  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $programs = [];
     $programs = Program::all();
     // $programs = json_encode($programs);
     return View::make('homes.index')->with('programs', $programs);
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $programs = Program::all();
     //        $programs=Program::join('vacations', 'programs.vacation', '=', 'vacations.id')
     //            ->select('programs.*', 'vacations.title as vacation_title')
     //            ->get();
     return view('admin.programs', ['programs' => $programs]);
 public function get_proposale($id)
     $selected_program_id = $id;
     $selected_program = Program::find($selected_program_id);
     if (!$selected_program) {
         $selected_program_id = Program::first()->id;
         $selected_program = Program::find($selected_program_id);
     $selected_vacation = Vacation::where('program_id', '=', $selected_program_id)->first();
     $selected_vacation_id = $selected_vacation->id;
     $programs = Program::all();
     $vacations = Vacation::where('program_id', '=', $selected_program_id)->get();
     $parts = Part::where('vacation_id', '=', $selected_vacation_id)->get();
     $user_id = Session::get('user_id');
     $childrens = Children::where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->get();
     $all_news = News::where('active', '=', '1')->get();
     return view('user.proposale')->with('selected_program', $selected_program)->with('selected_vacation', $selected_vacation)->with('programs', $programs)->with('vacations', $vacations)->with('parts', $parts)->with('childrens', $childrens)->with('all_news', $all_news);
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $programs = Program::all();
     return $this->respond(['data' => $this->programTransformer->transformCollection($programs->all())]);
 public function test()
     // this url below contains 200 programs.
     // it could be a huge performance concern if crawl it.
     // so I just choose the "I" category of all programs insteaded.
     // $url_main = "http://www.humber.ca/program";
     // $url_main = "http://www.humber.ca/program/listings/b?school=All&credential=All&campus=All&field_program_name_value_1=";
     $html_main = file_get_contents($url_main);
     $crawler = new Crawler($html_main);
     $links = array();
     // Simple XPath for this element, so I did not use CssSelector.
     $crawler->filterXPath('//tbody/tr/td/a')->each(function ($node, $i) use(&$links) {
         // the links in website are relative path, so I need to add a prefix to make it absolute.
         $prefix = "http://humber.ca";
         $existed_programs = Program::all();
         $existed_program_names = array();
         foreach ($existed_programs as $key => $value) {
             $existed_program_names[] = $value['program_name'];
         // get rid of the duplicated links, no idea why Humber make the program list a mess
         if (strpos($node->text(), ',') === false) {
             // get the full link
             $link = $prefix . $node->attr('href');
             $link = trim($link);
             // get the text which is the program name
             $text = trim($node->text());
             // put associate name & link to key/value pair array
             if (!in_array($text, $existed_program_names)) {
                 $links["{$text}"] = $link;
     // an array to store all programs
     $programs = array();
     // use a loop to crawl individual program webpage by accessing its link in $links array
     foreach ($links as $key => $value) {
         $program_url = $value;
         // use curl to get the webpage content
         // it seems file_get_contents() has some issues for these webpage
         // or it's just I made some mistakes
         $curl_handle = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $program_url);
         curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2);
         curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
         curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Humber College');
         $program_html = curl_exec($curl_handle);
         if ($program_html) {
             $program_crawler = new Crawler($program_html);
         // $program is an array to store the program's information with key/value pair
         $program = array();
         // here I used CssSelector to help me translate the XPath.
         // It made me address it without headache.
         $program['program_name'] = trim($key);
         $Code = $program_crawler->filterXPath(CssSelector::toXPath('div.container.clearfix>section>div.field-items>div.field-item.even'))->text();
         $program['program_code'] = trim($Code);
         $Credential = $program_crawler->filterXPath(CssSelector::toXPath('section.field-name-field-credential>div.field-item>a'))->text();
         $program['program_credential'] = trim($Credential);
         $School = $program_crawler->filterXPath(CssSelector::toXPath('section.field-name-field-school>div.field-item>a'))->text();
         $program['program_school'] = trim($School);
         // get all the schools from database
         $schools = School::all();
         // Because I used School table's id as the foreign key in Program table.
         foreach ($schools as $key1 => $value1) {
             if ($program['program_school'] == $value1['school_name']) {
                 $program['program_school_id'] = $value1['id'];
         // getting each courses' name/code
         $courses = array();
         $courses = $program_crawler->filterXPath(CssSelector::toXPath('div.course'))->each(function ($node, $i) {
             $course = array();
             $course_code = $node->children()->first()->text();
             $course_name = $node->children()->last()->text();
             $course['course_code'] = $course_code;
             $course['course_name'] = $course_name;
             return $course;
         $program['program_courses'] = $courses;
         $programs[] = $program;
     // store the information from array to database through loops
     // just in case of accidents, I commented the inserting database code below.
     foreach ($programs as $key => $value) {
         $one_program = new Program();
         $one_program->program_name = $value['program_name'];
         $one_program->program_code = $value['program_code'];
         $one_program->school_id = $value['program_school_id'];
         $one_program->credential = $value['program_credential'];
         echo "a program is saved to db" . "<br>";
         foreach ($value['program_courses'] as $key2 => $value2) {
             // Same reason as above, I used Program table's id as foreign key in Course table
             $stored_programs = Program::all();
             // $stored_programs = $programs;
             $course_belongs_id = 0;
             foreach ($stored_programs as $key3 => $value3) {
                 if ($value['program_name'] == $value3['program_name']) {
                     $course_belongs_id = $value3['id'];
             $existed_courses = Course::where('program_name', '=', $value['program_name']);
             $existed_course_name = array();
             foreach ($existed_courses as $key => $value) {
                 $existed_course_name[] = $value['course_name'];
             if (!in_array($value2['course_name'], $existed_course_name)) {
                 $one_course = new Course();
                 $one_course->course_name = $value2['course_name'];
                 $one_course->course_code = $value2['course_code'];
                 $one_course->program_id = $course_belongs_id;
                 echo "a course is saved to db ---- " . $one_course->program_id . "<br>";
         echo "<br>======<br>";