  * Override this method to register routes handled by the module.
  * By default, handled routes follow the given pattern : 
  * 'GET /module_name[/module_ctrl[/action[/param1/param2/...]]]'
  * If module is set as the default one, it also manages '/' request and its
  * route is named 'home' otherwise it is named with module's name.
 protected function registerRoutes()
     $app = $this->app();
     $module = $this;
     $route = $this->_name . '(/:ctrl(/:action(/:params+)))';
     $route = '/' . ($this->isDefault() ? '(' . $route . ')' : $route);
     $app->get($route, function ($ctrl = 'index', $action = 'index', $params = null) use($app, $module) {
         // Set templates directory to the module's one if current view renderer is not Twig.
         if (!$app->view instanceof \BenGee\Slim\Twig\TwigView) {
             $app->view->setTemplatesDirectory($this->getDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views', $this->name());
         // Load controller class file.
         $ctrl_name = (!empty($ctrl) && trim($ctrl) != '' ? \BenGee\Slim\Utils\StringUtils::camelize($ctrl, true) : 'Index') . 'Controller';
         require_once $this->getDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ctrl_name . '.php';
         // Create an instance of the controller.
         $ctrl_instance = new $ctrl_name($module);
         // Call required action.
         $action_name = ($action != null && trim($action) != '' ? \BenGee\Slim\Utils\StringUtils::camelize($action) : 'index') . 'Action';
         echo $params != null ? $ctrl_instance->{$action_name}($params) : $ctrl_instance->{$action_name}();
     })->name($this->isDefault() ? 'home' : $this->name());
				Result : <?php 
$result = StringUtils::camelize('a string to camelize1', false);
echo $result . ' (' . ($result == 'aStringToCamelize1' ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILED') . ')';
				<pre>StringUtils::camelize('a string to camelize_2', true)</pre>
				Result : <?php 
$result = StringUtils::camelize('a string to camelize_2', true);
echo $result . ' (' . ($result == 'AStringToCamelize2' ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILED') . ')';
				<pre>StringUtils::camelize('À_string-TO camelize=3', false)</pre>
				Result : <?php 
$result = StringUtils::camelize('À_string-TO camelize=3', false);
echo $result . ' (' . ($result == 'aStringToCamelize3' ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILED') . ')';
	<li>startsWith() method
				<pre>StringUtils::startsWith(null, '')</pre>
				Result : <?php 
try {
    $result = StringUtils::startsWith(null, '');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    $result = '[!!! Exception !!!]';