/** * @return \Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser */ public function getOptionParser() { $parser = parent::getOptionParser(); $parser->addSubcommand('cleanup', ['help' => 'Log rotation and other cleanup.']); $parser->addSubcommand('reset', ['help' => 'Resets the database, truncates all data. Use -q to skip confirmation.']); $parser->addSubcommand('test_entry', ['help' => 'Adds a test entry with a certain log type.', 'parser' => ['arguments' => ['level' => ['help' => 'The log level to use ("' . implode('", "', Log::levels()) . '"), defaults to "info"', 'required' => false], 'message' => ['help' => 'The message, defaults to "test"', 'required' => false], 'context' => ['help' => 'The scope key, defaults to none', 'required' => false]]]]); return $parser; }
/** * @author team_syzzygy * @param Connection $dbConnection * @param unknown $studentId * Fetch student organizations based on the studentId provided */ public function fetchStudentOrganizations(Connection $dbConnection, $studentId) { $studentTable = $this->getStudentReference(); Log::write('debug', "Student Id passed into fetchStudentOrganizations method is " . $studentId); $temp = $studentTable->find()->where(['Student_ID' => $studentId])->contain(['StudentOrganizationTypeT'])->first(); return $temp; }
public function saveNetworkDeviceInfo(DTO\ClsNetworkDeviceInfoDto $infoDto) { if ($infoDto and !$this->isPresent($infoDto->userId)) { $entity = $this->connect()->newEntity(); $entity->UserId = $infoDto->userId; $entity->Board = $infoDto->board; $entity->Brand = $infoDto->brand; $entity->Manufacturer = $infoDto->manufacturer; $entity->Model = $infoDto->model; $entity->Product = $infoDto->product; $entity->FmVersion = $infoDto->fmVersion; $entity->IpAddress = $infoDto->ip; $entity->City = $infoDto->city; $entity->Region = $infoDto->region; $entity->Country = $infoDto->country; if ($this->connect()->save($entity)) { \Cake\Log\Log::debug("User Network Device Info save in database for userid : " . $infoDto->userId); return SUCCESS; } \Cake\Log\Log::error("User Network Device Info not save in database for userid : " . $infoDto->userId); return FAIL; } \Cake\Log\Log::error(" userid : " . $infoDto->userId . " record exist in database"); return FAIL; }
/** * setup, create mocks * * @return Mock object */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->stderr = $this->getMock('Cake\\Console\\ConsoleOutput', [], [], '', false); $this->Error = $this->getMock('Cake\\Console\\ConsoleErrorHandler', ['_stop'], [['stderr' => $this->stderr]]); Log::drop('stderr'); }
public function onControllerInit($event) { $controller = $event->subject(); if (isset($controller->request->params['prefix'])) { $menuFile = $controller->request->params['prefix'] . '_menus'; if ($theme = Configure::read('App.admin.theme')) { if ($theme != '' && $theme != 'RearEngine' && Plugin::loaded($theme)) { $controller->viewBuilder()->theme($theme); } } foreach (Plugin::loaded() as $plugin) { try { Configure::load($plugin . '.' . $menuFile, 'default', true); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (Configure::read('debug')) { Log::warning('Unable to load app ' . $plugin . '/Config/' . $menuFile . ' config file', ['scope' => 'RearEngine plugin']); } } } try { Configure::load($menuFile, 'default', true); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (Configure::read('debug')) { Log::warning('Unable to load App/Config/' . $menuFile . ' config file.', ['scope' => 'RearEngine plugin']); } } } }
public static function write($type, $message, $params = [], $trace_level = 0, $log_options = []) { $trace_level += 1; $trace = self::traceMessage($trace_level); $output = call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge([$message], $params)); CakeLog::write($type, $trace . ' - ' . $output, $log_options); }
/** * test config() with valid key name * * @return void */ public function testValidKeyName() { Log::config('stdout', ['engine' => 'File']); Queue::config('valid', ['url' => 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost:80/database']); $engine = Queue::engine('valid'); $this->assertInstanceOf('josegonzalez\\Queuesadilla\\Engine\\MysqlEngine', $engine); }
/** * Auth method * * @return void Redirects on successful add, renders view otherwise. */ public function auth() { //ログイン処理 // パラメータの受取 $name = $this->request->data['userId']; $pass = $this->request->data['pass']; //Usersテーブルを検索 $tableUsers = TableRegistry::get('Users'); $queryStr = "select name from users where name='" . $name . "' and password = '******'"; // パスワード入力値 or 1=1;-- //$queryStr = "select name from users where name='" . $name . "' and password = '******' or 1=1"; Log::write('debug', $queryStr); //SQL発行 $data = $tableUsers->connection()->query($queryStr); //配列のサイズで判定する $cnt = sizeof($data); if ($cnt == 0) { //レコードなし認証NGとする Log::write('debug', '認証エラー'); $this->Flash->error('Auth Error: id or password is incorrect'); // ログイン画面に戻る return $this->redirect(['action' => '../Login/index']); } Log::write('debug', '認証OK'); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { Log::write('debug', 'userName is :' . $value['name']); $this->request->session()->write('loginUser', $value['name']); } // 成功した場合は記事一覧へ return $this->redirect(['action' => '../Articles/index']); }
public function customerVisitReport() { $this->autoRender = false; $restaurantId = $this->request->query('id'); \Cake\Log\Log::debug('Ajax request visited with RestaurantId :-' . $restaurantId); $customerVisitReportData = $this->getTableObj()->getdata($restaurantId); if (is_null($customerVisitReportData)) { $this->response->body(0); return; } $intermediate = []; foreach ($this->objKey as $key => $value) { $intermediate[$value] = 0; } foreach ($customerVisitReportData as $reportData) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->timeSlot); $i++) { $index = $this->objKey[$i]; $intermediate[$index] = $intermediate[$index] + $reportData->{$index}; } } $data[] = null; $ind = 0; foreach ($intermediate as $key => $value) { $data[$ind++] = new DownloadDTO\RushHourReportDto($value, $this->timeSlot[$key], $this->timeSlot[$key]); } $chartData = json_encode($data); $this->response->body($chartData); }
/** * Start the shell and interactive console. * * @return int|void */ public function main() { if (!class_exists('Psy\\Shell')) { $this->err('<error>Unable to load Psy\\Shell.</error>'); $this->err(''); $this->err('Make sure you have installed psysh as a dependency,'); $this->err('and that Psy\\Shell is registered in your autoloader.'); $this->err(''); $this->err('If you are using composer run'); $this->err(''); $this->err('<info>$ php composer.phar require --dev psy/psysh</info>'); $this->err(''); return 1; } $this->out("You can exit with <info>`CTRL-C`</info> or <info>`exit`</info>"); $this->out(''); Log::drop('debug'); Log::drop('error'); $this->_io->setLoggers(false); restore_error_handler(); restore_exception_handler(); $psy = new PsyShell(); $psy->run(); return 0; }
public function index() { $this->autoRender = false; $restaurantId = $this->request->query('restaurantId'); $imei = $this->request->query('imei'); $macAddress = $this->isNull($this->request->query('macId')); $info = base64_decode($this->request->query('info')); $ipAddress = $this->request->clientIp(); $restaurantIMEIController = new RestaurantImeiController(); if (!$restaurantIMEIController->isPresent($restaurantId, $imei, $macAddress)) { $this->response->body(DTO\ErrorDto::prepareError(116)); \Cake\Log\Log::error("request with incorrect restaurantId :- " . $restaurantId); return; } $restaurantController = new RestaurantController(); \Cake\Log\Log::info('Request is in Download Controller'); if ($restaurantController->isValidate($restaurantId) and !empty($info)) { $networkDeviceDto = UploadDTO\NetworkDeviceInfoDto::Deserialize($info); $ipInfo = new Component\Ipinfo(); $ipDetails = $ipInfo->getFullIpDetails($imei, $networkDeviceDto, $ipAddress); $networkDeviceController = new NetworkDeviceController(); $addNetworkDeviceInfo = $networkDeviceController->addNetworkDeviceInfo($ipDetails, $restaurantId, $macAddress); $sqliteController = new SqliteController(); $sqliteController->getDB($restaurantId); } else { $this->response->body(DTO\ErrorDto::prepareError(100)); } }
/** * Start the shell and interactive console. * * @return void */ public function main() { if (!class_exists('Boris\\Boris')) { $this->err('<error>Unable to load Boris\\Boris.</error>'); $this->err(''); $this->err('Make sure you have installed boris as a dependency,'); $this->err('and that Boris\\Boris is registered in your autoloader.'); $this->err(''); $this->err('If you are using composer run'); $this->err(''); $this->err('<info>$ php composer.phar require d11wtq/boris</info>'); $this->err(''); return 1; } if (!function_exists('pcntl_signal')) { $this->err('<error>No process control functions.</error>'); $this->err(''); $this->err('You are missing the pcntl extension, the interactive console requires this extension.'); return 2; } $this->out('You can exit with <info>CTRL-D</info>'); Log::drop('debug'); Log::drop('error'); $this->_io->setLoggers(false); restore_error_handler(); restore_exception_handler(); $boris = new Boris('app > '); $boris->start(); }
public function ajustabase() { $Usuario = TableRegistry::get("usuario"); $Categoria = TableRegistry::get("categoria"); $usuarios = $Usuario->find()->where(['usuario.historico' => 0, 'usuario.pendente' => 0, 'usuario.idUsuario is not' => 0]); $ldap = new LDAP(3); $res = array(); $res_ldap = array(); $cats = array(); foreach ($usuarios as $usuario) { $obj = $ldap->getUsers("(uid=*{$usuario->login}*)"); Log::debug($obj); $usuario->nomeUsuario = $obj[0]["cn"][0]; $usuario->dre = isset($obj[0]["smtdre"][0]) ? $obj[0]["smtdre"][0] : ''; $usuario->logradouro = isset($obj[0]["street"][0]) ? $obj[0]["street"][0] : ''; $usuario->complemento = isset($obj[0]["smtcomplemento"][0]) ? $obj[0]["smtcomplemento"][0] : ''; $usuario->cidade = isset($obj[0]["smtcidade"][0]) ? $obj[0]["smtcidade"][0] : ''; $usuario->bairro = isset($obj[0]["smtbairro"][0]) ? $obj[0]["smtbairro"][0] : ''; $usuario->pais = isset($obj[0]["smtpais"][0]) ? $obj[0]["smtpais"][0] : ''; $usuario->estado = isset($obj[0]["smtuf"][0]) ? $obj[0]["smtuf"][0] : ''; $usuario->codigoPostal = isset($obj[0]["homepostaladdress"][0]) ? $obj[0]["homepostaladdress"][0] : ''; $usuario->rg = isset($obj[0]['smtrg'][0]) ? $obj[0]['smtrg'][0] : ''; $usuario->cpf = isset($obj[0]['smtcpf'][0]) ? $this->formataCpf($obj[0]['smtcpf'][0]) : ''; $usuario->email = isset($obj[0]['mail'][0]) ? $obj[0]['mail'][0] : ''; $usuario->tel_fixo = isset($obj[0]['telephonenumber'][0]) ? $obj[0]['telephonenumber'][0] : ''; $usuario->tel_cel = isset($obj[0]['mobile'][0]) ? $obj[0]['mobile'][0] : ''; $nascimento = isset($obj[0]['smtnascimento'][0]) ? $obj[0]['smtnascimento'][0] : '19000101'; $usuario->data_nascimento = substr($nascimento, 6, 2) . '/' . substr($nascimento, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($nascimento, 0, 4); $usuario->data_exp = isset($obj[0]['smtdataexpiracao'][0]) ? $obj[0]['smtdataexpiracao'][0] : ''; $usuario->cadastro = isset($obj[0]['smtdatacadastro'][0]) ? $obj[0]['smtdatacadastro'][0] : ''; //$usuario->ativo = (isset($obj[0]['smtbool'][0])) ? ($obj[0]['smtbool'][0] == 'FALSE') ? false : true : ''; $loginResp = str_replace('uid=', '', explode(',', $obj[0]['smtprofresp'][0])[0]); $id = $Usuario->find()->where(['login' => $loginResp, 'idTipoUsuario' => 2]); if ($id->count() > 0) { $usuario->profResponsavel = $id->first()->idUsuario; } if (isset($obj[0]['smtgroups'])) { foreach ($obj[0]['smtgroups'] as $grupo) { $busca = $Usuario->Projeto->find('all', ['conditions' => ['grupo' => "{$grupo}"]]); $number = $busca->count(); if ($number > 0) { $proj = $Usuario->Projeto->find()->where(['grupo' => "{$grupo}"])->first(); $usuario->idProjeto = $proj->idprojeto; break; } } } if (isset($obj[0]['smtcategoria'])) { $cat = $Categoria->find('all')->where(['upper(nomeCategoria)' => strtoupper($obj[0]['smtcategoria'][0])])->first(); $usuario->idCategoria = $cat->idCategoria; } array_push($res_ldap, $obj); array_push($res, $usuario); array_push($cats, $cat); $Usuario->save($usuario); } $aviso = new Email('gmail'); $aviso->from(['*****@*****.**' => 'Controle de Usuarios'])->emailFormat('html')->to('*****@*****.**')->subject('JOB Realizado')->send('Job Ajuste Base executado com sucesso.'); $this->set(compact('res', 'res_ldap', 'cats')); }
public function takeawayInsert(UploadDTO\TakeawayUploadDto $takeawayRequest, $restaurantId) { try { $tableObj = $this->connect(); $newEntity = $tableObj->newEntity(); $newEntity->TakeawayId = $takeawayRequest->takeawayId; $newEntity->TakeawayNo = $takeawayRequest->takeawayNo; $newEntity->Discount = $takeawayRequest->discount; $newEntity->DeliveryCharges = $takeawayRequest->deliveryCharges; $newEntity->CustId = $takeawayRequest->custId; $newEntity->RestaurantId = $restaurantId; $newEntity->UserId = $takeawayRequest->userId; $newEntity->SourceId = $takeawayRequest->sourceId; $newEntity->CreatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT); $newEntity->UpdatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT); if ($tableObj->save($newEntity)) { Log::debug('Takeaway entry stored for custId :- ' . $takeawayRequest->custId); return $takeawayRequest->takeawayNo; } Log::error('Takeaway entry stored for custId :- ' . $takeawayRequest->custId); return FALSE; } catch (Exception $ex) { return FALSE; } }
public function index() { $this->autoRender = false; $userId = $this->request->query("userId"); $restaurantId = $this->request->query("restaurantId"); \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Download request come with userId :- " . $userId . ' restaurantId :- ' . $restaurantId); if (empty($userId) or empty($restaurantId)) { $this->response->body(DTO\ErrorDto::prepareError(101)); \Cake\Log\Log::error("userId or restaurantID is blank "); return; } $restaurantController = new RestaurantController(); if (!$restaurantController->isValidate($restaurantId)) { $this->response->body(DTO\ErrorDto::prepareError(100)); \Cake\Log\Log::error("request with incorrect restaurantId :- " . $restaurantId); return; } $userController = new UserController(); if (!$userController->isUserValid($userId, $restaurantId)) { $this->response->body(DTO\ErrorDto::prepareError(102)); \Cake\Log\Log::error("request with incorrect userId :- " . $userId); return; } \Cake\Log\Log::debug('Download request is validate successfully '); $syncController = new SyncController(); $syncController->download($userId, $restaurantId); }
/** * setup, create mocks * * @return void */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->stderr = $this->getMockBuilder('Cake\\Console\\ConsoleOutput')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $this->Error = $this->getMockBuilder('Cake\\Console\\ConsoleErrorHandler')->setMethods(['_stop'])->setConstructorArgs([['stderr' => $this->stderr]])->getMock(); Log::drop('stderr'); }
/** * Override main() to handle action * Starts a Queuesadilla worker * * @return void */ public function main() { $logger = Log::engine($this->getLoggerName('stdout')); $engine = $this->getEngine($logger); $worker = $this->getWorker($engine, $logger); $worker->work(); }
public function userSignUp($userId) { if ($this->getTableObj()->insertUser($userId)) { \Cake\Log\Log::debug('temp Userid inserted'); return SUCCESS; } return FAIL; }
/** * tearDown method * * @return void */ public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); Log::drop('email'); Email::drop('test'); Email::dropTransport('debug'); Email::dropTransport('test_smtp'); }
/** * * @return array Um array com os dados da resposta. */ public function toArray() { if (is_null($this->_response->json)) { Log::write('debug', print_r($this->_response->body)); return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'Erro na resposta recebida do servidor.']; } return $this->_response->json; }
/** * Get the summary data. * * @return string */ public function summary() { $logger = Log::engine('debug_kit_log_panel'); if (!$logger) { return 0; } return $logger->count(); }
/** * Test that the log panel outputs a summary. * * @return void */ public function testSummary() { Log::write('error', 'Test'); $this->assertEquals(1, $this->panel->summary()); Log::write('error', 'Test 2'); Log::write('notice', 'A thing'); $this->assertEquals(3, $this->panel->summary()); }
public function main() { $XTime = time() - 60 * 24 * 3600; $conditions = array('Notifications.created <' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $XTime)); if (!$this->Notifications->deleteAll($conditions)) { Log::write('error', 'FAILED: Deleting older Notifications!!', 'cron_jobs'); } }
/** * Test that beforeDispatch call initialize on each panel * * @return void */ public function testBeforeDispatch() { $bar = new DebugBarFilter($this->events, []); $bar->setup(); $this->assertNull(Log::config('debug_kit_log_panel')); $event = new Event('Dispatcher.beforeDispatch'); $bar->beforeDispatch($event); $this->assertNotEmpty(Log::config('debug_kit_log_panel'), 'Panel attached logger.'); }
/** * testLogging * * @return void */ public function testLogging() { Log::config('dblogtest', ['className' => 'Burzum\\DatabaseLog\\Log\\Engine\\DatabaseLog', 'levels' => ['warning', 'error', 'critical', 'alert', 'emergency']]); Log::write('warning', 'testing'); $result = $this->Logs->find()->first(); $this->assertEquals($result->level, 'warning'); $this->assertEquals($result->message, 'testing'); $this->Logs->deleteAll([]); }
public function initialize() { $loginUser = $this->request->session()->read('loginUser'); Log::write('debug', 'article:' . $loginUser); if (empty($loginUser)) { Log::write('debug', '未ログインエラー'); return $this->redirect(['action' => '../Error/index']); } }
public function search() { if ($this->request->is('ajax')) { Log::write('debug', 'Dies ist ein Test'); $isbn = $this->request->query['value']; echo json_encode(Dnb::dnb($isbn)); die; } }
/** * tearDown * * @return void */ public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); Log::reset(); if ($this->_restoreError) { restore_error_handler(); restore_exception_handler(); } }
/** * Test that the worker is an instance of the correct object * * @return void */ public function testGetEngine() { Log::config('stdout', ['engine' => 'File']); Queue::config('default', ['url' => 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost:80/database']); $logger = new NullLogger(); $this->shell->params['config'] = 'default'; $engine = $this->shell->getEngine($logger); $this->assertInstanceOf('josegonzalez\\Queuesadilla\\Engine\\MysqlEngine', $engine); }
public function afterRules(Cake\Event\Event $event, Cat $entity, \ArrayObject $options, $result, $operation) { Log::write("debug", "afterRules"); Log::write("debug", $event->name()); Log::write("debug", "entity " . $entity); Log::write("debug", $options); Log::write("debug", "result " . $result); Log::write("debug", "operation " . $operation); }