/** * Bootstrap any application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { view()->composer('admin.sidebar', function ($view) { $view->with('adminMenu', [['title' => trans('p.home'), 'route' => 'admin.dashboard', 'icon' => 'home'], ['title' => trans('p.news'), 'route' => '#', 'icon' => 'newspaper-o', 'children' => [['title' => trans('p.add'), 'route' => 'admin.news.create', 'icon' => 'plus-square'], ['title' => trans('p.list'), 'route' => 'admin.news.index', 'icon' => 'list']]], ['title' => trans('p.users'), 'route' => '#', 'icon' => 'users', 'children' => [['title' => trans('p.add'), 'route' => 'admin.user.create', 'icon' => 'user-plus'], ['title' => trans('p.list'), 'route' => 'admin.user.index', 'icon' => 'list']]], ['title' => trans('p.pages'), 'route' => '#', 'icon' => 'file-text-o', 'children' => [['title' => trans('p.add'), 'route' => 'admin.page.create', 'icon' => 'plus-square'], ['title' => trans('p.list'), 'route' => 'admin.page.index', 'icon' => 'list']]], ['title' => trans('p.videocourses'), 'route' => '#', 'icon' => 'play-circle', 'children' => [['title' => trans('p.add'), 'route' => 'admin.videocourse.create', 'icon' => 'plus-square'], ['title' => trans('p.list'), 'route' => 'admin.videocourse.index', 'icon' => 'list']]], ['title' => trans('p.examresults'), 'route' => 'admin.examresult.index', 'icon' => 'check-square-o'], ['title' => trans('p.import'), 'route' => '#', 'icon' => 'database', 'children' => [['title' => trans('p.add'), 'route' => 'admin.import.index', 'icon' => 'plus-square'], ['title' => trans('p.import_examresults_br'), 'route' => 'admin.import.examresult', 'icon' => 'check-square-o'], ['title' => trans('p.import_users_br'), 'route' => 'admin.import.user', 'icon' => 'user-plus']]], ['title' => trans('p.settings'), 'route' => 'admin.settings.index', 'icon' => 'gear']]); }); view()->composer('front.partials.menu', function ($view) { $items = [['title' => trans('p.home'), 'route' => 'index'], ['title' => trans('p.news'), 'route' => 'news.index'], ['title' => trans('p.videocourses'), 'route' => 'videocourse.index']]; if (Auth::check()) { $items[] = ['title' => trans('p.staff'), 'route' => 'staff.index']; $items[] = ['title' => trans('p.students'), 'route' => 'student.index']; $user = Auth::user(); if ('student' == $user->type && $user->result()->first()) { $items[] = ['title' => trans('p.examresults'), 'route' => 'examresult.show', 'param' => $user->email]; } } $view->with('menu', $items); }); view()->composer('front.news.block-random', function ($view) { $news = News::where('status', 'active')->orderByRaw('RAND()')->limit(4)->get(); $random = $news->shift(); $view->with('randomNewsEntry', $random)->with('randomNews', $news); }); view()->composer('front.index', function ($view) { $view->with('latestNews', News::where('status', 'active')->latest()->limit(2)->get()); $view->with('latestVideocourses', VideoCourse::where('status', 'active')->latest()->limit(3)->get()); }); view()->composer('front.partials.footer', function ($view) { $view->with('aboutPage', Page::where('slug', 'about')->first()); }); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $aboutPage = new Page(); $aboutPage->slug = 'about'; $aboutPage->status = 'active'; $aboutPage->translateOrNew('kg')->title = 'Биз жөнүндө'; $aboutPage->translateOrNew('ru')->title = 'О нас'; $aboutPage->translateOrNew('kg')->content = str_random(500); $aboutPage->translateOrNew('ru')->content = str_random(500); $aboutPage->save(); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { if (Page::destroy($id)) { return json_encode(true); } return json_encode(false); }
public function show($slug) { $page = Page::where('slug', $slug)->where('status', 'active')->first(); $page || abort(404); return view('front.pages.view', compact('page')); }