  * Store a newly created Url in storage.
  * Required: long_url
  * Optional: custom_key, category
 public function create(Request $request)
     //	Get the largest Id of url from db
     $maxId = Url::withTrashed()->max('id');
     //	Validate maxId, and fix it
     if (!isset($maxId)) {
         $maxId = 0;
     //	Validate custom Key (key for short url), and generate new one using MAXID
     if (empty($request["custom_key"])) {
         $hashids = new Hashids('smpx', 6);
         $hashedUrl = $hashids->encode($maxId++);
     } else {
         $hashedUrl = $request["custom_key"];
     //	trim long url (Original Url)
     $longUrl = trim($request["long_url"]);
     //	Validate Long Url and send error if invalid
     if (strlen($longUrl) <= 0) {
         $error = Utility::getError(null, 400, 'Error', 'Invalid Url');
         return response()->json($error, 400);
     //	Check whether Long url contains http protocol or not, If not then append 'http://'
     //	Here not checking for protocols other than http
     if (substr($longUrl, 0, 7) !== "http://" and substr($longUrl, 0, 8) !== "https://") {
         $longUrl = 'http://' . $longUrl;
     //	Validate category
     if (!isset($request["category"]) || $request["category"] == '') {
         $category = 'no_category';
     } else {
         $category = $request["category"];
     //	build array object of Url data to save to DB
     $array = array('long_url' => $longUrl, 'short_url' => config('app.url') . '/' . $hashedUrl, 'is_active' => true, 'clicks' => 0, 'category' => $category);
     try {
         //	save Url data to DB
         $urlInstance = Url::create($array);
     } catch (QueryException $e) {
         // Make logging for QueryException
         $error = Utility::getError(null, 400, 'Error', 'Duplicate Entry of short Url');
         return response()->json($error, 400);
     //	Add attribute 'time' containing humna readable time format
     $urlInstance['time'] = $urlInstance['created_at']->diffForHumans(Carbon::now());
     //	Build response object
     $res = new \stdClass();
     $res->status = 'Success';
     $res->data = $urlInstance;
     $res->message = 'Successfully created';
     //	Send response Object in json string
     return response()->json($res, 200);