format() public method

Format a template string with $data
public format ( string $name, array $data ) : string | null
$name string The template name.
$data array The data to insert.
return string | null Formatted string or null if template not found.
  * Render a text widget or other simple widget like email/tel/number.
  * This method accepts a number of keys:
  * - `name` The name attribute.
  * - `val` The value attribute.
  * - `escape` Set to false to disable escaping on all attributes.
  * Any other keys provided in $data will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data The data to build an input with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['name' => '', 'val' => null, 'type' => 'text', 'escape' => true];
     $data['value'] = $data['val'];
     return $this->_templates->format('input', ['name' => $data['name'], 'type' => $data['type'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'type'])]);
  * Render a text widget or other simple widget like email/tel/number.
  * This method accepts a number of keys:
  * - `name` The name attribute.
  * - `val` The value attribute.
  * - `escape` Set to false to disable escaping on all attributes.
  * Any other keys provided in $data will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data The data to build an input with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['name' => '', 'val' => null, 'type' => 'text', 'mode' => 'datetime', 'escape' => true, 'readonly' => true, 'templateVars' => []];
     // mode value and class
     $mode = $data['mode'];
     $hval = $data['value'] = $data['val'];
     $data['class'] = $data['type'];
     unset($data['val'], $data['mode']);
     // transform into frozen time if not already
     if (!($data['value'] instanceof FrozenTime || $data['value'] instanceof FrozenDate)) {
         $data['value'] = new FrozenTime($data['value']);
     // transform values
     if ($mode == 'datetime') {
         $hval = $data['value']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $data['value'] = $data['value']->format('d-M-Y H:i:s');
     if ($mode == 'date') {
         $hval = $data['value']->format('Y-m-d');
         $data['value'] = $data['value']->format('d-M-Y');
     if ($mode == 'time') {
         $hval = $data['value'] = $data['value']->format('H:i:s');
     // render
     $rand = Text::uuid();
     return "<div id='{$rand}' style='position: relative;'>" . $this->_templates->format('input', ['name' => $data['name'], 'type' => 'hidden', 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes(['value' => $hval])]) . $this->_templates->format('input', ['name' => $data['name'] . '-' . $rand, 'type' => $mode, 'templateVars' => $data['templateVars'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'type'])]) . "<div id='dtpicker-{$rand}'></div><scriptend>\$(document).ready(Backend.DTPicker('{$rand}', '{$mode}'));</scriptend></div>";
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $value = '';
     if (isset($data['val'])) {
         $value = $data['val'];
     return $this->_templates->format('static', ['value' => $value, 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['val', 'name', 'type'])]);
  * Render a text widget or other simple widget like email/tel/number.
  * This method accepts a number of keys:
  * - `name` The name attribute.
  * - `val` The value attribute.
  * - `escape` Set to false to disable escaping on all attributes.
  * Any other keys provided in $data will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data The data to build an input with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
  * @SuppressWarnings("unused")
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data = array_merge(['name' => '', 'val' => null, 'type' => 'text', 'escape' => true, 'class' => '', 'templateVars' => []], $data);
     $data['value'] = $data['val'];
     list($before, $after, $data) = $this->_getBeforeAfter($data);
     $data = $this->_addClass($data, 'form-control');
     return $this->_templates->format('input', ['name' => $data['name'], 'type' => $data['type'], 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'templateVars' => $data['templateVars'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'type', 'text', 'fieldName'])]);
  * Render a color picker widget.
  * @param array $data The data to build an input with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['name' => '', 'val' => null, 'type' => 'text', 'escape' => true];
     $data['value'] = $data['val'];
     $data['readonly'] = 'readonly';
     $data['class'] = !empty($data['class']) ? "{$data['class']} fontselector" : 'fontselector';
     return $this->_templates->format('input', ['name' => $data['name'], 'type' => 'text', 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'type'])]) . '<p id="' . $data['id'] . '-preview" style="font:' . $data['value'] . ';">Example text</p>';
  * Render a checkbox element.
  * Data supports the following keys:
  * - `name` - The name of the input.
  * - `value` - The value attribute. Defaults to '1'.
  * - `val` - The current value. If it matches `value` the checkbox will be checked.
  *   You can also use the 'checked' attribute to make the checkbox checked.
  * - `disabled` - Whether or not the checkbox should be disabled.
  * Any other attributes passed in will be treated as HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data The data to create a checkbox with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string Generated HTML string.
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['name' => '', 'value' => 1, 'val' => null, 'disabled' => false];
     if ($this->_isChecked($data)) {
         $data['checked'] = true;
     $attrs = $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'value']);
     return $this->_templates->format('checkbox', ['name' => $data['name'], 'value' => $data['value'], 'attrs' => $attrs]);
  * Render a color picker widget.
  * @param array $data The data to build an input with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['name' => '', 'val' => null, 'type' => 'text', 'escape' => true];
     $data['value'] = $data['val'];
     if (empty($data['id'])) {
         $data['id'] = 'color-picker-' . md5(serialize($data));
     return $this->_templates->format('input', ['name' => $data['name'], 'type' => 'hidden', 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'type'])]) . '<div class="colorSelector"><div class="preview" data-for="' . $data['id'] . '"></div></div>';
  * Render a LilDate field.
  * This method accepts a number of keys:
  * - `text` The text of the button. Unlike all other form controls, buttons
  *   do not escape their contents by default.
  * - `escape` Set to true to enable escaping on all attributes.
  * - `type` The button type defaults to 'submit'.
  * Any other keys provided in $data will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array            $data    The data to build a button with.
  * @param ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['val' => '', 'name' => '', 'precision' => 2, 'empty' => true, 'class' => 'right'];
     if (is_numeric($data['val'])) {
         $data['value'] = $this->view->Number->precision($data['val'], $data['precision']);
     } else {
         $data['value'] = $data['val'];
     $this->view->Lil->jsReady(sprintf('$("#%1$s").LilFloat({places:%2$s});', $data['id'], $data['precision']));
     return $this->templates->format('input', ['type' => 'text', 'name' => $data['name'], 'attrs' => $this->templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'val', 'precision', 'empty'])]);
  * Renders a date time widget
  * - `name` - Set the input name.
  * - `disabled` - Either true or an array of options to disable.
  * - `val` - A date time string, integer or DateTime object
  * - `empty` - Set to true to add an empty option at the top of the
  *   option elements. Set to a string to define the display value of the
  *   empty option.
  * In addition to the above options, the following options allow you to control
  * which input elements are generated. By setting any option to false you can disable
  * that input picker. In addition each picker allows you to set additional options
  * that are set as HTML properties on the picker.
  * - `year` - Array of options for the year select box.
  * - `month` - Array of options for the month select box.
  * - `day` - Array of options for the day select box.
  * - `hour` - Array of options for the hour select box.
  * - `minute` - Array of options for the minute select box.
  * - `second` - Set to true to enable the seconds input. Defaults to false.
  * - `meridian` - Set to true to enable the meridian input. Defaults to false.
  *   The meridian will be enabled automatically if you choose a 12 hour format.
  * The `year` option accepts the `start` and `end` options. These let you control
  * the year range that is generated. It defaults to +-5 years from today.
  * The `month` option accepts the `name` option which allows you to get month
  * names instead of month numbers.
  * The `hour` option allows you to set the following options:
  * - `format` option which accepts 12 or 24, allowing
  *   you to indicate which hour format you want.
  * - `start` The hour to start the options at.
  * - `end` The hour to stop the options at.
  * The start and end options are dependent on the format used. If the
  * value is out of the start/end range it will not be included.
  * The `minute` option allows you to define the following options:
  * - `interval` The interval to round options to.
  * - `round` Accepts `up` or `down`. Defines which direction the current value
  *   should be rounded to match the select options.
  * @param array $data Data to render with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string A generated select box.
  * @throws \RuntimeException When option data is invalid.
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data = $this->_normalizeData($data);
     $selected = $this->_deconstructDate($data['val'], $data);
     $templateOptions = [];
     foreach ($this->_selects as $select) {
         if ($data[$select] === false || $data[$select] === null) {
             $templateOptions[$select] = '';
         if (!is_array($data[$select])) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Options for "%s" must be an array|false|null', $select));
         $method = "_{$select}Select";
         $data[$select]['name'] = $data['name'] . "[" . $select . "]";
         $data[$select]['val'] = $selected[$select];
         if (!isset($data[$select]['empty'])) {
             $data[$select]['empty'] = $data['empty'];
         if (!isset($data[$select]['disabled'])) {
             $data[$select]['disabled'] = $data['disabled'];
         $templateOptions[$select] = $this->{$method}($data[$select], $context);
     unset($data['name'], $data['empty'], $data['disabled'], $data['val']);
     $templateOptions['attrs'] = $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data);
     return $this->_templates->format('dateWidget', $templateOptions);
  * Render a LilDate field.
  * This method accepts a number of keys:
  * - `text` The text of the button. Unlike all other form controls, buttons
  *   do not escape their contents by default.
  * - `escape` Set to true to enable escaping on all attributes.
  * - `type` The button type defaults to 'submit'.
  * Any other keys provided in $data will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array            $data    The data to build a button with.
  * @param ContextInterface $context The form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['val' => '', 'name' => ''];
     if (is_a($data['val'], 'Cake\\I18n\\Time') || is_a($data['val'], 'Cake\\I18n\\Date') || is_a($data['val'], 'Cake\\I18n\\FrozenTime') || is_a($data['val'], 'Cake\\I18n\\FrozenDate')) {
         $data['value'] = $data['val']->toDateString();
     } else {
         if ($theDate = Time::parseDate($data['val'], 'yyyy-MM-dd')) {
             $data['value'] = $theDate->toDateString();
     // default field type is HTML5 date
     $fieldType = 'date';
     // localized date input with jquery date picker
     if (Configure::read('Lil.legacyDateFields')) {
         $fieldType = 'text';
         if ($theDate = Time::parseDate($data['value'], 'yyyy-MM-dd')) {
             $parts = str_split(Configure::read('Lil.dateFormat'));
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($parts); $i++) {
                 $parts[$i] = strtr($parts[$i], ['D' => str_pad($theDate->day, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'M' => str_pad($theDate->month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'Y' => $theDate->year]);
             $data['value'] = implode(Configure::read('Lil.dateSeparator'), $parts);
         $this->view->Lil->jsReady(sprintf('$("#%1$s").datepicker(%2$s);', $data['id'], $this->_jsOptions()));
     return $this->templates->format('input', ['type' => $fieldType, 'name' => $data['name'], 'attrs' => $this->templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'val'])]);
  * Renders a single radio input and label.
  * @param string|int $val The value of the radio input.
  * @param string|array $text The label text, or complex radio type.
  * @param array $data Additional options for input generation.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The form context
  * @return string
 protected function _renderInput($val, $text, $data, $context)
     $escape = $data['escape'];
     if (is_int($val) && isset($text['text'], $text['value'])) {
         $radio = $text;
         $text = $radio['text'];
     } else {
         $radio = ['value' => $val, 'text' => $text];
     $radio['name'] = $data['name'];
     if (empty($radio['id'])) {
         $radio['id'] = $this->_id($radio['name'], $radio['value']);
     if (isset($data['val']) && is_bool($data['val'])) {
         $data['val'] = $data['val'] ? 1 : 0;
     if (isset($data['val']) && strval($data['val']) === strval($radio['value'])) {
         $radio['checked'] = true;
     if ($this->_isDisabled($radio, $data['disabled'])) {
         $radio['disabled'] = true;
     if (!empty($data['required'])) {
         $radio['required'] = true;
     if (!empty($data['form'])) {
         $radio['form'] = $data['form'];
     $input = $this->_templates->format('radio', ['name' => $radio['name'], 'value' => $escape ? h($radio['value']) : $radio['value'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($radio, ['name', 'value', 'text'])]);
     $label = $this->_renderLabel($radio, $data['label'], $input, $context, $escape);
     if ($label === false && strpos($this->_templates->get('radioWrapper'), '{{input}}') === false) {
         $label = $input;
     return $this->_templates->format('radioWrapper', ['input' => $input, 'label' => $label]);
  * Render a set of options.
  * Will recursively call itself when option groups are in use.
  * @param array $options The options to render.
  * @param array|null $disabled The options to disable.
  * @param array|string|null $selected The options to select.
  * @param bool $escape Toggle HTML escaping.
  * @return array Option elements.
 protected function _renderOptions($options, $disabled, $selected, $escape)
     $out = [];
     foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
         // Option groups
         $arrayVal = is_array($val) || $val instanceof Traversable;
         if (!is_int($key) && $arrayVal || is_int($key) && $arrayVal && isset($val['options'])) {
             $out[] = $this->_renderOptgroup($key, $val, $disabled, $selected, $escape);
         // Basic options
         $optAttrs = ['value' => $key, 'text' => $val];
         if (is_array($val) && isset($optAttrs['text'], $optAttrs['value'])) {
             $optAttrs = $val;
         if ($this->_isSelected($key, $selected)) {
             $optAttrs['selected'] = true;
         if ($this->_isDisabled($key, $disabled)) {
             $optAttrs['disabled'] = true;
         $optAttrs['escape'] = $escape;
         $out[] = $this->_templates->format('option', ['value' => $escape ? h($optAttrs['value']) : $optAttrs['value'], 'text' => $escape ? h($optAttrs['text']) : $optAttrs['text'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($optAttrs, ['text', 'value'])]);
     return $out;
  * Render a text widget or other simple widget like email/tel/number.
  * This method accepts a number of keys:
  * - `name` The name attribute.
  * - `val` The value attribute.
  * - `escape` Set to false to disable escaping on all attributes.
  * Any other keys provided in $data will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data The data to build an input with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['name' => '', 'val' => null, 'type' => 'text', 'escape' => true, 'templateVars' => []];
     $data['value'] = $data['val'];
     $before = null;
     $after = null;
     if (isset($data['before'])) {
         $before = $data['before'];
     if (isset($data['after'])) {
         $after = $data['after'];
     return $this->_templates->format('input', ['name' => $data['name'], 'type' => $data['type'], 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'templateVars' => $data['templateVars'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name', 'type'])]);
  * Render a single checkbox & wrapper.
  * @param array $checkbox An array containing checkbox key/value option pairs
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context Context object.
  * @return string
 protected function _renderInput($checkbox, $context)
     $input = $this->_templates->format('checkbox', ['name' => $checkbox['name'] . '[]', 'value' => $checkbox['escape'] ? h($checkbox['value']) : $checkbox['value'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($checkbox, ['name', 'value', 'text'])]);
     $labelAttrs = ['for' => $checkbox['id'], 'escape' => $checkbox['escape'], 'text' => $checkbox['text'], 'input' => $input];
     if (!empty($checkbox['checked']) && empty($labelAttrs['class'])) {
         $labelAttrs['class'] = 'selected';
     $label = $this->_label->render($labelAttrs, $context);
     return $this->_templates->format('checkboxWrapper', ['label' => $label, 'input' => $input]);
  * Returns green on ok, red otherwise
  * @todo Remove inline css and make classes better: green=>ok red=>not-ok
  *   Maybe use templating
  * @param mixed $content Output
  * @param bool $ok Boolish value
  * @param array $attributes
  * @return string Value nicely formatted/colored
 public function ok($content, $ok = false, array $attributes = [])
     if ($ok) {
         $type = 'yes';
         $color = 'green';
     } else {
         $type = 'no';
         $color = 'red';
     $options = ['type' => $type, 'color' => $color];
     $options['content'] = $content;
     $options['attributes'] = $this->template->formatAttributes($attributes);
     return $this->template->format('ok', $options);
  * Renders a date time widget
  * - `name` - Set the input name.
  * - `disabled` - Either true or an array of options to disable.
  * - `val` - A date time string, integer or DateTime object
  * - `empty` - Set to true to add an empty option at the top of the
  *   option elements. Set to a string to define the display value of the
  *   empty option.
  * In addition to the above options, the following options allow you to control
  * which input elements are generated. By setting any option to false you can disable
  * that input picker. In addition each picker allows you to set additional options
  * that are set as HTML properties on the picker.
  * - `year` - Array of options for the year select box.
  * - `month` - Array of options for the month select box.
  * - `day` - Array of options for the day select box.
  * - `hour` - Array of options for the hour select box.
  * - `minute` - Array of options for the minute select box.
  * - `second` - Set to true to enable the seconds input. Defaults to false.
  * - `meridian` - Set to true to enable the meridian input. Defaults to false.
  *   The meridian will be enabled automatically if you choose a 12 hour format.
  * The `year` option accepts the `start` and `end` options. These let you control
  * the year range that is generated. It defaults to +-5 years from today.
  * The `month` option accepts the `name` option which allows you to get month
  * names instead of month numbers.
  * The `hour` option allows you to set the following options:
  * - `format` option which accepts 12 or 24, allowing
  *   you to indicate which hour format you want.
  * - `start` The hour to start the options at.
  * - `end` The hour to stop the options at.
  * The start and end options are dependent on the format used. If the
  * value is out of the start/end range it will not be included.
  * The `minute` option allows you to define the following options:
  * - `interval` The interval to round options to.
  * - `round` Accepts `up` or `down`. Defines which direction the current value
  *   should be rounded to match the select options.
  * @param array $data Data to render with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string A generated select box.
  * @throws \RuntimeException When option data is invalid.
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['name' => '', 'empty' => false, 'disabled' => null, 'val' => null, 'year' => [], 'month' => [], 'day' => [], 'hour' => [], 'minute' => [], 'second' => [], 'meridian' => null];
     $selected = $this->_deconstructDate($data['val'], $data);
     $timeFormat = isset($data['hour']['format']) ? $data['hour']['format'] : null;
     if ($timeFormat === 12 && !isset($data['meridian'])) {
         $data['meridian'] = [];
     if ($timeFormat === 24) {
         $data['meridian'] = false;
     $templateOptions = [];
     foreach ($this->_selects as $select) {
         if ($data[$select] === false || $data[$select] === null) {
             $templateOptions[$select] = '';
         if (!is_array($data[$select])) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Options for "%s" must be an array|false|null', $select));
         $method = "_{$select}Select";
         $data[$select]['name'] = $data['name'] . "[" . $select . "]";
         $data[$select]['val'] = $selected[$select];
         if (!isset($data[$select]['empty'])) {
             $data[$select]['empty'] = $data['empty'];
         if (!isset($data[$select]['disabled'])) {
             $data[$select]['disabled'] = $data['disabled'];
         $templateOptions[$select] = $this->{$method}($data[$select], $context);
     unset($data['name'], $data['empty'], $data['disabled'], $data['val']);
     $templateOptions['attrs'] = $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data);
     return $this->_templates->format('dateWidget', $templateOptions);
  * Render a button.
  * This method accepts a number of keys:
  * - `text` The text of the button. Unlike all other form controls, buttons
  *   do not escape their contents by default.
  * - `escape` Set to true to enable escaping on all attributes.
  * - `type` The button type defaults to 'submit'.
  * Any other keys provided in $data will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data The data to build a button with.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['text' => '', 'type' => 'submit', 'escape' => false];
     return $this->_templates->format('button', ['text' => $data['escape'] ? h($data['text']) : $data['text'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['text'])]);
  * Render a label widget.
  * Accepts the following keys in $data:
  * - `text` The text for the label.
  * - `input` The input that can be formatted into the label if the template allows it.
  * - `escape` Set to false to disable HTML escaping.
  * All other attributes will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data Data array.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['text' => '', 'input' => '', 'hidden' => '', 'escape' => true, 'templateVars' => []];
     return $this->_templates->format($this->_labelTemplate, ['text' => $data['escape'] ? h($data['text']) : $data['text'], 'input' => $data['input'], 'hidden' => $data['hidden'], 'templateVars' => $data['templateVars'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['text', 'input', 'hidden'])]);
  * Render a label widget.
  * Accepts the following keys in $data:
  * - `text` The text for the label.
  * - `input` The input that can be formatted into the label if the template allows it.
  * - `escape` Set to false to disable HTML escaping.
  * All other attributes will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data)
     $data += ['text' => '', 'input' => '', 'escape' => true];
     return $this->_templates->format('label', ['text' => $data['escape'] ? h($data['text']) : $data['text'], 'input' => $data['input'], 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['text', 'input'])]);
  * Generates the numbers for the paginator numbers() method.
  * @param \Cake\View\StringTemplate $templater StringTemplate instance.
  * @param array $params Params from the numbers() method.
  * @param array $options Options from the numbers() method.
  * @return string Markup output.
 protected function _numbers($templater, $params, $options)
     $out = '';
     $out .= $options['before'];
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $params['pageCount']; $i++) {
         $url = array_merge($options['url'], ['page' => $i]);
         if ($i == $params['page']) {
             $out .= $templater->format('current', ['text' => $params['page'], 'url' => $this->generateUrl($url, $options['model'])]);
         } else {
             $vars = ['text' => $i, 'url' => $this->generateUrl($url, $options['model'])];
             $out .= $templater->format('number', $vars);
     $out .= $options['after'];
     return $out;
  * Render a label widget.
  * Accepts the following keys in $data:
  * - `text` The text for the label.
  * - `input` The input that can be formatted into the label if the template allows it.
  * - `escape` Set to false to disable HTML escaping.
  * All other attributes will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data Data array.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['text' => '', 'class' => 'form-info-default'];
     return $this->_templates->format($this->_infoTemplate, ['text' => $data['text'], 'class' => !empty($data['class']) ? ' ' . $data['class'] : '']);
  * Render a label widget.
  * Accepts the following keys in $data:
  * - `text` The text for the label.
  * - `input` The input that can be formatted into the label if the template allows it.
  * - `escape` Set to false to disable HTML escaping.
  * All other attributes will be converted into HTML attributes.
  * @param array $data Data array.
  * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
  * @return string
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     $data += ['class' => '', 'title' => '', 'description' => ''];
     $class = !empty($data['class']) ? ' ' . $data['class'] : '';
     return $this->_templates->format($this->_sectionTemplate, ['title' => $data['title'], 'description' => $data['description'], 'class' => $class, 'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['class', 'title', 'description'])]);