/** * Get the list of active users with basic data * @return array */ public static function getActiveUsers() { $rez = array('success' => true, 'data' => array()); // $photosPath = Config::get('photos_path'); $users = DM\UsersGroups::getAvailableUsers(); foreach ($users as $r) { $r['user'] = $r['name']; $r['name'] = User::getDisplayName($r); $r['photo'] = User::getPhotoParam($r); $rez['data'][] = $r; } return $rez; }
/** * generate html preview for a task * @param int $id task id * @return array */ public function getPreviewBlocks() { $pb = parent::getPreviewBlocks(); $data = $this->getData(); $sd =& $data['sys_data']; $template = $this->getTemplate(); $actionsLine = 'Actions<hr />'; $dateLines = ''; $ownerRow = ''; $assigneeRow = ''; $contentRow = ''; //create actions line $flags = $this->getActionFlags(); $actions = array(); if (!empty($flags['complete'])) { $actions[] = '<a action="complete" class="task-action ib-done">' . L\get('Complete') . '</a>'; } if (!empty($flags['close'])) { $actions[] = '<a action="close" class="task-action ib-done-all">' . L\get('Close') . '</a>'; } if (!empty($flags['reopen'])) { $actions[] = '<a action="reopen" class="task-action ib-repeat">' . L\get('Reopen') . '</a>'; } $actionsLine = '<div class="task-actions">' . implode(' ', $actions) . '</div>'; //create date and status row $ed = $this->getEndDate(); $status = $this->getStatus(); if (!empty($ed)) { $endDate = Util\formatTaskTime($ed, !$sd['task_allday']); // $endDate = empty($sd['task_allday']) // ? Util\formatDateTimePeriod($ed, null, @$_SESSION['user']['cfg']['timezone']) // : Util\formatDatePeriod($ed, null, @$_SESSION['user']['cfg']['timezone']); $dateLines = '<tr><td class="prop-key">' . L\get('Due') . ':</td><td>' . $endDate . '</td></tr>'; // $dateLine .= '<div class="date">' . $endDate . '</div>'; } if (!empty($sd['task_d_closed'])) { $dateLines .= '<tr><td class="prop-key">' . L\get('Completed') . ':</td><td>' . Util\formatAgoTime($sd['task_d_closed']) . '</td></tr>'; } //create owner row $v = $this->getOwner(); if (!empty($v)) { $cn = User::getDisplayName($v); $cdt = Util\formatAgoTime($data['cdate']); $cd = Util\formatDateTimePeriod($data['cdate'], null, @$_SESSION['user']['cfg']['timezone']); $ownerRow = '<tr><td class="prop-key">' . L\get('Owner') . ':</td><td>' . '<table class="prop-val people"><tbody>' . '<tr><td class="user"><img class="photo32" src="photo/' . $v . '.jpg?32=' . User::getPhotoParam($v) . '" style="width:32px; height: 32px" alt="' . $cn . '" title="' . $cn . '"></td>' . '<td><b>' . $cn . '</b><p class="gr">' . L\get('Created') . ': ' . '<span class="dttm" title="' . $cd . '">' . $cdt . '</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>' . '</td></tr>'; } //create assignee row $v = $this->getFieldValue('assigned', 0); if (!empty($v['value'])) { $isOwner = $this->isOwner(); $assigneeRow .= '<tr><td class="prop-key">' . L\get('TaskAssigned') . ':</td><td><table class="prop-val people"><tbody>'; $v = Util\toNumericArray($v['value']); $dateFormat = \CB\getOption('long_date_format') . ' H:i:s'; foreach ($v as $id) { $un = User::getDisplayName($id); $completed = $this->getUserStatus($id) == static::$USERSTATUS_DONE; $flags = $this->getActionFlags($id); $cdt = ''; //completed date title $dateText = ''; if ($completed && !empty($sd['task_u_d_closed'][$id])) { $cdt = Util\formatMysqlDate($sd['task_u_d_closed'][$id], $dateFormat); $dateText = ': ' . Util\formatAgoTime($sd['task_u_d_closed'][$id]); } $assigneeRow .= '<tr><td class="user"><div style="position: relative">' . '<img class="photo32" src="photo/' . $id . '.jpg?32=' . User::getPhotoParam($id) . '" style="width:32px; height: 32px" alt="' . $un . '" title="' . $un . '">' . ($completed ? '<img class="done icon icon-tick-circle" src="/css/i/s.gif" />' : "") . '</div></td><td><b>' . $un . '</b>' . '<p class="gr" title="' . $cdt . '">' . ($completed ? L\get('Completed') . $dateText . ($isOwner ? ' <a class="bt task-action click" action="markincomplete" uid="' . $id . '">' . L\get('revoke') . '</a>' : '') : L\get('waitingForAction') . ($isOwner ? ' <a class="bt task-action click" action="markcomplete" uid="' . $id . '">' . L\get('complete') . '</a>' : '')) . '</p></td></tr>'; } $assigneeRow .= '</tbody></table></td></tr>'; } //create description row $v = $this->getFieldValue('description', 0); if (!empty($v['value'])) { $tf = $template->getField('description'); $v = $template->formatValueForDisplay($tf, $v); $contentRow = '<tr><td class="prop-val" colspan="2">' . $v . '</td></tr>'; } //insert rows $p = $pb[0]; $pos = strrpos($p, '<tbody>'); $p = substr($p, $pos + 7); $pos = strrpos($p, '</tbody>'); if ($pos !== false) { $p = substr($p, 0, $pos); } $pb[0] = $actionsLine . '<table class="obj-preview"><tbody>' . $dateLines . $p . $ownerRow . $assigneeRow . $contentRow . '<tbody></table>'; return $pb; }