public static function submitData($limit = 5) { if (!Catalog::isOn()) { return '\\' . __METHOD__ . '(5);'; } $ids = array(); $rows = array(); $r = static::getList(array('order' => array('ID' => 'ASC'), 'limit' => $limit)); while ($row = $r->fetch()) { $rows[] = array('type' => $row['TYPE'], 'data' => $row['DATA']); $ids[] = $row['ID']; } if (!empty($rows)) { // get queue size $totalCount = static::getCount(); $queueSize = $totalCount > $limit ? $totalCount - $limit : 0; // send data $data = \http_build_query(array('op' => 'e', 'aid' => Counter::getAccountId(), 'ad[cd][value]' => base64_encode(json_encode($rows)), 'ad[cd][queue]' => $queueSize)); if (strlen($data) > 30000) { if ($limit > 1) { return '\\' . __METHOD__ . '(' . max(1, $limit - 1) . ');'; } } $f = fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr, 3); if ($f) { $out = "POST /bx_stat HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host:\r\n"; $out .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $out .= "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n"; $out .= "User-Agent: Bitrix Stats Counter\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; $out .= $data . "\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($f, $out); $response = ''; while (!feof($f)) { $response .= fgets($f, 128); } fclose($f); // delete rows if service received data if (strpos($response, 'uid')) { foreach ($ids as $id) { static::delete($id); } } } } return '\\' . __METHOD__ . '(5);'; }
protected function getProductIds() { $ids = array(); if (!empty($this->ajaxItemsIds)) { $recommendationId = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->get('RID'); $ids = $this->ajaxItemsIds; } else { $bestsellers = parent::getProductIds(); if (!empty($bestsellers)) { $recommendationId = 'bestsellers'; $ids = Main\Analytics\Catalog::getProductIdsByOfferIds($bestsellers); } if (empty($ids)) { $recommendationId = 'mostviewed'; $dublicate = array(); // top viewed $result = CatalogViewedProductTable::getList(array('select' => array('ELEMENT_ID', new Main\Entity\ExpressionField('SUM_HITS', 'SUM(%s)', 'VIEW_COUNT')), 'filter' => array('=SITE_ID' => $this->getSiteId(), '>ELEMENT_ID' => 0), 'order' => array('SUM_HITS' => 'DESC'), 'limit' => $this->arParams['PAGE_ELEMENT_COUNT'])); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { if (!isset($dublicate[$row['ELEMENT_ID']])) { $ids[] = $row['ELEMENT_ID']; } $dublicate[$row['ELEMENT_ID']] = true; } unset($row, $result, $dublicate); } } if (!empty($ids) && $this->arParams['HIDE_NOT_AVAILABLE'] == 'Y') { $filter = count($ids) > 1000 ? array('ID' => $ids) : array('@ID' => $ids); $ids = array_fill_keys($ids, true); $productIterator = CCatalogProduct::GetList(array(), $filter, false, false, array('ID', 'QUANTITY', 'QUANTITY_TRACE', 'CAN_BUY_ZERO')); while ($product = $productIterator->Fetch()) { if (isset($ids[$product['ID']]) && !CCatalogProduct::isAvailable($product)) { unset($ids[$product['ID']]); } } unset($product, $productIterator, $filter); $ids = array_keys($ids); } $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, $this->arParams['PAGE_ELEMENT_COUNT']); // remember recommendation id $this->arResult['RID'] = $recommendationId; return $ids; }
else { $this->AbortResultCache(); ShowError(GetMessage("CATALOG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND")); @define("ERROR_404", "Y"); if($arParams["SET_STATUS_404"]==="Y") CHTTP::SetStatus("404 Not Found"); } } if(isset($arResult["ID"])) { if (isset($arResult['counterData'])) { // send counter data if (\Bitrix\Main\Analytics\Catalog::isOn()) { \Bitrix\Main\Analytics\Counter::sendData('ct', $arResult['counterData']); } } if ('N' != $arParams['USE_ELEMENT_COUNTER']) { if (Loader::includeModule('iblock')) { CIBlockElement::CounterInc($arResult["ID"]); } } if (!isset($_SESSION["VIEWED_ENABLE"]) && isset($_SESSION["VIEWED_PRODUCT"]) && $_SESSION["VIEWED_PRODUCT"] != $arResult["ID"] && Loader::includeModule("sale")) {
?> </div> <div class="clb"></div> </div> </div> <div class="adm-c-bigdata-activate"> <div class="adm-c-bigdata-activate-title"><?php echo GetMessage('BIGDATA_HOWTO_ENABLE'); ?> </div> <div class="adm-c-bigdata-activate-content"> <ul class="adm-c-bigdata-activate-content-task-list"> <?php $available = \Bitrix\Main\Analytics\Catalog::isOn(); ?> <li <?php echo $available ? 'class="good"' : ''; ?> > <?php echo GetMessage('BIGDATA_ENABLED'); ?> <?php if (!$available) { ?> <div class="adm-c-bigdata-activate-content-task-list-warning"><span><?php echo GetMessage('BIGDATA_DISABLED'); ?> </span></div>
/** * Common function, used to update/insert any product. * * @param int $productId Id of product. * @param int $fuserId User basket id. * @param string $siteId Site id. * @param int $elementId Parent id. * @param string $recommendationId Bigdata recommendation id. * * @return int */ public static function refresh($productId, $fuserId, $siteId = SITE_ID, $elementId = 0, $recommendationId = '') { $productId = (int) $productId; $fuserId = (int) $fuserId; $siteId = (string) $siteId; $elementId = (int) $elementId; $recommendationId = (string) $recommendationId; if ($productId <= 0 || $fuserId <= 0 || $siteId == '') { return -1; } if (Main\Loader::includeModule('statictic') && isset($_SESSION['SESS_SEARCHER_ID']) && (int) $_SESSION['SESS_SEARCHER_ID'] > 0) { return -1; } $filter = array('=FUSER_ID' => $fuserId, '=SITE_ID' => $siteId); $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $sqlSiteId = $helper->forSql($siteId); if ($elementId > 0) { $filter["=ELEMENT_ID"] = $elementId; // Delete parent product id (for capability) if ($elementId != $productId) { $connection->query("delete from b_catalog_viewed_product where PRODUCT_ID = " . $elementId . " and FUSER_ID = " . $fuserId . " and SITE_ID = '" . $sqlSiteId . "'"); } } else { $productInfo = \CCatalogSKU::getProductInfo($productId); // Real SKU ID if (!empty($productInfo)) { $elementId = $productInfo['ID']; $siblings = array(); // Delete parent product id (for capability) $connection->query("delete from b_catalog_viewed_product\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere PRODUCT_ID = " . $productInfo['ID'] . " and FUSER_ID = " . $fuserId . " and SITE_ID = '" . $sqlSiteId . "'"); $skus = \CIBlockElement::getList(array(), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $productInfo['OFFER_IBLOCK_ID'], '=PROPERTY_' . $productInfo['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] => $productInfo['ID']), false, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID')); while ($oneSku = $skus->fetch()) { $siblings[] = $oneSku['ID']; } unset($oneSku, $skus); $filter['@PRODUCT_ID'] = $siblings; } else { $elementId = $productId; $filter['=PRODUCT_ID'] = $productId; } } // recommendation if (!empty($elementId)) { global $APPLICATION; $recommendationCookie = $APPLICATION->get_cookie(Main\Analytics\Catalog::getCookieLogName()); if (!empty($recommendationCookie)) { $recommendations = Main\Analytics\Catalog::decodeProductLog($recommendationCookie); if (is_array($recommendations) && isset($recommendations[$elementId])) { $recommendationId = $recommendations[$elementId][0]; } } } $iterator = static::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'FUSER_ID', 'DATE_VISIT', 'PRODUCT_ID', 'SITE_ID', 'VIEW_COUNT'), 'filter' => $filter)); if ($row = $iterator->fetch()) { $update = array("PRODUCT_ID" => $productId, "DATE_VISIT" => new Main\Type\DateTime(), 'VIEW_COUNT' => $row['VIEW_COUNT'] + 1, "ELEMENT_ID" => $elementId); if (!empty($recommendationId)) { $update["RECOMMENDATION"] = $recommendationId; } $result = static::update($row['ID'], $update); return $result->isSuccess(true) ? $row['ID'] : -1; } else { $result = static::add(array("FUSER_ID" => $fuserId, "DATE_VISIT" => new Main\Type\DateTime(), "PRODUCT_ID" => $productId, "ELEMENT_ID" => $elementId, "SITE_ID" => $siteId, "VIEW_COUNT" => 1, "RECOMMENDATION" => $recommendationId)); return $result->isSuccess(true) ? $result->getId() : -1; } }
if (isset($_POST['AJAX']) && $_POST['AJAX'] == 'Y') { if (isset($_POST['PRODUCT_ID']) && isset($_POST['SITE_ID'])) { $productID = (int)$_POST['PRODUCT_ID']; $parentID = (int)$_POST['PARENT_ID']; $siteID = substr((string)$_POST['SITE_ID'], 0, 2); if ($productID > 0 && $siteID !== '' && \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('catalog') && \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('sale')) { // check if there was a recommendation $recommendationId = ''; $recommendationCookie = $APPLICATION->get_cookie(Bitrix\Main\Analytics\Catalog::getCookieLogName()); if (!empty($recommendationCookie)) { $recommendations = \Bitrix\Main\Analytics\Catalog::decodeProductLog($recommendationCookie); if (is_array($recommendations) && isset($recommendations[$parentID])) { $recommendationId = $recommendations[$parentID][0]; } } // add record CatalogViewedProductTable::refresh( $productID, CSaleBasket::GetBasketUserID(), $siteID, $parentID, $recommendationId );
public static function submitData($limit = 50) { if (!Catalog::isOn()) { return '\\' . __METHOD__ . '();'; } $rows = array(); $r = static::getList(array('order' => array('ID' => 'ASC'), 'limit' => $limit)); while ($row = $r->fetch()) { $rows[$row['ID']] = array('type' => $row['TYPE'], 'data' => $row['DATA']); } if (!empty($rows)) { // get queue size $totalCount = static::getCount(); $queueSize = $totalCount > $limit ? $totalCount - $limit : 0; // set limit $dataSizeLimit = 45000; // make an optimal dataset $dataSize = strlen(base64_encode(json_encode(array_values($rows)))); // records to delete $toDelete = array(); if ($dataSize > $dataSizeLimit) { $reducedRows = array(); foreach ($rows as $id => $row) { $rowSize = strlen(base64_encode(json_encode(array_values($row)))); $reducedDataSize = strlen(base64_encode(json_encode(array_values($reducedRows)))); if ($rowSize > $dataSizeLimit) { // abnormally big row, delete it $toDelete[] = $id; } elseif (!empty($reducedRows) && $reducedDataSize + $rowSize > $dataSizeLimit) { // it's enough break; } else { $reducedRows[$id] = $row; } } $rows = $reducedRows; } if (!empty($rows)) { // if there are still some data, send it $data = \http_build_query(array('op' => 'e', 'aid' => Counter::getAccountId(), 'ad[cd][value]' => base64_encode(json_encode(array_values($rows))), 'ad[cd][queue]' => $queueSize)); $f = fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr, 3); if ($f) { $out = "POST /bx_stat HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host:\r\n"; $out .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $out .= "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n"; $out .= "User-Agent: Bitrix Stats Counter\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; $out .= $data . "\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($f, $out); $response = ''; while (!feof($f)) { $response .= fgets($f, 128); } fclose($f); // delete rows if service received data if (strpos($response, '200 OK')) { $toDelete = array_merge($toDelete, array_keys($rows)); } } } // delete abnormally big and sent rows foreach ($toDelete as $id) { static::delete($id); } } return '\\' . __METHOD__ . '();'; }
protected function getProductIds() { $ids = array(); if (!empty($this->ajaxItemsIds)) { $recommendationId = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->get('RID'); $ids = $this->ajaxItemsIds; } else { $bestsellers = parent::getProductIds(); if (!empty($bestsellers)) { $recommendationId = 'bestsellers'; $ids = Main\Analytics\Catalog::getProductIdsByOfferIds($bestsellers); } if (empty($ids)) { $recommendationId = 'mostviewed'; // top viewed $result = CatalogViewedProductTable::getList(array('select' => array('ELEMENT_ID', new Main\Entity\ExpressionField('SUM_HITS', 'SUM(%s)', 'VIEW_COUNT')), 'filter' => array('=SITE_ID' => SITE_ID, '>ELEMENT_ID' => 0), 'order' => array('SUM_HITS' => 'DESC'), 'limit' => $this->arParams['PAGE_ELEMENT_COUNT'])); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $ids[] = $row['ELEMENT_ID']; } } } $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, $this->arParams['PAGE_ELEMENT_COUNT']); // remember recommendation id $this->arResult['RID'] = $recommendationId; return $ids; }