public function about() { $title = trans('default.about'); $societies = Society::orderBy('position', 'asc')->get(); $timelines = Timeline::all(); return view('pages.about', compact('title', 'societies', 'timelines')); }
public function addevent() { $data = Input::all(); $data['society_id'] = Society::where('username', Session::get('username'))->first()->id; $event = Event::createEvent($data); Session::put('event_id', $event->id); return Redirect::route('add_question')->with('message', 'Event Successfully Created'); }
/** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { foreach (Society::all() as $society) { Subscription::create(['user_id' => $this->user->id, 'society_id' => $society->id]); } $this->user->processing = 'no'; $this->user->save(); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param CustomRequest $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(CustomRequest $request, $id) { $society = Society::findOrFail($id); if ($request->hasFile('image') && $request->file('image')->move(base_path() . '/public/images/society', $society->id . '.' . $request->file('image')->getClientOriginalExtension())) { $request->merge(['picture' => $society->id . '.' . $request->file('image')->getClientOriginalExtension()]); } $society->update($request->all()); return redirect(route('admin.societies.index'))->with('success', 'Le contenu a bien été mis à jour'); }
/** * Gets the events for a society * @param [type] $day [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function eventsForSociety($society_identifier) { $society_identifier = str_replace("-", " ", $society_identifier); try { $society = Society::where('id', $society_identifier)->orWhere('facebook_ref', $society_identifier)->firstOrFail(); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(404); } $events = Event::where('time', '>', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))->where('society_id', $society->id)->orderBy('time')->get(); return ['society' => $society, 'events' => $events]; }
/** * Allows users to update their society subscriptions * @return VIEW users.subscriptions */ public function subscriptions() { if (Auth::user()->processing == 'yes') { // If the default list is still being added, show // a loading message header("Refresh:3"); return View::make('preparing-account'); } $societies = Society::all(); $subscriptions = User::find(Auth::user()->id)->subscriptions(); $subscriptions = $subscriptions->get(); foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { // For every subscription a user HAS, mark it as checked $societies[$subscription->society_id - 1]->checked = "checked"; } // Get total number of societies $numberOfSocieties = Setting::where('name', 'number_of_societies')->first()->setting; return View::make('users.subscriptions')->with('societies', $societies)->with('numberOfSocieties', $numberOfSocieties); }
/** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { if ($this->isSeeding) { $toTake = 200; // 200 societies $delay = 0; // Immediately } else { $toTake = 20; // 20 societies $delay = 600; // 10 Minutes } FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication(getenv('FB_ID'), getenv('FB_SECRET')); $session = FacebookSession::newAppSession(); try { $session->validate(); } catch (FacebookRequestException $ex) { // Session not valid, Graph API returned an exception with the reason. dd($ex); } catch (\Exception $ex) { // Graph API returned info, but it may mismatch the current app or have expired. dd($ex); } $store = \App\Setting::where('name', 'next_society')->first(); $lastUpdated = $store->setting; // Get last society ID updated; $societies = \App\Society::where('id', '>', $lastUpdated)->take($toTake)->orderBy('id')->get(); // Get Societies to query foreach ($societies as $society) { $request = new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/' . $society->facebook_ref . '/events' . '?since=' . time() . '&fields=name,start_time,location,description,cover'); try { $response = $request->execute(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { continue; // TODO: Report errors back to us :) } $graphObject = $response->getGraphObject(); $events = $graphObject->asArray(); if (array_key_exists('data', $events)) { $events = $events['data']; foreach ($events as $fbEvent) { $storedEvent = \App\Event::firstOrNew(['facebook_id' => $fbEvent->id]); $storedEvent->society_id = $society->id; $storedEvent->title = $fbEvent->name; $storedEvent->time = $fbEvent->start_time; if (array_key_exists("description", $fbEvent)) { $storedEvent->description = $fbEvent->description; } if (array_key_exists("location", $fbEvent)) { $storedEvent->location = $fbEvent->location; } if (array_key_exists("cover", $fbEvent)) { $storedEvent->image = $fbEvent->cover->source; } $storedEvent->save(); } } } if (count($societies) < $toTake) { $store->setting = 0; } else { $store->setting += $toTake; } $store->save(); $job = (new \App\Jobs\UpdateEvents())->delay($delay); if (!$this->isSeeding) { $this->dispatch($job); } }
public function run() { DB::table('societies')->delete(); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | The following are all of the societies in UCC |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | To add your own, simply gather the name and facebook | vanity URL of the society and put it in the format: | | Society::create([ | 'name' => 'Society Name', 'facebook_ref' => 'societyurl' | ]); | */ Society::create(['name' => 'Africa', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccafrica']); Society::create(['name' => 'Amnesty', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCAmnesty']); Society::create(['name' => 'Animal Welfare', 'facebook_ref' => 'AniWelUCC']); Society::create(['name' => 'CCAE Architecture', 'facebook_ref' => 'ccaearchitecturesociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Art', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccart.soc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Barnardos', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCBarnardos']); Society::create(['name' => 'Biology', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccbiosoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Cancer', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucc.cancersociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Chemical', 'facebook_ref' => '236000773224765']); Society::create(['name' => 'Chinese', 'facebook_ref' => 'UccChineseSociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Choral', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCChoral']); Society::create(['name' => 'Christian Union', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCChristianUnionSociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Clinical Therapies', 'facebook_ref' => 'UccClinicalTherapiesSociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Comedy', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucccomedy']); Society::create(['name' => 'Commerce', 'facebook_ref' => 'commsoc.ucc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Dentist', 'facebook_ref' => 'dentsocucc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Disability Activism & Awareness', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccdaasoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'DJ', 'facebook_ref' => 'djsocucc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Dramat', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCDramat']); // Society::create(['name' => 'Enactus', 'facebook_ref' => '392583690818520']); // doesn't seem to want to load from graph api?!? Society::create(['name' => 'Engineers Without Borders', 'facebook_ref' => 'EngineerswithoutbordersUCC']); Society::create(['name' => 'Environment', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCEnvirosoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Europa', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucceuropa']); Society::create(['name' => 'Feminist', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCFemSoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Film', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccfilm']); Society::create(['name' => 'French', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccfrenchsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Friends Of MSF', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccfomsf']); Society::create(['name' => 'Gaisce', 'facebook_ref' => 'GaisceUCC']); Society::create(['name' => 'Genetics', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccgensoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Hope Foundation', 'facebook_ref' => 'UccHopeFoundation']); Society::create(['name' => 'Indian', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucc.indians']); Society::create(['name' => 'International Development', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCIntDevSoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'International Relations', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccirsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'International Students', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucc.internationals']); Society::create(['name' => 'Traditional Music', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucctradsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Islamic', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCIslamicSociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Italian', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCItalianSociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Japanese', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccjapansoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Journalism', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCJournalismSociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Korean', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucckoreansociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Labour', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucclabour']); Society::create(['name' => 'Law', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucclawsociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'LGBT', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucclgbt']); // Society::create(['name' => 'Live Music', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucclms']); // closed society Society::create(['name' => 'Macra Na Feirme', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccmacra']); Society::create(['name' => 'Math', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccmathsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Medical', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucc.medsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Medieval And Renaissance', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCMedRen']); Society::create(['name' => 'Musical', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccmusicalsociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Mythology', 'facebook_ref' => 'UccMythology']); Society::create(['name' => 'Networking, Gaming and Technology', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCNetsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Nursing And Midwifery', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCnursmidsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Pharmacy', 'facebook_ref' => 'pharmsoc.ucc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Philosophical', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccphilosoph']); Society::create(['name' => 'Photography', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccphoto']); Society::create(['name' => 'Poker', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccpokersociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Politics', 'facebook_ref' => 'PolSocUCC']); Society::create(['name' => 'SAMH', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccsamhsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Science', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccsciencesociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Scifi', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccscifi']); Society::create(['name' => 'Sinn Fein', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccsinnfein']); Society::create(['name' => 'Social Science', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccsocsci']); Society::create(['name' => 'SSDP', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCSSDP']); Society::create(['name' => 'Surgeon Noonan', 'facebook_ref' => '1650501751859811']); Society::create(['name' => 'Surgeon', 'facebook_ref' => 'surgsoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Suas', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccsuas']); Society::create(['name' => 'Fine Gael', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccyoungfinegael']); Society::create(['name' => 'Accounting And Finance', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccaccfin']); Society::create(['name' => 'An Chuallact', 'facebook_ref' => 'anchuallachtucc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Archaeological', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCArchSoc']); // Society::create(['name' => 'E&S', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccEandS']); // Not returning from Facebook either - must investigate Society::create(['name' => 'Economics', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucceconomics']); Society::create(['name' => 'Fashion', 'facebook_ref' => '155068187434']); Society::create(['name' => 'Fianna Fail', 'facebook_ref' => 'UccFFSoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Foodies', 'facebook_ref' => '373486662727603']); Society::create(['name' => 'German', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccgermansociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Hispanic', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCHispanicSoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Historical', 'facebook_ref' => '276841219006188']); Society::create(['name' => 'Horse Racing', 'facebook_ref' => '281964401864450']); Society::create(['name' => 'Hot Beverages', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCHotBevs']); Society::create(['name' => 'Physics And Astronomy', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccphysoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Psychology', 'facebook_ref' => '110003839018417']); Society::create(['name' => 'Slainte', 'facebook_ref' => '184958275298']); Society::create(['name' => 'An Cumann Drámaíochta', 'facebook_ref' => '292193067563180']); Society::create(['name' => 'BIS Society', 'facebook_ref' => 'BisSociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Engineering', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCEngSoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'English', 'facebook_ref' => '1528413287397046']); Society::create(['name' => 'FLAC', 'facebook_ref' => '293165574222535']); Society::create(['name' => 'Geological', 'facebook_ref' => 'UccGeological']); Society::create(['name' => 'Government And Politics', 'facebook_ref' => '216465755054445']); Society::create(['name' => 'Greens', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucc.greens']); Society::create(['name' => 'Harry Potter', 'facebook_ref' => 'HPSocietyUCC']); Society::create(['name' => 'Health', 'facebook_ref' => '466162393565838']); Society::create(['name' => 'Knitting', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCKnitSoc']); Society::create(['name' => 'Management And Marketing', 'facebook_ref' => 'MnMSocUCC']); Society::create(['name' => 'Mature Students', 'facebook_ref' => 'UCCMSS']); Society::create(['name' => 'Orchestra', 'facebook_ref' => 'OrchestraUCC']); Society::create(['name' => 'Planning', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccplanning']); Society::create(['name' => 'Simon', 'facebook_ref' => 'Uccsimonsociety']); Society::create(['name' => 'Socialist', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccsocialistyouth']); Society::create(['name' => 'South East Asia', 'facebook_ref' => '526366970861527']); Society::create(['name' => 'Sophia', 'facebook_ref' => 'uccsophia']); Society::create(['name' => 'St. Vincent De Paul', 'facebook_ref' => 'SVPUCC']); Society::create(['name' => 'WARP', 'facebook_ref' => 'ucc.warps']); $this->command->info('Societies table seeded!'); }
public function add_soc() { $data = Input::all(); $rules = array('society_name' => 'required', 'username' => 'required|unique:society', 'email' => 'required', 'password' => 'required', 'password_confirmation' => 'required|same:password'); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::route('add_soc_form')->withErrors($validator->errors())->withInput(); } else { $society = new Society(); $society->soc_name = $data['society_name']; $society->username = $data['username']; $society->email = $data['email']; $society->password = Hash::make($data['password']); $society->privilege = 5; $society->save(); return Redirect::route('dashboard')->with('message', 'Society Added Successfully!!!'); } }