public function run() { /** * 验证用户权限 */ if (false == $this->verifyUserAuth()) { return false; } $bp_id = intval($this->getDataItem('beauty_parlor_id', 0)); $comment_info = Keyword::Filter($this->getDataItem('content', '')); $comment_info = trim($comment_info); //关键字替换 $keyword = CosQKeyword::query()->execute()->toArray(); foreach ($keyword as $k => $v) { $comment_info = str_replace($v['keyword'], '***', $comment_info); } //$type = intval($this -> getDataItem('type')); $type = $this->getDataItem('type', 0); //评论图片 $up = new UploadPic(); $comment_photos = json_encode($up->beautyParlorComment()); if ($bp_id > 0 && !empty($comment_info)) { // 查询最大楼层 $floor = BeautyParlorComment::maximum(["column" => "comment_floor", "conditions" => "beauty_parlor_id = :id: and type = 0", "bind" => ["id" => $bp_id]]); $comment_info = base64_encode(serialize($comment_info)); $bpc = new BeautyParlorComment(); $bpc->user_id = $this->getUserAuth()->userId; $bpc->comment_floor = ($floor ? $floor : 0) + 1; $bpc->beauty_parlor_id = $bp_id; $bpc->comment_info = $comment_info; $bpc->comment_photos = $comment_photos; $bpc->type = $type; if ($bpc->save()) { $this->id = $bpc->comment_id; $this->success = 1; return $this->setResult(['id' => $this->id, 'success' => $this->success]); } else { return $this->databaseErrorLog($bpc); } } else { return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::POST_BODY_PARAM_ERROR, ""); } /* //评论成功,推送消息 $branch = BeautyParlor::findFirst("bp_id = $bp_id") -> toArray(); $branchId = $branch['branch_id']; if(empty($branchId)){//没有分店,不推送 return $this->setResult([ 'id'=>$this->id, 'success'=>$this->success ]); }else{ $num = Branch::query() ->columns('s.shop_uid') -> leftJoin('Apps\Common\Models\CosShop','Apps\Common\Models\Branch.shop_id = s.shop_id','s') -> where('Apps\Common\Models\Branch.branch_id = '.$branchId) -> execute()->toArray(); $phoneNum = $num[0]['shop_uid']; $param = array( 'type' => 7, 'ispushservice' => 0, 'phone' => $phoneNum, 'content' => '有人对您的美容院进行了评论,快去看看吧!', 'shop_id' => 0 ); $push = new Jpush(); $rs = $push -> setval($param); if(!empty($rs)){ $data = json_decode($rs,true); $status = $data['status']; if($status == 400){//数据错误 return $this->setResult([ 'id'=>$this->id, 'success'=>$this->success ]); } }else{ $rs = $push -> push(); } } */ }
public function run() { /** * 验证用户权限 */ if (false == $this->verifyUserAuth()) { return false; } $bp_id = intval($this->getDataItem('beauty_parlor_id', 0)); $appoint_id = intval($this->getDataItem('appoint_id', 0)); $comment_info = Keyword::Filter($this->getDataItem('content', '')); //关键字替换 $keyword = CosQKeyword::query()->execute()->toArray(); foreach ($keyword as $k => $v) { $comment_info = str_replace($v['keyword'], '***', $comment_info); } $comment_info = base64_encode(serialize($comment_info)); //$type = intval($this -> getDataItem('type')); $type = $this->getDataItem('type'); //评论图片 $up = new UploadPic(); $comment_photos = json_encode($up->beautyParlorComment()); if ($type !== null && $type >= 0 && in_array($type, array(0, 1))) { if ($type == 0) { //添加美容院评论 if ($bp_id > 0 && !empty($comment_info)) { // 查询最大楼层 $floor = BeautyParlorComment::maximum(["column" => "comment_floor", "conditions" => "beauty_parlor_id = :id: and type = 0", "bind" => ["id" => $bp_id]]); $bpc = new BeautyParlorComment(); $bpc->user_id = $this->getUserAuth()->userId; $bpc->comment_floor = ($floor ? $floor : 0) + 1; $bpc->beauty_parlor_id = $bp_id; $bpc->comment_info = $comment_info; $bpc->comment_photos = $comment_photos; $bpc->type = $type; if ($bpc->save()) { $this->id = $bpc->comment_id; $this->success = 1; } else { return $this->databaseErrorLog($bpc); } } else { return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::POST_BODY_PARAM_ERROR, ""); } //评论成功,推送消息 $branch = BeautyParlor::findFirst("bp_id = {$bp_id}")->toArray(); $branchId = $branch['branch_id']; if (empty($branchId)) { //没有分店,不推送 return $this->setResult(['id' => $this->id, 'success' => $this->success]); } else { $num = Branch::query()->columns('s.shop_uid')->leftJoin('Apps\\Common\\Models\\CosShop', 'Apps\\Common\\Models\\Branch.shop_id = s.shop_id', 's')->where('Apps\\Common\\Models\\Branch.branch_id = ' . $branchId)->execute()->toArray(); $phoneNum = $num[0]['shop_uid']; $param = array('type' => 7, 'ispushservice' => 0, 'phone' => $phoneNum, 'content' => '有人对您的美容院进行了评论,快去看看吧!', 'shop_id' => 0); $push = new Jpush(); $rs = $push->setval($param); if (!empty($rs)) { $data = json_decode($rs, true); $status = $data['status']; if ($status == 400) { //数据错误 return $this->setResult(['id' => $this->id, 'success' => $this->success]); } } else { $rs = $push->push(); return $this->setResult(['id' => $this->id, 'success' => $this->success]); } } } if ($type == 1) { //添加预约评论 if ($bp_id > 0 && $appoint_id > 0 && !empty($comment_info)) { //判断预约是否已被当前用户评论 $is_comment = BeautyParlorComment::count(["conditions" => "appointment_id = :id: and beauty_parlor_id = :bp_id: and user_id = :user_id:", "bind" => ["id" => $appoint_id, "bp_id" => $bp_id, "user_id" => $this->getUserAuth()->userId]]); if ($is_comment > 0) { //已评论 return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::POST_BODY_PARAM_ERROR, "预约已评论"); } else { //查询最大楼层 $floor = BeautyParlorComment::maximum(["column" => "comment_floor", "conditions" => "appointment_id = :id: and beauty_parlor_id = :bp_id:", "bind" => ["id" => $appoint_id, "bp_id" => $bp_id]]); $bpc = new BeautyParlorComment(); $query = new CosOnlineAppointment(); $appoint = $query->findFirst("id = {$appoint_id}"); if ($appoint) { $data['state'] = 1; $rs = $appoint->update($data); } else { return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::POST_BODY_PARAM_ERROR, "当前预约不存在"); } $bpc->user_id = $this->getUserAuth()->userId; $bpc->comment_floor = ($floor ? $floor : 0) + 1; $bpc->beauty_parlor_id = $bp_id; $bpc->comment_info = $comment_info; $bpc->comment_photos = $comment_photos; $bpc->type = $type; $bpc->appointment_id = $appoint_id; if ($bpc->save() && $rs) { $this->id = $bpc->comment_id; $this->success = 1; } else { return $this->databaseErrorLog($bpc); } } } else { return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::POST_BODY_PARAM_ERROR, ""); } return $this->setResult(['id' => $this->id, 'success' => $this->success]); } } else { return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::POST_BODY_PARAM_ERROR, "评论类型错误"); } /* $bp_id = intval($this->getDataItem('beauty_parlor_id',0)); $comment_info = Keyword::Filter($this->getDataItem('content','')); $up = new UploadPic(); $comment_photos = json_encode($up->beautyParlorComment()); if($bp_id > 0 && !empty($comment_info)) { // 查询最大楼层 $floor = BeautyParlorComment::maximum([ "column" => "comment_floor", "conditions" => "beauty_parlor_id = :id:", "bind" => [ "id" => $bp_id ] ]); //关键字替换 $keyword = CosQKeyword::query() -> execute() -> toArray(); foreach ($keyword as $k => $v){ $comment_info = str_replace($v['keyword'], '***', $comment_info); //$comment_info = str_replace($v['keyword'], str_repeat('*', strlen($v['keyword'])/3), $comment_info); } $bpc = new BeautyParlorComment(); $bpc->user_id = $this->getUserAuth()->userId; $bpc->comment_floor = ($floor ? $floor : 0) + 1; $bpc->beauty_parlor_id=$bp_id; $bpc->comment_info=$comment_info; $bpc->comment_photos=$comment_photos; if($bpc->save()){ $this->id = $bpc->comment_id; $this->success = 1; }else{ return $this->databaseErrorLog($bpc); } } else { return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::POST_BODY_PARAM_ERROR, ""); } $this->setResult([ 'id'=>$this->id, 'success'=>$this->success ]); */ }