private function takeWidgetFromURI(RequestContext $context) { try { return Widget::getByID($context->takeNextPathComponent()); } catch (\Chipin\Widgets\NoSuchWidget $_) { return $this->pageNotFound("No such widget"); } }
/** * @param string $query SELECT portion of SQL query * @param array $params parameters to pass with the query * @return Widget[] */ public static function getManyByQuery($query, array $params) { return array_map(function ($row) { $obj = new Widget(); $obj->populateFromArray($row); return $obj; }, select($query, $params)); }
public function endWidget(RequestContext $context) { $w = Widget::getByOwnerAndID($this->user, $context->takeNextPathComponent()); if ($this->isPostRequest()) { Widgets\endWidget($w); return $this->redirect('/dashboard/'); } else { return $this->render('', array('widget' => $w)); } }
function getWidget(User $u = null) { require_once 'chipin/widgets.php'; if ($u == null) { $u = getUser(); } $w = new Widget(); $w->ownerID = $u->id; $w->title = "Test Widget"; $w->ending = new DateTime('2020-06-30'); $w->setGoal(100, 'USD'); $w->setDimensions(350, 310); $colors = Widgets\allowedColors(); $w->color = $colors[0]; $w->bitcoinAddress = getBitcoinAddr(); $w->countryCode = 'CA'; $w->about = "This is a test widget!"; $w->save(); return $w; }
function testEndingWidget() { $w = getWidget($this->user); $this->updateEndingDate($w, new DateTime('+7 days')); assertFalse($w->hasEnded()); $this->get('/dashboard/'); $this->clickLink("//a[contains(text(), 'End') and contains(@href, '{$w->id}')]"); $this->submitForm($this->getForm('end-widget-' . $w->id)); $wNow = Widget::getByID($w->id); assertTrue($wNow->hasEnded()); }
function testProgressProperlyCalculated() { $w = getWidget(); $addr = getBitcoinAddr($btcBalance = 2); # Case where widget uses BTC as base currency. $w->bitcoinAddress = $addr; $w->setGoal(4, Currencies\BTC()); $w->save(); $reloaded = Widget::getByID($w->id); assertTrue($reloaded->progressPercent > 49 && $reloaded->progressPercent < 51); # Case where widget uses fiat as base currency. setPriceForBTC(Currencies\USD(), 100); $w->bitcoinAddress = $addr; $w->setGoal(600, Currencies\USD()); $w->save(); $reloaded = Widget::getByID($w->id); $expected = 200 / 600 * 100; assertTrue($reloaded->progressPercent > floor($expected) && $reloaded->progressPercent < ceil($expected)); }
function contentForThisStep() { ?> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#widget-end-date').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', minDate: +1 }); }); </script> <?php echo $this->javascriptValidation(1); ?> <div id="step-1"> <h3>Step 1: Basic Information</h3> <?php if ($this->form && $this->form->hasErrors()) { ?> <?php foreach ($this->form->getErrors() as $e) { ?> <div class="alert alert-error"><?php echo $e; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <br /> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6" style="width: 100%;"> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="widget-title">Title of Widget</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" class="input-large" id="widget-title" name="title" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->widget->title); ?> " /> <span class="help-inline error-msg">Please provide a title.</span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group" id="widget-goal"> <label class="control-label" for="widget-want-to-raise">Amount to Raise</label> <div class="controls"> <?php $goal = isset($this->widget->goalAmnt) ? Currency\trimZeros($this->widget->goalAmnt->numUnits) : ""; ?> <input type="text" class="input-small" id="widget-want-to-raise" name="goal" value="<?php echo $goal; ?> "/> <?php $s = new SelectField('currency', 'Currency', array('USD' => 'USD', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'CNY' => 'CNY', 'CAD' => 'CAD', 'JPY' => 'JPY', 'BTC' => 'BTC')); $s->setID('currency')->setAttribute('style', 'width: 6em;'); $s->setValue(empty($this->widget->currency) ? 'USD' : $this->widget->currency); ?> <?php echo $s->renderInputHtml(); ?> <span class="help-inline error-msg">Please enter a valid (numeric) amount.</span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="widget-end-date">End Date</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" class="input-small" id="widget-end-date" name="ending" value="<?php echo $this->widget->endingDateAsString(); ?> "/> <span class="help-inline error-msg">Please correct the error.</span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group" id="bitcoin-addr-control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="widget-bitcoin-address">Bitcoin Address</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" class="input-large bitcoin-address" id="widget-bitcoin-address" name="bitcoinAddress" value="<?php echo $this->widget->bitcoinAddress; ?> " /> <span class="help-inline error-msg">Please provide a valid Bitcoin address.</span> <span class="help-inline not-error"> Please use a new, dedicated Bitcoin address for each widget. In this way, we are able to measure the amount that has been donated to your cause.</span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /span6 --> <div class="span5 offset1"> <!-- <div class="well"> </div> --> </div> <!-- /span5 --> </div> <!-- /row-fluid --> </div> <!-- /step-1 --> <?php }
private function getWidget() { if (isset($_GET['w'])) { # Looks like we're editing a widget... $user = $this->getActiveUser(); if (empty($user)) { $_SESSION['authenticationRequired'] = true; return $this->redirect("/account/signin"); } else { $w = Widget::getByOwnerAndID($user, $_GET['w']); $this->storeWidgetInSession($w); return $w; } } else { $w = at($_SESSION, 'unsaved-widget', null); if (isset($w) && isset($w->ownerID) && empty($this->user)) { $this->clearWidgetInSession(); $w = null; } if (empty($w)) { $w = new Widget(); } $w->color = Widgets\defaultColor(); $w->width = Widgets\defaultSize()->width; $w->height = Widgets\defaultSize()->height; return $w; } }
/** * Here we aim to assert we're not vulnerable to "CSRF" attacks. We do this simply by * asserting a "raw" POST request will not be accepted for widget editing, as this should * indicate the server is requiring some sort of "nonce" or "token" for accepting any * form submission. More on CSRF here: * */ function testResilienceToCrossSiteRequestForgeryAttack() { $w = getWidget($this->user); $this->get("/widget-wiz/step-one?w={$w->id}"); try { $this->post("/widget-wiz/step-one", array('title' => 'Hijacked', 'goal' => '1000', 'currency' => 'USD', 'ending' => "12/15/2020", 'bitcoinAddress' => '1E3FqrQTZSvTUdw7qZ4NnZppqiqnqqNcUN')); } catch (UnexpectedHttpResponseCode $_) { /* That will do... */ } try { $this->post("/widget-wiz/step-two", array('about' => 'Show me the money!', 'color' => Widgets\defaultColor(), 'size' => (string) Widgets\defaultSize())); } catch (UnexpectedHttpResponseCode $_) { /* That's good... */ } $widgetNow = Widget::getByID($w->id); assertNotEqual('Hijacked', $widgetNow->title); assertNotEqual('1E3FqrQTZSvTUdw7qZ4NnZppqiqnqqNcUN', $widgetNow->bitcoinAddress); assertNotEqual('Show me the money!', $widgetNow->about); }