文件: Header.php 项目: aufa/Enproject
  * Instance Collector
  * @return  object Collector
 public static function collector()
     if (!self::$Collector instanceof Collector) {
         self::$Collector = new Collector(Server::getHeaders());
     return self::$Collector;
文件: Url.php 项目: aufa/Enproject
  * Clean The uri double slashed to single slashed
  * eg : http://domain.com//do//this////uri///// to http://domain.com/do/this to prevent much 404 error
  * ;/domain.com | :/domain.com | ://domain.com | ;//domain.com to  //domain.com
  * and replace backslashed to slashed
  * @param  string  $uri            the url to clean
  * @param  boolan  $replace_space  true if you want use replace sache with (+) - plus characters
  * @param  boolean $use_http       true if use http as prefix is possible when url use start as (//)
  * @return string  $result         as clean uri
 public static function cleanSlashUri($uri, $replace_space = false, $use_http = false)
     // if non string stop here return original
     if (!is_string($uri) || !$uri) {
         return $uri;
     static $result, $tmpuri = null;
     // if uri is same and has result , then will be return as before
     if ($result !== null && $tmpuri === $uri) {
         return $result;
     // determine $tmpuri as $uri variables
     $tmpuri = $uri;
     $query = '';
     if (strpos($uri, '?')) {
         $explode = explode('?', $uri);
         $uri = $explode[0];
         if (count($explode) > 1) {
         $query = '?' . implode('?', $explode);
     // clean request uri backslashed replaces, remember on windows request uri backslash ( \ ) , is not functions!!
     $slashed = preg_replace('/(\\\\)+/', '/', trim($uri));
     // clean the protocol;// | protocol//
     // or  ;// | :// ( this will be only start with ; or : or double slash not single slash (/) or start with etc. )
     // hate the loop ! so save it as array variable , this value same as allowed_protocols()
     $regex = array('/\\/{3,}/', '/^(:|;)*\\/\\/|^(:|;)\\/+/');
     $protocol = array('/', '//');
     $result = preg_replace($regex, $protocol, $slashed);
     // closure object as callback
     $tolowerfix = function ($n) {
         $n[0] = str_replace(';', ':', strtolower($n[0]));
         $n[0] = preg_replace('/^(.*)\\/\\//', '$1://', $n[0]);
         return preg_replace('/\\:{1,}/', ':', $n[0]);
      * replace unsafe protocols if use ; or multiple : or ;
      * eg : http:::::::/www.domain.com | http;//www.domain.com will be http://www.domain.com
      * http;/domain.com | http:/domain.com will be http://domain.com
      * replace only safe protocol , and make it lower
     $regex = '/^(http|https|ftp|ftps|mailto|news|irc|gopher|nntp|feed|telnet|mms|rtsp|svn|tel|fax|xmpp|rtmp)((;|:)*\\/?\\/?)/i';
     $result = preg_replace_callback($regex, array($tolowerfix, '__invoke'), $result);
     // end
     // clean double slash on url after domain
     $remslash = function ($c) {
         return preg_replace('/((.*)\\:)\\/(\\/)?/', '$1/$3', $c[1]) . preg_replace('/(\\/\\/)+/', '/', $c[4]);
     $regex = '/^(((.*):)?\\/\\/?)?(.*)/';
     $result = preg_replace_callback($regex, array($remslash, '__invoke'), $result);
     // end
     $result = preg_replace('/^(\\/\\/)?(mailto|xmpp)(\\:)(\\/\\/)?(.*)?/', '$2$3$5', $result);
     if ($result[strlen($result) - 1] === '/') {
         $result = rtrim($result, '/');
     if ($replace_space) {
         $result = str_replace(' ', '+', $result);
     if ($use_http === true && preg_match('/^\\/\\//', $result)) {
         $result = Server::httpProtocol() . ':' . $result;
     return $result = $result . $query;
文件: Path.php 项目: aufa/Enproject
  * Checking current request File as Root path
  * @return string base directory of root path
 public static function currentRootpath()
     static $root;
     if (!$root) {
         $root = static::cleanSlashed(dirname(Server::get('SCRIPT_FILENAME')));
     return $root;
文件: Route.php 项目: aufa/Enproject
  * Parse x_Routes
  * Matches any x_routes that may exist in the x_routes definition
  * @access private
 protected function parse()
     // remove not found
     // Turn the segment array into a URI string
     $uri = implode('/', Url::allSegment());
     // Get HTTP verb
     $http_verb = strtoupper(trim(Server::get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'CLI')));
     if (!isset($this->x_routes['main'])) {
         $this->x_routes['main'] = array();
     if (!isset($this->x_routes['default'])) {
         $this->x_routes['default'] = array();
     $default_array = array('main' => $this->x_routes['main'], 'default' => $this->x_routes['default']);
     // sort it again
     $this->x_routes = array_merge($default_array, $this->x_routes);
     // freed
     foreach ($this->x_routes as $routeKey => $route) {
         if (empty($route)) {
         // Is there a literal match?  If so we're done
         if (isset($route[$uri]) && !preg_match('/[\\)\\(]/', $uri) && strpos($uri, ':any') === false && strpos($uri, ':num') === false && is_callable($route[$uri]['function']) && $route[$uri]['method'] == $http_verb) {
             $this->x_current_route = array('name' => $routeKey, 'route' => $uri);
             return $this->setRequest($route[$uri]['function']);
         // Loop through the route array looking for wildcards
         foreach ($route as $key => $Rval) {
             if (!is_array($Rval)) {
             // $keyTmp = $key;
             // Convert wildcards to RegEx
             $key = str_replace(array(':any', ':num'), array('[^/]+', '[0-9]+'), $key);
             if (strpos($key, '/') === 0) {
                 $key = "/" . substr($key, 1);
             } elseif ($key && preg_match('/(^\\(\\?[iUXxms]\\))/', $key)) {
                 // parentesis
                 $key = preg_replace_callback('/(^\\(\\?[iUXxms]\\))(.*)/', function ($match) {
                     return $match[1] . (strpos($match[2], '/') === 0 ? substr($match[2], 1) : $match[2]);
                 }, $key);
             } else {
                 $key = "/{$key}";
             // fix :any or [^/]+ on first statements
             $key = preg_replace('/^(\\/|\\(\\?[iUXxms]\\))(\\(+)?(\\[\\^\\/\\]\\+)(\\)+)/', "\$1(.?\$3)", $key);
             // Does the RegEx match?
             if (preg_match('#^' . $key . '$#', '/' . $uri, $matches)) {
                 // Are we using callbacks to process back-references?
                 if (is_callable($Rval['function'])) {
                     if ($Rval['method'] == 'ALL' || in_array($http_verb, explode('|', $Rval['method']))) {
                         $this->x_current_route = array('name' => $routeKey, 'route' => $key);
                         return $this->setRequest($Rval['function']);
     // set Not Found
     empty($uri) || self::setNotfound();
     // If we got this far it means we didn't encounter a
     // matching route so we'll set the site default route
     return $this->setRequest();
文件: Url.php 项目: aufa/Enproject
  * Parse Request URL
  * @return string Request URI parsed
 protected function parseRequestUri()
     // static cached
     static $return = null;
     if ($return !== null) {
         return $return;
     if (!Server::get('REQUEST_URI') && !Server::get('SCRIPT_NAME')) {
         $return = '';
         return $return;
     // add Request URI
     // $requri = Path::cleanSlashed(Request::getHost().'/'.Server::get('REQUEST_URI'));
     $requri = Server::get('REQUEST_URI');
     $requri = substr($requri, 0, 1) == '/' ? $requri : "/{$requri}";
     $requri = rtrim(Request::getHost(), '/') . $requri;
     $uri = parse_url('http://' . $requri);
     $query = isset($uri['query']) ? $uri['query'] : '';
     $uri = isset($uri['path']) ? $uri['path'] : '';
     $script_name = Server::get('SCRIPT_NAME');
     if (isset($script_name[0])) {
          * Set New URL Path
         if (strpos($uri, $script_name) === 0) {
             $uri = substr($uri, strlen($script_name));
         } elseif (strpos($uri, dirname($script_name)) === 0) {
             $uri = substr($uri, strlen(dirname($script_name)));
     // This section ensures that even on servers that require the URI to be in the query string (Nginx) a correct
     // URI is found, and also fixes the QUERY_STRING server var and $_GET array.
     if (trim($uri, '/') === '' && strncmp($query, '/', 1) === 0) {
         $query = explode('?', $query, 2);
         $uri = $query[0];
         $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = isset($query[1]) ? $query[1] : '';
     } else {
         $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $query;
     // replace server attributes
     // parse the string
     parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);
     // replace get
     if ($uri === '/' || $uri === '') {
         $return = '/';
     } else {
         $return = Path::removeRelativeDirectory($uri);
     return $return;
  * Initialize application
  * @return  object $instance current singleton instance object
 public static function create()
     static $has_call = null;
     $instance = static::singleton();
     if (!$has_call) {
         $has_call = true;
         // for CLI used
         if (defined('STDIN')) {
             chdir(dirname(Server::get('SCRIPT_FILENAME', getcwd())));
     return $instance;
  * Get Path Info (virtual path)
  * @return string
 public static function getPathInfo()
     return Server::get('PATH_INFO');