  * Converts a XML description of a SQL column into a full SQL type
  *	<column name="_rate" nametype="namesuffix" type="sql:decimal(16,8)" unsigned="true" null="true" default="NULL" auto_increment="100" />
  * Returns: $fulltype: 'decimal(16,8) unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL'
  * @param  SimpleXMLElement    $column       Column to determine type
  * @param  string              $tableName    Name of table (for determining engine for preferred type)
  * @param  string              $tableEngine  Engine of table (if $tableName is not yet created, for preferred type)
  * @return string|boolean                    Full SQL creation type or FALSE in case of error
 protected function fullColumnType(SimpleXMLElement $column, $tableName, $tableEngine = null)
     $fullType = false;
     if ($column->getName() == 'column') {
         // $colName				=	$column->attributes( 'name' );
         // $colNameType			=	$column->attributes( 'nametype' );
         // if ( $colNameType == 'namesuffix' ) {
         //	$colName			=	$colNamePrefix . $colName;
         // }
         $type = $this->getPreferredColumnType($column, $tableName, $tableEngine);
         $unsigned = $column->attributes('unsigned');
         $null = $column->attributes('null');
         $default = $column->attributes('default');
         $auto_increment = $column->attributes('auto_increment');
         if (cbStartOfStringMatch($type, 'sql:')) {
             $type = trim(substr($type, 4));
             // remove 'sql:'
             if ($type) {
                 $notQuoted = array('int', 'float', 'tinyint', 'bigint', 'decimal', 'boolean', 'bit', 'serial', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'double', 'year');
                 $isInt = false;
                 foreach ($notQuoted as $n) {
                     if (cbStartOfStringMatch($type, $n)) {
                         $isInt = true;
                 $fullType = $type;
                 if ($unsigned == 'true') {
                     $fullType .= ' unsigned';
                 if ($null !== 'true') {
                     $fullType .= ' NOT NULL';
                 if (!in_array($type, array('text', 'blob', 'tinytext', 'mediumtext', 'longtext', 'tinyblob', 'mediumblob', 'longblob'))) {
                     // BLOB and TEXT columns cannot have DEFAULT values. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/blob.html
                     if ($default !== null) {
                         $fullType .= ' DEFAULT ' . ($isInt || $default === 'NULL' ? $default : $this->_db->Quote($default));
                     } elseif (!$auto_increment) {
                         // MySQL 5.0.51a and b have a bug: they need a default value always to be able to return it correctly in SHOW COLUMNS FROM ...:
                         if ($null === 'true') {
                             $default = 'NULL';
                         } elseif ($isInt) {
                             $default = 0;
                         } elseif (in_array($type, array('datetime', 'date', 'time'))) {
                             $default = $this->_db->getNullDate($type);
                         } else {
                             $default = '';
                         $fullType .= ' DEFAULT ' . ($isInt || $default === 'NULL' ? $default : $this->_db->Quote($default));
                 if ($auto_increment) {
                     $fullType .= ' auto_increment';
     return $fullType;