if($saveAsId) // existed, updating

				$res = Helper::update($saveAsId, $_REQUEST['element']);

				if($res['success']) // on successfull update ...
						$redirectUrl = $returnUrl ? $returnUrl : Helper::getListUrl(); // go to the page of just created item
					// $actionApply : do nothing
			else // new or copyed item
				$res = Helper::add($_REQUEST['element']);
				if($res['success']) // on successfull add ...
						$redirectUrl = $returnUrl ? $returnUrl : Helper::getListUrl(); // go to the list page

						$redirectUrl = $returnUrl ? $returnUrl : Helper::getEditUrl(array('id' => $res['id'])); // go to the page of just created item

			// no matter we updated or added a new item - we go to blank page on $actionSaveAndAdd
			if($res['success'] && $actionSaveAndAdd)
				$redirectUrl = Helper::getEditUrl(); // go to the blank page

			// on failure just show sad message