 public function change_password($tmp_code = null)
     $tmp_check = false;
     if (!Auth::check()) {
         $code_created = new Carbon($this->tmp_code_created);
         $tmp_check = !empty($this->tmp_code) && $this->tmp_code == $tmp_code && $code_created->diff(new Carbon())->days <= 7;
         if (!$tmp_check) {
             FormMessage::add('tmp_code', 'The code was incorrect');
             return false;
     $details = Request::all();
     $rules = array('new_password' => 'required|confirmed|min:4');
     if (!($tmp_check || Auth::check() && Auth::action('user.edit') && Auth::user()->id != $this->id)) {
         $rules['current_password'] = '******';
     $v = Validator::make($details, $rules);
     if ($v->passes()) {
         // check password
         if (!empty($rules['current_password']) && !Hash::check($details['current_password'], $this->password)) {
             FormMessage::add('current_password', 'The current password was incorrect');
             return false;
         // if user can change his password then change it
         if (Auth::action('account.password', ['user_id' => $this->id]) || Auth::check() && Auth::action('user.edit')) {
             $this->password = Hash::make($details['new_password']);
             $this->tmp_code = '';
             return true;
     } else {
     return false;
 public static function make($type, $options = [])
     if (!($view = self::getView($type))) {
         return null;
     if (!empty($options['name'])) {
         $options['submitted_data'] = Request::input($options['name']);
         $options['field_class'] = FormMessage::getErrorClass($options['name']);
         $options['field_message'] = FormMessage::getErrorMessage($options['name']);
     if (isset($options['disabled']) && $options['disabled']) {
         $options['disabled'] = ['disabled' => 'disabled'];
     } else {
         $options['disabled'] = [];
     $options = array_merge(['class' => '', 'content' => '', 'name' => '', 'note' => '', 'label' => 'None set', 'submitted_data' => '', 'field_class' => '', 'field_message' => ''], $options);
     if (!empty($options['value']) && is_string($options['content']) && $options['content'] === '') {
         $options['content'] = $options['value'];
     return View::make($view, $options)->render();
 public function login()
     if (Request::input()) {
         $userData = ['username' => Request::input('username'), 'password' => Request::input('password')];
         $rememberMe = Request::input('remember') == 'yes';
         if ($e = Auth::attempt($userData, $rememberMe)) {
             $login_path = Request::input('login_path') ?: Cookie::get('login_path');
             if (empty($login_path)) {
                 return \redirect()->route('coaster.admin.home');
             } else {
                 $cookie = Cookie::forget('login_path');
                 return \redirect($login_path)->withCookie($cookie);
         } else {
             FormMessage::add('username', 'Username or password incorrect');
             FormMessage::add('password', ' ');
     $this->layoutData['content'] = View::make('coaster::pages.login');
     $this->layoutData['title'] = 'Login';
     return null;
 public function forgottenPassword()
     $view_data = array();
     $rules = array('email' => 'required|email');
     $validation = Validator::make(Request::all(), $rules);
     if ($_POST && $validation->fails()) {
     } elseif ($_POST) {
         $email_addr = Request::input('email');
         $user = User::where('email', '=', $email_addr)->first();
         if ($user !== null) {
             if (!Auth::action('account.password', ['user_id' => $user->id])) {
                 FormMessage::add('email', 'You can\'t change the password for this account');
             } else {
                 $code = urlencode(str_random(32) . microtime());
                 $user->tmp_code = $code;
                 $user->tmp_code_created = new Carbon();
                 Mail::send('coaster::emails.forgotten_password', array('code' => $code), function ($message) use($email_addr) {
                     $message->subject(config('coaster::site.name') . ': Forgotten Password');
                 $failures = Mail::failures();
                 if (empty($failures)) {
                     $view_data['success'] = 'We have sent an email to you with a link to change your password.';
                 } else {
                     FormMessage::add('email', 'There was an error sending mail, please contact <a href="mailto:support@web-feet.co.uk?Subject=' . config('coaster::site.name') . ': Forgotten Password">support</a>.');
         } else {
             FormMessage::add('email', 'We couldn\'t find your records.');
     $this->layoutData['title'] = 'Forgotten Password';
     $this->layoutData['content'] = View::make('coaster::pages.forgotten_password', $view_data);
  * Save form data and send email
  * @param array $formData
  * @return bool|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
 public function submission($formData)
     if ($form_settings = $this->_block->getContent(true)) {
         $form_settings = $this->_defaultData($form_settings);
         $form_rules = BlockFormRule::get_rules($form_settings->template);
         $v = Validator::make($formData, $form_rules);
         $captcha = Securimage::captchaCheck();
         // check form rules
         if ($v->passes() && !($form_settings->captcha == true && !$captcha)) {
             // delete blank and system fields
             // Save data function (override this function to save data differently)
             $form_submission = $this->submissionSaveData($formData);
             if (!$form_submission->id) {
                 FormMessage::add('submission_save_error', 'Unable to save the form.');
             // Send email
             if ($this->submissionSendEmail($formData, $form_settings)) {
                 $form_submission->sent = 1;
             Session::set('form_data', $form_submission);
             return \redirect(PageBuilder::pageUrl($form_settings->page_to));
         } else {
             if (!$captcha) {
                 FormMessage::add('captcha_code', 'Invalid Captcha Code, try again.');
     return false;
  * Saves page data
  * @param PageVersion $pageVersion
  * @param array $pagePost
  * @param array $pageLangPost
  * @param array $pageGroupsPost
  * @param array $pageInfoOther
  * @return bool
 public function savePostData($pageVersion, $pagePost, $pageLangPost, $pageGroupsPost, $pageInfoOther = [])
      * Post data fixes
     foreach ($pagePost as $k => $pagePostField) {
         if (is_array($pagePostField) && array_key_exists('exists', $pagePostField)) {
             $pagePost[$k] = array_key_exists('select', $pagePostField) ? $pagePostField['select'] : 0;
     if (array_key_exists('live_start', $pagePost)) {
         $pagePost['live_start'] = DateTimeHelper::jQueryToMysql($pagePost['live_start']) ?: null;
     if (array_key_exists('live_end', $pagePost)) {
         $pagePost['live_end'] = DateTimeHelper::jQueryToMysql($pagePost['live_end']) ?: null;
     foreach ($pageInfoOther as $k => $pageInfoOtherField) {
         if (is_array($pageInfoOtherField) && array_key_exists('exists', $pageInfoOtherField) && array_key_exists('select', $pageInfoOtherField)) {
             $pageInfoOther[$k] = $pageInfoOtherField['select'];
      * Overwrite default/existing data with posted data
     $pageDefaults = array_merge(['template' => 0, 'parent' => 0, 'child_template' => 0, 'order' => 0, 'group_container' => 0, 'group_container_url_priority' => 0, 'canonical_parent' => 0, 'link' => 0, 'live' => 0, 'sitemap' => 1, 'live_start' => null, 'live_end' => null], $this->getAttributes());
     foreach ($pageDefaults as $pageAttribute => $pageDefault) {
         $this->{$pageAttribute} = $pageDefault;
         switch ($pageAttribute) {
             case 'template':
                 $pageVersion->{$pageAttribute} = $pagePost[$pageAttribute];
                 $this->{$pageAttribute} = array_key_exists($pageAttribute, $pagePost) ? $pagePost[$pageAttribute] : $this->{$pageAttribute};
     if (!$this->pageCurrentLang) {
         $this->setRelation('pageCurrentLang', ($d = $this->pageDefaultLang) ? $d->replicate() : new PageLang());
     $pageLang = $this->pageLang();
     $pageLangDefaults = array_merge(['language_id' => Language::current(), 'url' => '', 'name' => '', 'live_version' => 1], $pageLang->getAttributes());
     foreach ($pageLangDefaults as $pageLangAttribute => $pageLangDefault) {
         $pageLang->{$pageLangAttribute} = array_key_exists($pageLangAttribute, $pageLangPost) ? $pageLangPost[$pageLangAttribute] : $pageLangDefault;
      * Check page parent exists if set and page limit is not hit
     $parent = static::find($this->parent);
     if ($this->parent > 0 && !$parent) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->id && !$this->link && static::at_limit($this->parent == -1)) {
         return false;
      * Check page name/url set and does not conflict
     $pageLang->url = trim($pageLang->url);
     if (!$this->link) {
         $pageLang->url = strtolower(str_replace(['/', ' '], '-', $pageLang->url));
         if (preg_match('#^[-]+$#', $pageLang->url)) {
             $pageLang->url = '';
         if ($pageLang->url == '' && !$this->parent) {
             $pageLang->url = '/';
         $siblings = [];
         foreach ($pageGroupsPost as $pageGroupId => $checkedVal) {
             $pageGroup = PageGroup::preload($pageGroupId);
             $siblings = array_merge($pageGroup->exists ? $pageGroup->itemPageIds() : [], $siblings);
         if ($this->parent >= 0) {
             $siblings = array_merge(static::getChildPageIds($this->parent), $siblings);
         $siblings = array_unique($siblings);
     if (!$pageLang->name) {
         FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[name]', 'page name required');
     if (!$pageLang->url) {
         FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[url]', 'page url required');
     if (!empty($siblings)) {
         $same_level = PageLang::where('url', '=', $pageLang->url)->whereIn('page_id', $siblings);
         $same_level = $this->id ? $same_level->where('page_id', '!=', $this->id) : $same_level;
         if (!$same_level->get()->isEmpty()) {
             FormMessage::add('page_info_lang[url]', 'url in use by another page!');
             $pageLang->url = '';
     if (!$pageLang->name || !$pageLang->url) {
         return false;
      * If adding a page as a group container, create container / check exists
     if ($this->group_container == -1) {
         $groupContainer = new PageGroup();
         $groupContainer->name = $pageLang->name;
         $groupContainer->item_name = 'Page';
         $groupContainer->default_template = 0;
         $this->group_container = $groupContainer->id;
     } elseif ($this->group_container) {
         $groupContainer = PageGroup::preload($this->group_container);
         if (!$groupContainer->exists || $pageDefaults['group_container'] != $this->group_container && !$groupContainer->canEditItems()) {
             $this->group_container = 0;
      * Check if page info can be updated (based on publishing auth action, or allowed if new page)
     $authPageIdCheck = $this->id ?: ($this->parent > 0 ? $this->parent : 0);
     $canPublish = config('coaster::admin.publishing') > 0 && Auth::action('pages.version-publish', ['page_id' => $authPageIdCheck]) || config('coaster::admin.publishing') == 0 && Auth::action('pages.edit', ['page_id' => $authPageIdCheck]);
     $canPublish = $canPublish || isset($groupContainer) && (config('coaster::admin.publishing') > 0 && $groupContainer->canPublishItems() || config('coaster::admin.publishing') == 0 && $groupContainer->canEditItems());
     $willPublish = !$this->id || $canPublish;
      * Check and save page changes
     if ($willPublish) {
         // if new page set as last ordered page
         if ($this->parent >= 0 && !$this->id) {
             $lastSibling = static::where('parent', '=', $this->parent)->orderBy('order', 'desc')->first();
             $this->order = $lastSibling ? $lastSibling->order + 1 : 1;
         // if new page publish template
         $this->template = $this->id ? $this->template : $pageVersion->template;
         // if link remove live template
         $this->template = $this->link ? 0 : $this->template;
         // set page live between but no dates set set as hidden, or if can't publish set as hidden
         $this->live = $this->live == 2 && is_null($this->live_end) && is_null($this->live_start) ? 0 : $this->live;
         $this->live = $canPublish ? $this->live : 0;
         // save page data
         $pageLang->page_id = $this->id;
     $pageVersion->page_id = $this->id;
      * Update title block to the page name is new page
     if (!$this->id && ($titleBlock = Block::where('name', '=', config('coaster::admin.title_block'))->first())) {
         PageSearchData::updateText(strip_tags($pageLang->name), 0, $this->id);
      * Save Page Groups
     $currentGroupIds = $this->groupIds();
     $newGroupIds = array_keys($pageGroupsPost);
     PageGroupPage::where('page_id', '=', $this->id)->whereIn('group_id', array_diff($currentGroupIds, $newGroupIds))->delete();
     foreach (array_diff($newGroupIds, $currentGroupIds) as $addGroupId) {
      * Save other page info
     if ($willPublish && Auth::action('menus')) {
         MenuItem::set_page_menus($this->id, array_key_exists('menus', $pageInfoOther) ? $pageInfoOther['menus'] : []);
     if ($canPublish && array_key_exists('beacons', $pageInfoOther) && Auth::action('themes.beacons-update')) {
         BlockBeacon::updatePage($this->id, $pageInfoOther['beacons']);
     return true;
 public function installTheme()
     $details = Request::all();
     $error = false;
     if (!empty($details['theme'])) {
         if (!($error = Theme::unzip($details['theme'] . '.zip', false))) {
             $withPageData = !empty($details['page-data']) ? 1 : 0;
             $result = Theme::install($details['theme'], ['withPageData' => $withPageData]);
             if ($result['error']) {
                 $error = $result['response'];
             if (($usedThemeSetting = Setting::where('name', '=', 'frontend.theme')->first()) && ($theme = Theme::where('theme', '=', $details['theme'])->first())) {
                 $usedThemeSetting->value = $theme->id;
     if ($error) {
         FormMessage::add('theme', $error);
     } else {
         include __DIR__ . '/../../Http/routes/admin.php';
         $this->layoutData['title'] = 'Install Complete';
         $this->layoutData['content'] = View::make('coaster::pages.install', ['stage' => 'complete']);
  * Repeater form submission
  * @param array $formData
  * @return null|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
 public function submission($formData)
     $formRules = BlockFormRule::get_rules($this->_block->name . '-form');
     $v = Validator::make($formData, $formRules);
     if ($v->passes()) {
         foreach ($formData as $blockName => $content) {
             $fieldBlock = Block::preload($blockName);
             if ($fieldBlock->exists) {
                 if ($fieldBlock->type == 'datetime' && empty($content)) {
                     $content = new Carbon();
                 $formData[$blockName] = $content;
         Email::sendFromFormData([$this->_block->name . '-form'], $formData, config('coaster::site.name') . ': New Form Submission - ' . $this->_block->label);
         return \redirect(Request::url());
     } else {
     return null;
 public static function updateUrl($uniqueId, $pageId)
     $beacon = self::where('unique_id', '=', $uniqueId)->first();
     if (empty($beacon)) {
         FormMessage::add('page_info_other[beacons]', 'A selected beacon was not found');
     } else {
         $beaconUrl = URL::to('/');
         $beaconUrlParts = parse_url($beaconUrl);
         $beaconUrlEncoded = '02' . bin2hex($beaconUrlParts['host']);
         if ($pageId) {
             $pageUrl = Path::getFullUrl($pageId);
             $pageUrl = URL::to($pageUrl);
             try {
                 $bitlyResponse = json_decode(self::_bitly()->request('GET', 'v3/shorten', ['query' => ['access_token' => config('coaster::key.bitly'), 'longUrl' => $pageUrl . '?beacon_id=' . $uniqueId]])->getBody());
                 if ($bitlyResponse->status_code == 200) {
                     $beaconUrl = 'http://bit.ly/' . $bitlyResponse->data->hash;
                     $beaconUrlEncoded = '02' . bin2hex('bit.ly/' . $bitlyResponse->data->hash);
                 } else {
                     FormMessage::add('page_info_other[beacons]', 'Error generating bit.ly url (response:  ' . $bitlyResponse->status_txt . ')');
                     return 0;
             } catch (RequestException $e) {
                 FormMessage::add('page_info_other[beacons]', 'Error generating bit.ly url (response: ' . $e->getCode() . ')');
                 return 0;
         if ($beacon->url == $beaconUrl && $beacon->page_id == $pageId) {
             return 1;
         try {
             self::_client()->request('POST', 'config/delete', ['query' => ['uniqueId' => $uniqueId]]);
             self::_client()->request('POST', 'config/create', ['query' => ['uniqueId' => $uniqueId, 'deviceType' => 'beacon', 'url' => $beaconUrlEncoded]])->getBody();
             $beacon->page_id = $pageId;
             $beacon->url = $beaconUrl;
             return 1;
         } catch (RequestException $e) {
             $error = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody());
             FormMessage::add('page_info_other[beacons]', 'Error updating device config with new URL (' . $error->status . ': ' . $error->message . ')');
     return 0;
 public function postAdd()
     $authUser = Auth::user();
     $v = Validator::make(Request::all(), array('email' => 'required|email', 'role' => 'required|integer'));
     $perm_issue = true;
     $role = UserRole::find(Request::input('role'));
     if (!empty($role) && $role->admin <= $authUser->role->admin) {
         $perm_issue = false;
     if ($v->passes() && !$perm_issue) {
         $password = str_random(8);
         $new_user = new User();
         $new_user->email = Request::input('email');
         $new_user->role_id = Request::input('role');
         $new_user->password = Hash::make($password);
         AdminLog::new_log('User \'' . $new_user->email . '\' added');
         Mail::send('coaster::emails.new_account', array('email' => $new_user->email, 'password' => $password), function ($message) use($new_user) {
             $message->subject(config('coaster::site.name') . ': New Account Details');
         $failures = Mail::failures();
         if (empty($failures)) {
             $email_message = 'An email has been sent to the new user with their login details.';
             $email_status = 'success';
         } else {
             $email_message = 'There was an error sending the login details to the new user.';
             $email_status = 'warning';
         $this->layoutData['content'] = View::make('coaster::pages.users.add', array('success' => true, 'password' => $password, 'email_message' => $email_message, 'email_status' => $email_status));
     } else {
         if ($perm_issue) {
             FormMessage::add('role', 'Don\'t have permission to create user with this role, or doesn\'t exist');