 public function postReply(Request $request, $statusId)
     $this->validate($request, ["reply-{$statusId}" => 'required|max:1000'], ['required' => 'The reply body is required']);
     // Find the status that the reply belongs to
     $status = Status::notReply()->find($statusId);
     // Fail if the status doesn't exist
     if (!$status) {
         return redirect()->route('home');
     // Check if the currently authenticated user is friends with the owner of this status and not his own status
     if (!Auth::user()->isFriendsWith($status->user) && Auth::user()->id !== $status->user->id) {
         return redirect()->route('home');
     // Get the reply
     $reply = Status::create(['body' => $request->input("reply-{$statusId}")])->user()->associate(Auth::user());
     // Reply is saved using the REPLiES method
     return redirect()->back();