/** * Require files of Console */ protected static function commands($routes) { foreach (self::fetch("console/commands") as $file) { Connector::need($file); } if ($routes) { foreach (self::fetch("bundles/" . Application::getCurrentModule() . "/console/commands") as $file_md) { Connector::need($file_md); } foreach (self::fetch(Application::$root . Config::get('panel.path') . "console/commands") as $file_pnlmd) { Connector::need($file_pnlmd); } } }
/** * Require files of Lumos */ protected static function commands() { foreach (self::fetch(self::$path . "Lumos/Commands") as $file) { Connector::need($file); } }
/** * get path of config files * @param $param(string) : file name */ protected static function getPath($param) { $path = is_null(Application::$root) ? "config/{$param}.php" : Application::$root . "config/{$param}.php"; // return Connector::need(is_null(Application::$root) ? "config/{$param}.php" : Application::$root . "config/{$param}.php"); }
/** * Calling the fetcher */ protected static function fetcher($routes) { Connector::need(self::$root . 'vendor/ar-framework-labs/kernel/src/Foundation/Fetcher.php'); Fetcher::run($routes); }