  * Test total word count from text reader.
  * @return void
 public function testWordCount()
     $reader = new BuzzwordReader();
     $reader->readTextContent("win-win, synergy, agile, test some more");
     $wordCount = $reader->getTotalWordCount();
     $this->assertEquals(6, $wordCount);
} else {
    $buzzwordText = (string) isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : false;
    if ($buzzwordText) {
        $buzzwords = $buzzwordReader->readTextContent($buzzwordText);
$help = (bool) isset($options['h']) ? true : false;
if ($help || count($buzzwords) < 1) {
    echo <<<HELP
    \$ php buzzwords.php <text>
    \$ php buzzwords.php --file[=<file>]
    \$ php buzzwords.php --url[=<url>]

    -h             Help
    --file=<file>  Parse file as having a box dimension on each line
    --url=<url>    Parse file as having a box dimension on each line

$totalWords = $buzzwordReader->getTotalWordCount();
if ($totalWords > 0) {
    echo "Total Words: {$totalWords}\n";
    foreach ($buzzwords as $word => $count) {
        // Make sure to adjust the percentage to include how many words are in each phrase.
        $adjCount = $count * str_word_count($word);
        $percent = round($adjCount / $totalWords, 2) * 100 . "%";
        echo "{$word}: ({$count} - {$percent})\n";