/** * Deletes file and all connected data and entities (@see Sharing, @see Rights, etc). * @param int $deletedBy Id of user. * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException */ public function delete($deletedBy) { $this->errorCollection->clear(); $success = EditSessionTable::deleteByFilter(array('OBJECT_ID' => $this->id)); if (!$success) { return false; } $success = ExternalLinkTable::deleteByFilter(array('OBJECT_ID' => $this->id)); if (!$success) { return false; } foreach ($this->getSharingsAsReal() as $sharing) { $sharing->delete($deletedBy); } //with status unreplied, declined (not approved) $success = SharingTable::deleteByFilter(array('REAL_OBJECT_ID' => $this->id)); if (!$success) { return false; } foreach ($this->getAttachedObjects() as $attached) { $attached->delete(); } unset($attached); BizProcDocument::deleteWorkflowsFile($this->id); SimpleRightTable::deleteBatch(array('OBJECT_ID' => $this->id)); $success = RightTable::deleteByFilter(array('OBJECT_ID' => $this->id)); if (!$success) { return false; } $success = VersionTable::deleteByFilter(array('OBJECT_ID' => $this->id)); if (!$success) { return false; } DeletedLog::addFile($this, $deletedBy, $this->errorCollection); \CFile::delete($this->fileId); $deleteResult = FileTable::delete($this->id); if (!$deleteResult->isSuccess()) { return false; } Driver::getInstance()->getIndexManager()->dropIndex($this); if (!$this->isLink()) { //todo potential - very hard operation. foreach (File::getModelList(array('filter' => array('REAL_OBJECT_ID' => $this->id, '!=REAL_OBJECT_ID' => $this->id))) as $link) { $link->delete($deletedBy); } unset($link); } $event = new Event(Driver::INTERNAL_MODULE_ID, "onAfterDeleteFile", array($this->getId(), $deletedBy)); $event->send(); return true; }
/** * Gets the fully qualified name of table class which belongs to current model. * @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException * @return string */ public static function getTableClassName() { return VersionTable::className(); }