public function testSendReceive() { // Create the mailbox $receiver = new Receiver('/tmp/ipc_test'); // Send a message to it $sender = new Sender('/tmp/ipc_test'); $sender->send("Test message"); // Make sure we don't wait for the message, incase something is wrong. $receiver->waitForMessage(false); // Receive the message $msg = null; $receiver->run(function ($message, $type) use(&$msg) { $msg = $message; return false; }); // Check the message $this->assertEquals("Test message", $msg); }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/Sender.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/Exception.php'; use Blamh\IPC\Sender; // Send a message to it $sender = new Sender('/tmp/ipc_test'); while (1) { $u = microtime(); print "Sending: {$u}\n"; $sender->send($u); usleep(mt_rand(100000, 800000)); }