public function xlsFile()
     $namefile = date('Yh:i:s') . "_Roadshow";
     Excel::create($namefile, function ($excel) {
         // Set the title
         $excel->setTitle('NMK Road Form');
         // Chain the setters
         $excel->setCreator('NMK Application')->setCompany('NMK');
         // Call them separately
         $excel->setDescription('This files has all lead form record');
         $excel->sheet('Excel sheet', function ($sheet) {
             $roadshows = Roadshow::all();
             $sheet->setStyle(array('font' => array('name' => 'Calibri', 'size' => 13)));
             $sheet->row(1, array('Name', 'Job title', 'Company', 'Marketing future', 'Seminar objective Defined', 'Seminar interaction', 'Seminar topics covered', 'Seminar content organized', 'Seminar experience', 'Seminar instructors was knowledgeable', 'Seminar alloted time', 'seminar facilities', 'Interested future training', 'Seminar best thing', 'Seminar aspects improved', 'Other comments', 'How did you hear about seminar', 'Other training you attend', 'What industry and professional publications, including print, web, portal, etc do you read', 'Social Media', 'Recommended peers', 'Roadshow Name'));
             foreach ($roadshows as $key => $value) {
                 $sheet->row(1, function ($row) {
                     // call cell manipulation methods
                     $row->setFont(array('family' => 'Calibri', 'size' => '16', 'bold' => true));
                 if ($value->social == "N;") {
                     $social_sources = "-";
                 } else {
                     $social_sources_array = unserialize($value->social);
                     $social_sources = implode(", ", $social_sources_array);
                 $sheet->rows(array(array($value->name, $value->job_title, $value->company, $value->marketing_future, $value->seminar_objective, $value->seminar_interaction, $value->seminar_topics, $value->seminar_content, $value->seminar_experience, $value->seminar_instructors, $value->seminar_time, $value->seminar_facilities, $value->future_training, $value->seminar_best, $value->aspects_improved, $value->other_comments, $value->hear_seminar, $value->other_trainings, $value->other_industries, $social_sources, $value->recommend_peers, $value->roadshow_name)));
             // $sheet->fromArray(array(
             //     array('Name', 'Phone','Email','Job Title','Company','Intrested Brand','Intrested Seminiar'),
             //     $leads
             // ));