
require '../Brush.php';
use Brush\Pastes\Draft;
use Brush\Accounts\Developer;
use Brush\Exceptions\BrushException;
$draft = new Draft();
// drafts represent unsent pastes
$draft->setContent('Some random content');
// set the paste content
// the Developer class encapsulates a developer API key; an instance
// needs to be provided whenever Brush might interact with Pastebin
$developer = new Developer('<developer key>');
try {
    // send the draft to Pastebin; turn it into a full blown Paste object
    $paste = $draft->paste($developer);
    // print out the URL of the new paste
    echo $paste->getUrl();
    // e.g. http://pastebin.com/JYvbS0fC
} catch (BrushException $e) {
    // some sort of error occurred; check the message for the cause
    echo $e->getMessage();
  * Writes the record down to the log of the implementing handler.
  * @param array $record
  * @return void
 protected function write(array $record)
     if (!$this->initialized) {
         if (!$this->initialize()) {
     $developer = new Developer($this->pastebin['api_key']);
     $account = new Account(new Credentials($this->pastebin['username'], $this->pastebin['password']));
     $draft = new Draft();
     $draft->setContent(json_encode($record, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
     $paste = $draft->paste($developer);
     $message = substr($record['formatted'], 0, 256);
     $this->channel->sendMessage("Error: \n\n```\n{$message}\n```\n\nPastebin: <{$paste->getUrl()}>");