public function store()
     //checks if the user is authorised to add school
     if (\Auth::check()) {
         $newschoolname = Request::get('schoolname');
         // calls the school name from the school view file
         $newschoolurl = Request::get('schoolURL');
         // calls the school url from the school view file
         school::insert(['school_name' => $newschoolname, 'school_url' => $newschoolurl]);
         //inserts the new data into a new tuple
         $message = "School Added: Success";
         // indicates success to the user
     } else {
         $message = "School Added: Failed";
     // indicates failure to the user
     $schooltable = school::all();
     //calls the schools from the model school. all() selects all, included the new entry
     //Tells user if logged in or not. necessary for the view
     if (\Auth::check()) {
         $name = \Auth::user()->name;
     } else {
         $name = "Guest";
     //returns the school view, and passes the schooltable, the message, and user name to the view
     return view('school', compact('schooltable', 'message', 'name'));
 public function delete($filenumber, $name)
     //checks if user is authorised
     if (\Auth::check()) {
         //checks if user posted the content
         if (\Auth::user()->name == $name) {
             //finds the tuple and deletes it
             content::where('filenumber', '=', $filenumber)->delete();
             //deletes the records with file number from raters
             raters::where('filenumber', '=', $filenumber)->delete();
             $message = "Delete Successful";
             //tells user delete was successful
     } else {
         $message = "Delete failure";
     //tells user if delete was a failure
     //tells user if logged in or not
     if (\Auth::check()) {
         $name = \Auth::user()->name;
     } else {
         $name = "Guest";
     //gets the school table
     $schooltable = school::all();
     //redirects to school so that user can see message
     return view('school', compact('schooltable'), compact('message', 'name'));