消息 break; case 'image': // 接收 -> 图片消息 // 接收 -> 图片消息 case 'voice': // 接收 -> 语音消息 // 接收 -> 语音消息 case 'video': // 接收 -> 视频消息 // 接收 -> 视频消息 case 'link': // 接收 -> 链接消息 //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['DEFAULT'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['DEFAULT']); // 默认消息 break; case 'location': // 地理位置消息(用户手工上报) $lng = trim($postObj->Location_Y); $lat = trim($postObj->Location_X); $address = $this->geodecode($lng, $lat, $userOS == 1 ? 'amap' : 'baidu'); // 逆向地理编码 if ($address == -2) { $respText = str_replace('{City}', mb_substr($this->city, 0, 2, 'UTF-8'), $this->lang['SERVICE_UNAVAILABEL']); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $respText); break; } $address = (string) trim($postObj->Label); // 使用微信的地址文本替换高德文本 $key = mb_stripos($address, '邮政编码', 0, 'utf8'); if ($key === false) { } else { $pos = mb_strlen($address, 'utf8') - $key; $address = mb_substr($address, 0, 0 - $pos, 'utf8'); } $this->recordLocate($lng, $lat, $address, $openID, $userID, 'MAN_LOCATION'); if ($address == -2) { $respText = str_replace('{City}', mb_substr($this->city, 0, 2, 'UTF-8'), $this->lang['SERVICE_UNAVAILABEL']); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $respText); break; } if ($address == false || $address == '') { //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['NO_ADDRESS'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['NO_ADDRESS']); break; } $this->addReadyOrder($userID, $checkUserBind['user_token'], $userMobile, $lng, $lat, $address, $openID, $serviceID); break; default: //$params = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"'.$this->lang['DEFAULT'].'"}}'; //$this->push($openID, $params); $this->response($openID, $serviceID, $this->lang['DEFAULT']); // 默认消息 } } exit; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); C('TMPL_CACHE_ON', false); }