public static function title($value = NULL) { if (empty($value)) { $value = Config::get('app.title'); } echo "\r\n" . '<title>' . $value . '</title>' . "\r\n"; }
public static function store($text) { foreach (Config::get('') as $key => $value) { $text = str_replace($key, $value, $text); } return $text; }
public function setNewServer($host, $user, $password, $database, $faild = self::EXCEPTION_FAILD_MODE) { //$this->server=null; // if ($host == "" and $user == "" and $database == "") { throw new DatabaseArgumentsException(); } else { Database::$server = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $database); // if (!Database::$server) { if ($faild == 2 && Config::get('panel.configured')) { throw new DatabaseConnectionException(); } else { if ($faild == 1) { \Errors::r_db(); } } } // mysqli_query(Database::$server, "SET NAMES " . Config::get("database.charset")); // Database::$serverData = ['host' => $host, "username" => $user, "password" => $password, "database" => $database]; // // return Database::$server; } }
public static function show() { $msg = Config::get("maintenance.msg"); $bg_color = Config::get(""); //include 'View.php'; $view = array("bundle_name" => 'maintenance', "view" => 'maintenance.index', "backend" => true, "panel" => false, "roles" => ["Administrateur", "User", "Guest"]); View::make($view, ['msg' => $msg, 'bg_color' => $bg_color]); }
protected static function setParams() { self::$smarty->force_compile = false; self::$smarty->debugging = false; self::$smarty->caching = false; self::$smarty->cache_lifetime = 120; self::$smarty->use_sub_dirs = false; self::$smarty->left_delimiter = '{'; self::$smarty->right_delimiter = '}'; self::$smarty->setPluginsDir(array(Application::$root . 'app/themes/' . Config::get('') . '/_plugins', Application::$root . 'themes/' . Config::get('theme.nameFrontEnd') . '/_plugins', Application::$root . Config::get("panel.path") . 'ressources/_plugins', Application::$root . 'vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins')); //Smarty::muteExpectedErrors(); }
public static function redirect($url) { $link = ""; if ($url[0] == "@") { $link = Config::get('app.url') . substr($url, 1); echo $link . "<br>"; echo $url; } else { $link = $url; echo $link; } header("location:" . $link); }
public static function getDriver() { switch (Config::get('database.default')) { case 'sqlite': # code... break; case 'mysql': return new MysqlDatabase(); break; case 'pgsql': # code... break; case 'sqlsrv': # code... break; } }
protected static function driver() { $option = Config::get('cache.options'); $default = Config::get('cache.default'); // switch ($default) { case 'file': return new FileCache(); break; case 'database': return new DatabaseCache(); break; default: throw new DriverNotFoundException(); break; } }
function __construct($disk = null) { if (empty($disk)) { if ($this->checkDiskExiste(Config::get('storage.default'))) { $this->disk = Config::get('storage.default'); $this->basePath = Sys::$app . "/storage/file"; $this->storagePath = $this->basePath . "/" . Config::get('storage.default'); } else { throw new \invalidArgumentException("There is no disk call's " . Config::get('storage.default')); } } else { if ($this->checkDiskExiste($disk)) { $this->disk = $disk; $this->basePath = Sys::$app . "/storage/file"; $this->storagePath = $this->basePath . "/" . $disk; } else { throw new \invalidArgumentException("There is no disk call's " . $disk); } } }
public static function ini($root = null) { // self::$r_400 = Config::get("error.400"); self::$r_401 = Config::get("error.401"); self::$r_402 = Config::get("error.402"); self::$r_403 = Config::get("error.403"); self::$r_404 = Config::get("error.404"); self::$r_405 = Config::get("error.405"); self::$r_406 = Config::get("error.406"); self::$r_407 = Config::get("error.407"); self::$r_408 = Config::get("error.408"); self::$r_409 = Config::get("error.409"); self::$r_410 = Config::get("error.410"); self::$r_411 = Config::get("error.411"); self::$r_412 = Config::get("error.412"); self::$r_413 = Config::get("error.413"); self::$r_414 = Config::get("error.414"); self::$r_415 = Config::get("error.415"); self::$r_416 = Config::get("error.416"); self::$r_417 = Config::get("error.417"); self::$r_418 = Config::get("error.418"); self::$r_422 = Config::get("error.422"); self::$r_423 = Config::get("error.423"); self::$r_424 = Config::get("error.424"); self::$r_425 = Config::get("error.425"); self::$r_426 = Config::get("error.426"); // self::$r_500 = Config::get("error.500"); self::$r_501 = Config::get("error.501"); self::$r_502 = Config::get("error.502"); self::$r_503 = Config::get("error.503"); self::$r_504 = Config::get("error.504"); self::$r_505 = Config::get("error.505"); self::$r_507 = Config::get("error.507"); self::$r_509 = Config::get("error.509"); self::$r_db = Config::get("error.database"); // }
public static function rememberToken($array = null) { $str = ""; // if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $str = $key . $value; } } else { if (is_string($array) || is_numeric($array)) { $str = str_shuffle("Amine Abri" . $array . time() . "token" . Config::get('security.key1')); } else { if (is_null($array) || empty($array)) { $str = "Amine Abri" . $array . time() . "token" . Config::get('security.key1') . "ARFramework" . Config::get('security.key2') . time() . self::random(); $str = str_shuffle($str); } } } // $token = self::make($str); return $token; }
protected function hash($value) { return md5($value . Config::get("security.key1") . md5($value)); }
/** * Configure the command */ public function set() { $this->key = Config::get('console.exec_seed'); $this->description = 'Execute Seeder'; }
/** * Require files of Console */ protected static function commands($routes) { foreach (self::fetch("console/commands") as $file) { Connector::need($file); } if ($routes) { foreach (self::fetch("bundles/" . Application::getCurrentModule() . "/console/commands") as $file_md) { Connector::need($file_md); } foreach (self::fetch(Application::$root . Config::get('panel.path') . "console/commands") as $file_pnlmd) { Connector::need($file_pnlmd); } } }
public function links($range = -1, $OtherGets = false, $previous = "", $nexte = "") { // Pagination Style $pagination = true; if (Config::get('view.pagination_style') == "simple") { $pagination = !true; if (empty($nexte)) { $nexte = Config::get('view.paginationSimpleNext'); } if (empty($previous)) { $previous = Config::get('view.paginationSimplePrevious'); } } // // Pagination class if (Config::get('view.pagination_class') == "{bootstrap}") { if ($pagination) { echo '<nav style="display:inline-block"><ul class="pagination">'; } else { echo '<nav style="display:inline-block"><ul class="pager">'; } } else { echo '<nav style="display:inline-block"><ul class="' . Config::get('view.pagination_class') . '">'; } //previous page if ($this->CurntPage - 1 > 1) { $prev = $this->CurntPage - 1; } else { $prev = 1; } // //other gets if ($OtherGets && isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET)) { $Prevgets = "?"; $i = 0; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key != "url" && $key != Config::get('view.pagination_param')) { if ($i > 0) { $Prevgets .= "&"; } $Prevgets .= $key . "=" . $value; $i++; } } if ($i > 0) { $Prevgets .= '&'; } $Prevgets .= Config::get('view.pagination_param') . '=' . $prev; } else { $Prevgets = '?' . Config::get('view.pagination_param') . '=' . $prev; } // // ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo $Prevgets; ?> " aria-label="Previous"> <?php if ($pagination) { ?> <span aria-hidden="true">«</span> <?php } else { ?> <span aria-hidden="true"><?php echo $previous; ?> </span> <?php } ?> </a> </li> <?php // Range $cntAll = 1 + $range * 2; if ($range > 0 && $cntAll < $this->NbrPages) { $cntAll = 1 + $range * 2; $max = $this->CurntPage + $range <= $this->NbrPages ? $this->CurntPage + $range : $this->NbrPages; $min = $this->CurntPage - $range >= 1 ? $this->CurntPage - $range : 1; $showedBtn = $max - $min; // if ($max - $this->CurntPage < $range) { $dif = $max - $cntAll + 1; if ($dif > 1) { $min = $dif; } } elseif ($this->CurntPage - $min < $range) { $dif = $cntAll; if ($dif < $this->NbrPages) { $max = $dif; } } } else { $max = $this->NbrPages; $min = 1; } // Pagination if ($pagination) { for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) { if ($i == $this->CurntPage) { ?> <li class="active"><?php } else { ?> <li><?php } // //other gets if ($OtherGets && isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET)) { $Numgets = "?"; $j = 0; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key != "url" && $key != Config::get('view.pagination_param')) { if ($j > 0) { $Numgets .= "&"; } $Numgets .= $key . "=" . $value; $j++; } } if ($j > 0) { $Numgets .= '&'; } $Numgets .= Config::get('view.pagination_param') . '=' . $i; } else { $Numgets = '?' . Config::get('view.pagination_param') . '=' . $i; } // echo "<a href='" . $Numgets . "'>" . $i . "</a>"; ?> </li><?php } } // //next page if ($this->CurntPage + 1 < $this->NbrPages) { $next = $this->CurntPage + 1; } else { $next = $this->NbrPages; } //other gets if ($OtherGets && isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET)) { $Nextgets = "?"; $i = 0; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key != "url" && $key != Config::get('view.pagination_param')) { if ($i > 0) { $Nextgets .= "&"; } $Nextgets .= $key . "=" . $value; $i++; } } if ($i > 0) { $Nextgets .= '&'; } $Nextgets .= Config::get('view.pagination_param') . '=' . $next; } else { $Nextgets = '?' . Config::get('view.pagination_param') . '=' . $next; } // ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo $Nextgets; ?> " aria-label="Next"> <?php if ($pagination) { ?> <span aria-hidden="true">»</span> <?php } else { ?> <span aria-hidden="true"><?php echo $nexte; ?> </span> <?php } ?> </a> </li> <?php // echo '</ul></nav>'; }
protected function setTable($table) { $table = is_null($table) ? !isset(static::$table) ? get_class($this) : static::$table : $table; // if (Config::get('database.prefixing')) { $this->DBtable = Config::get('database.prefixe') . $table; } else { $this->DBtable = $table; } }
public static function ini($page = null) { if (self::execut() == "ok" and Config::get('license.pageblock') == "true") { self::access($page); } }
public static function existe($nom, $table = null) { $nom = self::tableName($nom); // $tab = is_null($table) ? Config::get('database.database') : $table; $i = Database::countS("select * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema ='" . $tab . "' AND table_name = '" . $nom . "' LIMIT 1;"); if ($i > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * set framework Timezone */ public static function setTimezone() { date_default_timezone_set(Config::get('app.timezone')); }
protected static function CreateDireView($name, $location) { if ($location === "backend") { if (!file_exists(Application::$root . "app/themes/" . Config::get("") . "/bundles/{$name}")) { mkdir(Application::$root . "app/themes/" . Config::get("") . "/bundles/{$name}", 0777, true); mkdir(Application::$root . "app/themes/" . Config::get("") . "/bundles/{$name}/{$name}", 0777, true); return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (!file_exists(Application::$root . "themes/" . Config::get("theme.nameFrontEnd") . "/bundles/{$name}")) { mkdir(Application::$root . "themes/" . Config::get("theme.nameFrontEnd") . "/bundles/{$name}", 0777, true); mkdir(Application::$root . "themes/" . Config::get("theme.nameFrontEnd") . "/bundles/{$name}/{$name}", 0777, true); return true; } else { return false; } } }
/** * Test on load Config params */ public function testLoadConfig() { $ret = Config::load(); // return $this->assertTrue($ret); }
/** * Configure the command */ public function set() { $this->key = Config::get('console.new_controller') . ' {fileName : what\'s the name of the file?} {className : what\'s the name of the controller class?} {bundleName : what\'s the bundleName ?} {--route : If set, a router for this controller will created in routes file}'; $this->description = 'New Controller'; }
/** * Configure the command */ public function set() { $this->key = Config::get('console.file_lang') . " {fileName : what's the name of the file?} {dirName : which directory?}"; $this->description = "Make new translator file"; }
/** * Configure the command */ public function set() { $this->key = Config::get('console.get_routes') . ' {http : what\'s the http of route?} {bundle : what\'s the bundle of route?}'; $this->description = 'Add new get route to Routes file'; }
public static function ini() { $path = "../" . Config::get("loggin.log"); ini_set("log_errors", 1); ini_set("error_log", $path); }
/** * Configure the command */ public function set() { $this->key = Config::get('console.new_schema') . ' {name : what\'s the name of the schema?} {bundle : what\'s the name of the bundle?}'; $this->description = 'Make new schema file'; }
/** * the name of dataTable of migrations */ protected static function getMigrationTable() { if (Config::get('database.prefixing')) { return Config::get('database.prefixe') . Config::get('database.migration'); } else { return Config::get('database.migration'); } }
/** * Configure the command */ public function set() { $this->key = Config::get('console.new_link') . ' {name : what\'s the name of the file?}'; $this->description = 'New file for links'; }
/** * Configure the command */ public function set() { $this->key = Config::get('console.dir_lang') . " {name : what's the name of the directory?}"; $this->description = "Make new translator directory"; }
/** * Configure the command */ public function set() { $this->key = Config::get('console.new_bundle_command') . ' {file : what\'s the name of the file?} {bundle : what\'s the name of the bundle?} {--command=greeting : the command}'; $this->description = "New User Console Cammand"; }