public function actionLrc() { $song_id = intval($this->post("song_id", 0)); if (!$song_id) { return $this->renderJSON([], "歌曲不存在", -1); } $info = Music::findOne(['song_id' => $song_id, 'status' => 1]); if (!$info) { return $this->renderJSON([], "歌曲不存在", -1); } /*获取歌词*/ $lrc_url = QQMusicService::getSongLrcUrl($song_id); $lrc_data = HttpClient::get($lrc_url); $lrc = ''; if (substr($lrc_data, 0, 5) == "<?xml") { if (stripos(strtolower($lrc_data), 'encoding="GB2312"') !== false) { $lrc_data = mb_convert_encoding($lrc_data, "utf-8", "gb2312"); $lrc_data = str_replace('encoding="GB2312"', 'encoding="utf-8"', $lrc_data); } //var_dump($lrc_data);exit(); $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $lrc_data, $values, $index); //解析到数组 xml_parser_free($parser); $lrc = isset($values[0]['value']) ? $values[0]['value'] : ''; } $data = ['lrc' => $lrc, 'song_url' => QQMusicService::getSongUrl($song_id)]; return $this->renderJSON($data); }
public static function parseImages($data) { if (!$data || !isset($data['url']) || !isset($data['type'])) { return self::_err('param not enough ~~'); } if ($data['type'] != 2) { return self::_err('just handle type => 2( website need to parse to get images) ~~'); } $url = $data['url']; $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); if (!$host) { return self::_err('no host'); } $content = HttpClient::get($url); switch ($host) { case "": $content = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8'); $html_dom = new \HtmlParser\ParserDom($content); $tmp_images_wrap = $html_dom->find('div.picadd', 0); foreach ($tmp_images_wrap->find("img") as $tmp_image_target) { $tmp_target_url = $tmp_image_target->getAttr("src"); if (!$tmp_target_url) { continue; } if (substr($tmp_target_url, 0, 4) != "http") { $tmp_target_url = "http://" . $host . $tmp_target_url; } self::addQueue(['url' => $tmp_target_url, 'type' => 1]); } break; } return true; }
public function actionIframe() { $url = $this->get("url", ""); $width = $this->get("width", 300); $data = HttpClient::get($url); header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo <<<EOT <pre class='iframe_bug' style='word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;width:{$width}px;'>{$data}</pre> EOT; exit; }
/** * backup mysql */ public function actionMysqldata() { //$bakFile = '/opt/web/ddll/init.bat';// /opt/backup/mysql/2015-09/'; $bakFile = '/opt/backup/mysql/2015-09/'; $url = ''; //$bakFile = '/home/kongxiangdong/dict_user.txt'; $cfile = curl_file_create($bakFile); $url = ''; //$content = file_get_contents($bakFile); $data = ['dest_name' => '', 'file' => $cfile]; //$data = ['destfile'=>'', 'myfile'=>'@'.$bakFile]; //$data = ['destfile'=>'']; $rs = HttpClient::curlRequset($url, null, 'post', $data); var_dump($rs); die; }
public function actionKeywords($param_date = 'Today') { $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($param_date)); if ($this->checkHasFileByDate(2, $date)) { return $this->echoLog("has file,date:{$date} "); } $cookie = $this->getAuthCookie(2); $url = "{$date}&et={$date}&tabIndex=1&keywordCondType=&keyword=&itemName=&itemNameType=&itemVal=&engin=all&orderBy=pv&orderType=-1¤tPage=1&pageType=90&downloadType=csv"; HttpClient::setCookie($cookie); $ret = HttpClient::get($url); if (!$ret) { $this->echoLog(HttpClient::getLastErrorMsg()); return; } $params = ['type' => 2, 'action' => 1, 'date' => $date]; $this->save2File("keywordlist_umeng_{$date}_" . date("YmdHis") . ".csv", $ret, $params); }
/** * 每天运行一次就ok了 * php yii emoticon/scrapy/weixin18 */ public function actionWeixin18($page = 1) { $host = ''; $url = $host . '/weixinbiaoqing_%s.shtml'; $url = sprintf($url, $page); $content = HttpClient::get($url); $content = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8'); $html_dom = new \HtmlParser\ParserDom($content); $img_wrap_array = $html_dom->find('div.imgborder_bqimg_width'); if (!$img_wrap_array) { return $this->echoLog("error:no img tag ~~"); } foreach ($img_wrap_array as $_item) { $tmp_target_url = $_item->find("a", 0); $tmp_target_url = $host . $tmp_target_url->getAttr("href"); EmoticonService::addQueue(['url' => $tmp_target_url, 'type' => 2]); } return $this->echoLog("it's over ~~"); }
public function actionKeywords($param_date = 'Today') { $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($param_date)); if ($this->checkHasFileByDate(1, $date)) { //return $this->echoLog("has file,date:{$date} "); } $cookie = $this->getAuthCookie(1); $url = "{$date}&download=true&searchItem="; HttpClient::setCookie($cookie); $ret = HttpClient::get($url); if (stripos($ret, 'Too many downloads') !== false) { //错误了 $this->echoLog($ret); return; } if (!$ret) { $this->echoLog(HttpClient::getLastErrorMsg()); return; } $params = ['type' => 1, 'action' => 1, 'date' => $date]; $this->save2File("keywordlist_bd_{$date}_" . date("YmdHis") . ".csv", $ret, $params); }
public static function getMusicInfoById($song_ids = []) { $ret = []; $url = ""; $url = sprintf($url, implode(",", $song_ids)); $res = HttpClient::get($url); $res = @json_decode($res, true); if ($res && isset($res['data']) && $res['data']) { $songs = $res['data']['songList']; if ($songs) { foreach ($songs as $_song) { $tmp_lrc_link = str_replace("", "", $_song['lrcLink']); $tmp_lrc_link = str_replace(" ", "", $tmp_lrc_link); if (stripos($tmp_lrc_link, "http") === false) { $_song['lrcLink'] = "" . $tmp_lrc_link; } if (self::saveMusic($_song)) { $ret[] = $_song; } } } } return $ret; }
/** * douban search 破解版 * */ public static function searchpj($keyword) { $url = "" . $keyword; $data = HttpClient::curlRequset($url); return json_decode($data, true); }
/** * 更新电影基础数据 */ public function actionUpdatemovie() { $mvBasic = MvBasic::find()->where('id>=6214')->orderBy('id asc'); $total = $mvBasic->count(); $page = 1; $pageSize = 40; $totalPage = ceil($total / $pageSize); $mvBasic->limit($pageSize)->asArray(); for ($page = 1; $page <= $totalPage; $page++) { $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize; $data = $mvBasic->offset($offset)->all(); foreach ($data as $v) { $basic_id = $v['id']; var_dump('doubanId: ' . $v['douban_id'] . ' basicId: ' . $basic_id . "\n"); if (empty($v['douban_id'])) { continue; } $douban_url = '' . $v['douban_id'] . '/'; //$douban_url = ''; //$basic_id = 1793; $html = HttpClient::curlRequset($douban_url); if (empty($html)) { continue; } echo "curl done \n"; $reg1 = "/<div id=\"info\">[\\s\\S]+?<\\/div>/"; preg_match($reg1, $html, $info_match); if (!isset($info_match['0']) && empty($info_match['0'])) { continue; } $html_info = $info_match['0']; $movie = $this->pregDoubanData($html, $html_info, $v); if ($movie) { // 更新 $py_title = PinyinUtil::getFullPy($movie['title']); $py_title = PinyinUtil::subPinyin($py_title); $mvBasic1 = MvBasic::findOne(['douban_id' => $v['douban_id']]); //$mvBasic1 = MvBasic::findOne(['douban_id'=>'10727641']); // sub casts $casts = implode(',', $movie['casts']); if (mb_strlen($casts, 'UTF-8') > 255) { $new_casts = mb_substr($casts, 0, 255, 'UTF-8'); $new_casts_arr = array_filter(explode(',', $new_casts)); $last_cast = end($new_casts_arr); if (!in_array($last_cast, $new_casts_arr)) { array_pop($new_casts_arr); } $casts = implode(',', $new_casts_arr); } $mvBasic1->title = $movie['title']; $mvBasic1->py_title = $py_title; $mvBasic1->rating = $movie['rating']; $mvBasic1->directors = implode(',', $movie['directors']); $mvBasic1->writers = implode(',', $movie['writers']); $mvBasic1->casts = $casts; //$mvBas1ic1->cate = $movie['cate']; $mvBasic1->countries = implode(',', $movie['countries']); $mvBasic1->languages = implode(',', $movie['languages']); $mvBasic1->pubdates = implode(',', $movie['pubdates']); $mvBasic1->durations = implode(',', $movie['durations']); $mvBasic1->aka = implode(',', $movie['aka']); $rs = $mvBasic1->save(); if ($rs && $basic_id) { // movie type $movieType = $movie['cate']; $this->updateMovieType($basic_id, $movieType); // country $movieCountry = $movie['countries']; $this->updateMovieCountry($basic_id, $movieCountry); } var_dump($rs); echo "{$v['title']} \n\n"; } //die; file_put_contents('./last_id.txt', $v['douban_id'] . '=' . $v['id']); sleep(1); } } echo "\n all done \n"; }
public static function getSongInfo($song_id) { $ret = []; $url = ""; $url = sprintf($url, $song_id); $data_jsonp = trim(HttpClient::get($url)); $data_json = mb_substr($data_jsonp, 13, -1); $find = ['code:', 'data:', 'url:', 'url1:']; $replace = ['"code":', '"data":', '"url":', '"url1":']; $data_json = str_replace($find, $replace, $data_json); $data = @json_decode($data_json, true); if ($data && isset($data['code']) && $data['code'] == 0) { $song_attr_f = explode("|", $data['data'][$song_id]); if (isset($song_attr_f[4])) { $tmp_song_id = $song_attr_f[0]; $tmp_img_id = $song_attr_f[4]; $tmp_mid = $song_attr_f[20]; $ret = ['song_id' => $tmp_song_id, 'type' => 2, 'cover_image' => self::getCoverImageUrl($tmp_img_id), "lrc" => "", "song_url" => self::getSongUrl($tmp_song_id, ".mp3"), "song_title" => $song_attr_f[1], "song_author" => $song_attr_f[3], "text" => $data, "format_data" => ['image_id' => $tmp_img_id, 'mid' => $tmp_mid], "status" => 1, "view_url" => UrlService::buildGameUrl("/music/info", ['song_id' => $tmp_song_id])]; } } return $ret; }
public static function getGeoByIP($ip) { $ak = self::getAK(); $url = "{$ip}&qterm=pc&ak={$ak}&coord=bd09ll"; var_dump(HttpClient::get($url)); }
/** * * * 抓取省市区,抓取之后的数据结构如下 * [ * 'province_id' => [ * 'id' => '', * 'name' = >'', * 'city_list' => [ * 'city_id' => [ * 'id' => '', * 'name' => '' * ] * ], * 'district_list' => [ * 'city_id' => [ * 'district_id' => [ * 'id' => '', * 'name' => '' * ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * php yii report/grab/mac * */ public function actionMca() { $url = ""; $content = HttpClient::get($url); $html_dom = new \HtmlParser\ParserDom($content); $target = $html_dom->find('p.MsoNormal'); if (!$target) { return $this->echoLog("error:no table tag ~~"); } $ret = []; foreach ($target as $_item_target) { $tmp_td_array = $_item_target->find("span"); if (!$tmp_td_array || count($tmp_td_array) < 3) { continue; } $tmp_id = $tmp_td_array[0]->getPlainText(); $tmp_title = trim($tmp_td_array[2]->getPlainText()); $tmp_title = strip_tags($tmp_title); $tmp_title = trim($tmp_title, " "); //$this->echoLog($tmp_id.":".$tmp_title); if (substr($tmp_id, 2, 4) == "0000") { //省 $ret[$tmp_id] = ['id' => $tmp_id, 'name' => $tmp_title, 'city_list' => [], 'district_list' => []]; continue; } if (substr($tmp_id, 4, 2) == "00") { //市 $tmp_province_id = substr($tmp_id, 0, 2) . "0000"; if (!isset($ret[$tmp_province_id])) { $this->echoLog("error"); exit; } $ret[$tmp_province_id]['city_list'][$tmp_id] = ['id' => $tmp_id, 'name' => $tmp_title]; continue; } //区 $tmp_province_id = substr($tmp_id, 0, 2) . "0000"; $tmp_city_id = substr($tmp_id, 0, 4) . "00"; if (!isset($ret[$tmp_province_id])) { $this->echoLog("error"); exit; } //这种情况就是直辖市,自己新生成一个市 if (!isset($ret[$tmp_province_id]['city_list'][$tmp_city_id])) { $ret[$tmp_province_id]['city_list'][$tmp_city_id] = ['id' => $tmp_city_id, 'name' => $ret[$tmp_province_id]['name']]; } $ret[$tmp_province_id]['district_list'][$tmp_city_id][$tmp_id] = ['id' => $tmp_id, 'name' => $tmp_title]; } foreach ($ret as $_item) { $tmp_province_id = $_item['id']; $tmp_province_name = $_item['name']; $tmp_params = ['id' => $tmp_province_id, 'province_id' => $tmp_province_id, 'province_name' => $tmp_province_name]; $this->setMapCityItem($tmp_params); if (!$_item['city_list']) { continue; } foreach ($_item['city_list'] as $_city_id => $_city_info) { $tmp_params = ['id' => $_city_id, 'province_id' => $tmp_province_id, 'province_name' => $tmp_province_name, 'city_id' => $_city_id, 'city_name' => $_city_info['name']]; $this->setMapCityItem($tmp_params); if (!$_item['district_list'] || !isset($_item['district_list'][$_city_id])) { continue; } $tmp_district_list = $_item['district_list'][$_city_id]; foreach ($tmp_district_list as $_district_info) { $tmp_params = ['id' => $_district_info['id'], 'province_id' => $tmp_province_id, 'province_name' => $tmp_province_name, 'city_id' => $_city_id, 'city_name' => $_city_info['name'], 'district_id' => $_district_info['id'], 'district_name' => $_district_info['name']]; $this->setMapCityItem($tmp_params); } } } }
public function actionToken() { $this->setWeixinConfig(); $code = $this->get("code", ""); $state = $this->get("state", ""); if (!$code) { return $this->goHome(); } $appid = $this->appid; $appsecret = $this->appsecret; $url = "" . $appid . "&secret=" . $appsecret . "&code=" . $code . "&grant_type=authorization_code"; $ret = HttpClient::get($url, []); $data = @json_decode($ret, true); if (empty($data) || isset($data['errcode'])) { return $this->goHome(); } $openid = $data['openid']; $sns_user_data = []; if ($data['scope'] == "snsapi_userinfo") { $url = "" . $data['access_token'] . "&openid={$openid}&lang=zh_CN"; $ret = HttpClient::get($url, []); $sns_user_data = @json_decode($ret, true); } /*特殊处理*/ $state = str_replace("@@", "&", urldecode($state)); $state = str_replace("@|@", "?", urldecode($state)); /*微信url特殊参数处理*/ $state = str_replace("from=groupmessage", "", $state); $state = str_replace("isappinstalled=0", "", $state); $state = str_replace("connect_redirect=", "", $state); $state = rtrim($state, "?"); $state = rtrim($state, "&"); /*看看有没有owid:公众号wx opendid*/ $woid = ''; $question_mark_idx = stripos($state, "?"); if ($question_mark_idx !== false) { $parse_str = mb_substr($state, $question_mark_idx + 1); parse_str($parse_str, $get_params); if (isset($get_params['woid'])) { $woid = $get_params['woid']; } } $reg_bind = UserOpenidUnionid::findOne(["openid" => $openid]); if (!$reg_bind) { $date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $unique_name = md5($openid); $user_info = User::findOne(['unique_name' => $unique_name]); if (!$user_info) { $model_user = new User(); if ($sns_user_data) { $model_user->nickname = $sns_user_data['nickname']; $model_user->avatar = $sns_user_data['headimgurl']; } else { $model_user->nickname = "微信用户" . substr($openid, -10); } $model_user->unique_name = $unique_name; $model_user->updated_time = $date_now; $model_user->created_time = $date_now; $model_user->save(0); $user_info = $model_user; } $model_bind = new UserOpenidUnionid(); $model_bind->uid = $user_info['uid']; $model_bind->openid = $openid; $model_bind->unionid = ''; $model_bind->other_openid = $woid; $model_bind->updated_time = $date_now; $model_bind->created_time = $date_now; $model_bind->save(0); $reg_bind = $model_bind; } else { $user_info = User::findOne(['uid' => $reg_bind['uid']]); } if ($sns_user_data && (stripos("微信用户", $user_info['nickname'] !== false) || !$user_info['avatar'])) { $user_info->nickname = $sns_user_data['nickname']; $user_info->avatar = $sns_user_data['headimgurl']; $user_info->update(0); } if ($woid && !$reg_bind['other_openid']) { //为了修复以前的数据 $reg_bind->other_openid = $woid; $reg_bind->update(0); } $this->createLoginStatus($user_info); $url = $state ? $state : UrlService::buildWapUrl("/default/index"); return $this->redirect($url); }