public function updatescreeningAction() { $id = $this->_getParam('id', null); if (!isset($id) && !strlen($id)) { throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('You must indicate a commercial group id'); } $commercialGroup = $this->_cgSrv->load($id); // Check permissions $this->_helper->allowed('update', $commercialGroup); if (empty($commercialGroup)) { throw new NotFoundException("Commercial Group {$id} not found", 404); } $data = $this->_helper->requestData(); $data = $this->_cgSrv->cleanDataForUpdateScreening($data); $data['id'] = $id; $commercialGroup->importData($data); $result = $this->_cgSrv->updateScreening($commercialGroup); // Response with the organization id $this->view->data = $result; }
public function screeninglistsAction() { if (!$this->getRequest()->isPut()) { throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('Screening list update must be a put request'); } $commercialGroup = $this->_getCommercialGroup(); // Check permissions $this->_helper->allowed('update', $commercialGroup); $data = $this->_helper->requestData(true, false); if (empty($data)) { return; } $data = $this->_cgSrv->cleanDataForUpdateScreening($data); $data['id'] = $commercialGroup->getId(); $commercialGroup = $commercialGroup->importData($data); $result = $this->_cgSrv->updateScreening($commercialGroup); // Response with the organization id // $this->view->data = $result; }