public function handleGet($get, $post, $files, $cookies) { if (Models\User::currentUser($cookies)->authorizationLevel < 5) { throw new \Exception('You are not authorized to view this page'); } ini_set('max_execution_time', 9000); chdir(constant('BASE_DIR')); $lastdone = isset($get['lastdone']) ? (int) $get['lastdone'] : 0; $starttime = isset($get['starttime']) ? (int) $get['starttime'] : time(); $numdone = isset($get['numdone']) ? (int) $get['numdone'] : 0; $phpself = self::getUrl(); /* Rescan */ if (!isset($get['lastdone'])) { Models\Folder::update(); } /* Set up the page view */ $this->htmlHeader($cookies); //TODO BREAKING MVC HERE BECAUSE OF INTREMENTAL RENDERING echo '<h2>Rendering thumbnails <small>To avoid a delay when viewing photos for the first time</small></h2>'; $total = Models\Database::selectOne('photos', 'count(*)'); $done = Models\Database::selectOne('photos', 'count(*)', "id <= {$lastdone}"); $todo = Models\Database::selectOne('photos', 'count(*)', "id > {$lastdone}"); $timeleft = ceil((time() - $starttime) * $todo / ($numdone + $done / 1000 + 1) / 60); echo "<p>Progress: " . number_format($done) . ' of ' . number_format($total) . " done"; echo " (about {$timeleft} minutes left)"; echo "</p>\n"; $percentage = $done / $total * 100; echo "<progress class=\"progress\" value=\"{$percentage}\" max=\"100\">{$percentage}%</progress>"; $next1000 = Models\Database::select('photos', 'id', "id > {$lastdone} AND status != 9", 'ORDER BY id LIMIT 500'); $fixed = 0; flush(); while (($next = $next1000->fetchAssoc()) && $fixed < 10) { $photo = Models\Photo::getPhotoWithID($next['id']); $redo = $photo->isCacheMissing(); if ($redo) { echo "<div>Updating #" . $next['id'] . "</div>\n"; $photo->generateThumbnail(); echo "<div>Updated #" . $next['id'] . "</div>\n"; flush(); $fixed++; $photo->destroy(); } $lastdone = $next['id']; } $numdone += $fixed; if ($todo > 0) { echo "<script language='javascript'>window.setTimeout('window.location=\"" . htmlspecialchars($phpself) . "?lastdone={$lastdone}&starttime={$starttime}&numdone={$numdone}\"',400)</script>\n"; echo "<p><a href=\"?lastdone={$lastdone}&starttime={$starttime}&numdone={$numdone}\">Click here to continue</a> if the Javascript redirect doesn't work.</p>\n"; } $this->htmlFooter(); }
public function __construct($modelId) { parent::__construct(); if (!Models\Photo::photoExists(intval($modelId))) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); throw new \Exception('Photo #' . intval($modelId) . ' not found.'); } $this->model = Models\Photo::getPhotoWithID($modelId); $this->title = $this->model->get('description'); $this->icon = 'photo'; $this->url = self::getUrlForID($this->model->id); //todo: done by parent? $this->imageType = 'image/jpeg'; $this->image = $this->model->getMediaURL('thumbnail'); $this->imageType = 'image/jpeg'; $this->imageWidth = $this->model->get('tn_width'); $this->imageHeight = $this->model->get('tn_height'); }
public function handleGet($get, $post, $files, $cookies) { $photo = Models\Photo::getPhotoWithID($get['id']); $scale = isset($get['scale']) ? $get['scale'] : null; $extension = $photo->extension; if (!is_numeric($get['ver'])) { throw new \Exception('Required number ver missing! Query string: ' . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); } if ($photo->get('status') != 0) { if (Models\User::currentUser($cookies)->authorizationLevel < 5) { throw new \Exception('Photo access denied'); } } list($file, $temp, $mtime) = self::getFileForPhotoWithScale($photo, $scale); if ($extension == 'jpg' || $extension == 'jpeg') { header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); } elseif ($extension == 'png') { header('Content-type: image/png'); } elseif ($extension == 'gif') { header('Content-type: image/gif'); } else { throw new \Exception('Unknown photo type'); } header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . htmlentities($photo->get('description')) . '.' . $extension . '";'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); header("Date: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $mtime) . " GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $mtime) . " GMT"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 2592000) . " GMT"); // One month if ($file) { readfile($file); } if ($temp) { unlink($file); } }
public function handleGet($get, $post, $files, $cookies) { if (Models\User::currentUser($cookies)->authorizationLevel < 5) { throw new \Exception('You are not authorized to view this page'); } /* Set up the page view */ $checkpointId = intval(Models\Preferences::valueForModuleWithKey('CameraLife', 'checkpointphotos')); $view = new Views\AdminPhotosView(); $view->isUsingHttps = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']); $view->myUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $query = Models\Database::select('photos', 'id', 'id>:0 AND status!=9', 'ORDER BY id LIMIT 200', null, array($checkpointId)); $view->photos = array(); while ($row = $query->fetchAssoc()) { $view->photos[] = Models\Photo::getPhotoWithID($row['id']); $view->lastReviewItem = $row['id']; } $done = Models\Database::selectOne('photos', 'count(id)', 'id<=:0 AND status!=9', null, null, array($checkpointId)); $view->reviewsDone = $done; $remaining = Models\Database::selectOne('photos', 'count(id)', 'id>:0 AND status!=9', null, null, array($checkpointId)); $view->reviewsRemaining = $remaining; $this->htmlHeader($cookies); $view->render(); $this->htmlFooter(); }