public function parent($object = null) { if (DevValue::isNotNull($object)) { $this->_parent = $object; } return $this->_parent; }
public function query($query = null) { $status = self::STATUS_NOTCONNECTED; $context = $this->_connection; $wrapper = $this->config('wrapper'); if ($context) { if (DevValue::isNotNull($query)) { if (DevArray::isAssoc($query)) { $this->_data = $query; } else { if (is_string($query)) { $data = urlencode($query); stream_context_set_option($context, $wrapper, 'content', $data); $this->_result = file_get_contents($target, false, $context); $this->status($this->_result !== false ? self::STATUS_SUCCESS : self::STATUS_FAILED); return true; } } } $data = HTTP::query($this->_data); stream_context_set_option($context, $wrapper, 'content', $data); $this->_result = file_get_contents($target, false, $context); if ($this->_result !== false) { $status = self::STATUS_SUCCESS; } } $this->status($status); }
static function value($var) { $cookie = array_key_exists($var, $_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE[$var] : NULL; $get = array_key_exists($var, $_GET) ? $_GET[$var] : NULL; $post = array_key_exists($var, $_POST) ? $_POST[$var] : NULL; return DevValue::isNotNull($cookie) ? $cookie : (DevValue::isNotNull($post) ? $post : $get); }
public function query($query = null) { $curl = $this->_connection; $method = strtolower($this->config('method')); if ($curl) { if (DevValue::isNotNull($query)) { if (DevArray::isAssoc($query)) { //$this->_data = $query; $this->assign($query); } } $data = $this->_data; //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data if ($method == 'post') { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, count($data)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, HTTP::query($data)); } elseif ($method == 'get') { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->config('target') . '/' . HTTP::query($data)); } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); //execute post $this->_result = curl_exec($curl); $status = $this->_result ? self::STATUS_SUCCESS : self::STATUS_FAILED; } else { $status = self::STATUS_NOTCONNECTED; } $this->status($status); }
public function type($type = null) { if (DevValue::isNull($type)) { return $this->_type; } $this->_type = $type; }
public function content($content = null) { if (DevValue::isNotNull($content)) { $content = DevArray::toArray($content); $this->_content = $content; } return $this->_content; }
public function contents($data = null) { if (DevValue::isNull($data)) { return $this->_contents; } $this->_contents = $data; $this->perform(Event::CHANGE); }
public function status($message = null) { if (DevValue::isNull($message)) { $message = end($this->_status); return $message; } $this->_status[] = $message; $this->perform(Event::MESSAGE); }
public function field($field, $value = null) { if ($this->is(State::READONLY)) { $value = null; } if (DevValue::isNotNull($value)) { $this->dispatch(Event::CHANGE); } return parent::field($field, $value); }
public function write() { $source = $this->_source; $status = self::STATUS_FAILED; $data = DevValue::isEmpty($this->_contents) ? HTTP::jsonEncode($this->_data) : $this->_contents; $source->flush(); $source->contents($data); $source->write(); $status = self::STATUS_SUCCESS; $this->status($status); }
public function contents($data = null) { if (DevValue::isNull($data)) { return $this->_rows->current() ? $this->_rows->current() : parent::contents(); } elseif (is_array($data) && !DevArray::isAssoc($data)) { $this->_rows = new Group($data); } elseif (DevArray::isAssoc($data)) { parent::contents($data); } $this->perform(Event::CHANGE); }
public function behavior($behavior, $callback = null) { if (is_string($behavior) && DevValue::isNotEmpty($behavior)) { if (strpos($behavior, 'Do') === 0) { $behavior = new Action($behavior); } elseif (strpos($behavior, 'Is') === 0) { $behavior = new State($behavior); } elseif (strpos($behavior, 'On') === 0) { $behavior = new Event($behavior); } else { $behavior = new Behavior($behavior); } } parent::behavior($behavior, $callback); }
public function behavior($behavior, $callback = null) { if (is_string($behavior) && DevValue::isNotEmpty($behavior)) { $behavior = new Behavior($behavior); } if (!$behavior instanceof Behavior) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid Behavior Type"); } $this->_behaviors->add($behavior); if ($callback) { try { $this->handler(new Handler($behavior, $callback)); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); } } }
static function href($href = null, $secure = false, $doc = true) { if (DevValue::isNotNull($href)) { $href = ''; if ($doc === false) { $href .= $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } else { $protocol = $secure ? 'https' : 'http'; $href = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $href .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (DevString::strrpos($href, self::PAGE_EXTENSION)) { $href = substr($href, 0, DevString::strrpos($href, self::PAGE_EXTENSION) + strlen(PAGE_EXTENSION)); } elseif (DevString::strrpos($href, '/')) { $href = substr($href, 0, DevString::strrpos($href, '/') + strlen('/')); } } } return $href; }
private function message($recipientName, $behavior, $arguments = null, $callback = null) { if ($this->name() == $recipientName) { $recipient = $this; $behavior->_context = $arguments; } else { $recipient = $this->_services[$recipientName]; } if (DevValue::isNotNull($callback) && \is_string($callback)) { $behavior = new Behavior($callback); } if ($recipient instanceof Application) { $recipient->execute($behavior, $arguments); } elseif ($recipient instanceof Service) { // echo "yo, I'm ".$recipient->name()." doing $behavior\n"; $recipient->message($behavior, $arguments); } elseif ($recipient instanceof Scheme) { $recipient->perform($behavior, $arguments); } elseif ($recipient instanceof Dispatcher) { $recipient->dispatch($behavior, $arguments); } else { // var_dump($recipientName); call_user_func_array(array($recipient, $behavior->name()), array($arguments)); } }
public function copy($dest, $original = null, $remove_orig = false) { $status = false; if (!$original && !$this->file) { $this->status("No file specified"); return false; } $file = DevValue::isNotNull($original) ? $original : $this->path(); if (!$this->allowedDir($file)) { $this->status("Location is outside of allowed path."); return false; } if (!$this->allowedDir($dest)) { $this->status("Destination is outside of allowed path."); return false; } if ($file != '') { if ($dest != '' && is_dir($dest)) { if ($this->exists($file)) { if (!$this->exists($dest) || $overwrite) { //copy process here if ($success) { $status = "Successfully copied file\n"; if ($remove_orig) { $this->delete($file); if (!$this->exists($this->file())) { $this->dirname = $dest; } } } else { $status = "Copy failed: file could not be moved\n"; } } else { $status = "Copy aborted. File cannot be overwritten\n"; } } else { $status = "File '{$file}' does not exist\n"; } } else { $status = "No file destination specified or destination does not exist\n"; } } else { $status = "No file specified for deletion\n"; } $this->status($status); }
public function __construct($value = null) { parent::__construct($value); $this->_data = $this->_toArray(); }
public function outputXML($data = null) { header("Content-Type: XML"); $xml = 'No XML'; if (DevValue::isNull($data == '')) { $data = $this->_data; } $xml = $this->buildXML($data); echo $xml; }
public static function difference($time1, $time2, $interval = null) { if (DevValue::isNull($interval)) { $interval = 'seconds'; } $a = strtotime($time1); $b = strtotime($time2); $difference = $a > $b ? $a - $b : $b - $a; $div = 1; switch ($interval) { case 'years': $div *= 12; case 'months': $div *= 4; case 'weeks': $div *= 30; case 'days': $div *= 24; case 'hours': $div *= 60; case 'minutes': $div *= 60; default: case 'seconds': $div *= 1; break; } $output = $difference / $div; return $output; }
public function database($database = null) { if (DevValue::isNull($database)) { return $this->config('database'); } // $this->close(); $this->config('database', $database); // $this->open(); $this->_connection = $this->config('database') ? $this->_current->{$this->config('database')} : null; }
public function database($database = null) { if (DevValue::isNull($database)) { return $this->config('database'); } $this->config('database', $database); $db = $this->_connection; $db->select_db($this->config('database')); }
static function session($var, $value = null, $expire = null, $path = null, $secure = false) { if (DevValue::isNull($value)) { return isset($_SESSION[$var]) ? $_SESSION[$var] : null; } if (session_id() == '') { $domain = $path ? substr($path, 0, strpos($path, '/')) : HTTP::domain(); $dir = $path ? substr($path, strpos($path, '/'), strlen($path)) : '/'; $cookiedie = DevNumber::isValid($expire) ? time() + (int) $expire : (int) $expire; //expire in one hour $cookiesecure = (bool) $secure; session_set_cookie_params($cookiedie, $dir, $domain, $cookiesecure); session_start(); } $status = ($_SESSION[$var] = $value) ? true : false; return $status; }
static function open($action = '', $name = '', $method = '', $validate = true, $properties = '', $image_path = 'images/', $css_path = 'css/rte.css') { $output = ''; $action = HTML::href($action); if (DevValue::isNull($method)) { $method = 'post'; } $output .= '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="' . $method . '" ' . ($name != '' ? 'name="' . $name . '"' : '') . ' ' . ($action != '' ? 'action="' . $action . '"' : '') . ' ' . $properties . '>'; $output .= "\r"; /* $output .= ' <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function submitForm() { //make sure hidden and iframe values are in sync before submitting form //to sync only 1 rte, use updateRTE(rte) //to sync all rtes, use updateRTEs //updateRTE(\'rte1\'); updateRTEs(); //change the following line to true to submit form return true; } //Usage: initRTE(imagesPath, includesPath, cssFile, genXHTML) initRTE("' . $image_path . '", "", "", true); //--> </script> <style type="text/css"> @import url("'.$css_path.'"); .rteImage {margin: 0px;} </style> '; */ if ($validate) { } return $output; }
public function testDoesntRecognizeValueAsNullStatically() { for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++) { $falseResult = DevValue::isNull($i); $trueResult = DevValue::isNotNull($i); $this->assertTrue($trueResult); $this->assertFalse($falseResult); } }
public function renderRecordSet($recordSet, $formatted = null) { $output = ''; $count = 0; if (DevValue::isNull($formatted)) { $formatted = true; } foreach ($recordSet as $a) { $this->clear(); $this->set($a, $formatted); $output .= $this->render(); Util::parachute($count, $this->config('max_records')); } return $output; }
private function message($records = null) { $records = DevValue::isNull($records) ? $records : $this->config('max_logs'); $message = array_slice($this->_data, -$records); $message = array_filter($message); // $output = implode("\n", $message)."\n"; $output = ''; foreach ($message as $time => $line) { $output .= "{$time} - {$line}\n"; } return $output; }
public static function inDB($field, $value, $table) { $db = new MysqlLink(array('table' => $table)); if (DevValue::isNotNull($value)) { //$db->field($field, $value); $db->query("select from {$table} where {$field} = {$value}"); $result = $db->result(); if ($result && count($result->num_rows > 0)) { return true; } } return false; }