  * @param string $format
  * @param int|string|DateTime $date
  * @return mixed|string
 public function persianDate($date, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
     $time = new Time($date);
     //        $unix = $time->i18nFormat(\IntlDateFormatter::FULL, 'Asia/Tehran', 'en_US')->toUnixString();
     //        debug($unix);die;
     return Persian::date($format, (int) $time->toUnixString(), '', 'Asia/Tehran', 'en');
  * testToUnix method
  * @return void
 public function testToUnix()
     $time = new Time('2014-04-20 08:00:00');
     $this->assertEquals('1397980800', $time->toUnixString());
     $time = new Time('2021-12-11 07:00:01');
     $this->assertEquals('1639206001', $time->toUnixString());
  * Look for a new job that can be processed with the current abilities and
  * from the specified group (or any if null).
  * @param array $capabilities Available QueueWorkerTasks.
  * @param string|null $group Request a job from this group, (from any group if null)
  * @return \Queue\Model\Entity\QueuedJob|null
 public function requestJob(array $capabilities, $group = null)
     $now = new Time();
     $nowStr = $now->toDateTimeString();
     $query = $this->find();
     $options = ['conditions' => ['completed IS' => null, 'OR' => []], 'fields' => ['age' => $query->newExpr()->add('IFNULL(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, "' . $nowStr . '", notbefore), 0)')], 'order' => ['priority' => 'ASC', 'age' => 'ASC', 'id' => 'ASC']];
     if ($group !== null) {
         $options['conditions']['job_group'] = $group;
     // Generate the task specific conditions.
     foreach ($capabilities as $task) {
         list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit($task['name']);
         $timeoutAt = $now->copy();
         $tmp = ['job_type' => $name, 'AND' => [['OR' => ['notbefore <' => $now, 'notbefore IS' => null]], ['OR' => ['fetched <' => $timeoutAt->subSeconds($task['timeout']), 'fetched IS' => null]]], 'failed <' => $task['retries'] + 1];
         if (array_key_exists('rate', $task) && $tmp['job_type'] && array_key_exists($tmp['job_type'], $this->rateHistory)) {
             $tmp['UNIX_TIMESTAMP() >='] = $this->rateHistory[$tmp['job_type']] + $task['rate'];
         $options['conditions']['OR'][] = $tmp;
     $job = $this->connection()->transactional(function () use($query, $options, $now) {
         $job = $query->find('all', $options)->autoFields(true)->first();
         if (!$job) {
             return null;
         $key = $this->key();
         $job = $this->patchEntity($job, ['workerkey' => $key, 'fetched' => $now]);
         return $this->save($job);
     if (!$job) {
         return null;
     $this->rateHistory[$job['job_type']] = $now->toUnixString();
     return $job;