/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { // $devis = Devis::with('societe', 'contact', 'gescom')->where('etat_devis', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); $actif = 'gescom'; $type = 0; $tri = 'aucun'; return view('gescom.docs', compact('actif', 'devis', 'type', 'tri')); }
/** * Show the application welcome screen to the user. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $actif = 0; $preference = Preference::first(); $notes = Note::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); $contacts = Contact::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); $societes = Societe::where('etat', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); $devis = Devis::where('etat_devis', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); return view('accueil', compact('actif', 'preference', 'notes', 'contacts', 'societes', 'devis')); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function edit(Devis $devis, $table_id, $field_id) { $table = Table::findOrFail($table_id); $field = Field::findOrFail($field_id); $firstField = $devis->tables()->where('id', $table->id)->first()->fields->first(); $tableList = $devis->tables()->get(); $fieldList = $table->fields()->get(); $fieldTypeList = FieldType::all()->lists('name', 'id'); $fakerList = []; //$tableList = Table::lists('model'); return view('admin.field.edit', compact('field', 'tableList', 'devis', 'table', 'fieldList', 'firstField', 'fieldTypeList', 'fakerList')); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { // $profil = Devis::with('gescom', 'societedata')->findOrfail($request->input('id')); foreach ($profil->modules as $key => $value) { $produit_id = $value->pivot->produit_id; } $produit = Produit::findOrFail($produit_id); $produits = $produit->modules; // var_dump($profil); // var_dump($produits); $cle = $request->input('cle'); $mac = $request->input('mac'); $dv_prefix = $produit->prefix_produit; $dv_suffix = $produit->suffix_produit; $livraison_number = DB::table('livraisons')->select('num_bl')->where('num_bl', 'like', '%BL-' . $dv_prefix . '%')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if (empty($livraison_number)) { $num_bl = 'BL-' . $dv_prefix . '-' . date('y') . date('m') . $dv_suffix; } else { foreach ($livraison_number as $blvalue) { $last_bl_number = $blvalue; } $lg = strlen('BL-' . $dv_prefix . '-') + 4; $inc_lv_number = substr($last_bl_number, $lg) + 1; $num_bl = 'BL-' . $dv_prefix . '-' . date('y') . date('m') . $inc_lv_number; } $societedata = DB::table('societedatas')->select('id')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); $data = ['num_bl' => $num_bl, 'devis_id' => $profil->id, 'num_cle' => $cle, 'num_mac' => $mac, 'suivi_bl' => $profil->suivi_devis, 'destinataire' => $profil->nom_scliente, 'adresse_dest' => $profil->adresse_scliente, 'pays_dest' => $profil->pays_clt, 'ville_dest' => $profil->ville_clt, 'tel_dest' => $profil->tel_clt, 'ref_dest' => $profil->ref_client, 'num_cmd' => $profil->num_devis, 'livraison_modal' => $num_bl, 'contact_dest' => $profil->nom_scontact, 'societedata_id' => $societedata->id, 'fax_dest' => $profil->fax_clt, 'email_dest' => $profil->email_clt, 'url_dest' => $profil->url_clt, 'nom_produit' => $profil->produit, 'echeance' => $profil->echeance_devis, 'total_ht' => $profil->total_ht, 'total_anpme' => $profil->total_anpme, 'total_part' => $profil->total_part, 'gescom_id' => $profil->gescom_id, 'contact_id' => $profil->contact_id, 'societe_id' => $profil->societe_id]; $livraison = Livraison::create($data); $modules = $profil->modules; foreach ($modules as $value) { $livraison->modules()->attach($value->pivot->module_id, ['quantite' => $value->pivot->produit_quantite, 'produit_id' => $value->pivot->produit_id, 'service_duree' => $value->pivot->service_duree]); } $id = $livraison->id; return redirect()->route('livraison.show', $id); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $devis = Devis::findOrFail($id); $devis->update(['etat_devis' => 0]); return redirect(route('gescom.index')); }
@extends('layouts.admin') @section('content') <div class=" alert alert-info"><b>Pour modifier cette Page</b><br>organit > resources/views/admin/cheatsheet/dev_cheatsheet_Vue</div> <h2>Passer variable PHP a vue.js</h2> <pre> <?php $devis = \App\Devis::find(22); ?> <bootstrapping :devis="{{$devis}}"></bootstrapping> .... props :{ devis:{ required: false, type:Object, } }, </pre>
public function createTableRelation($request, $model, $toModel) { $devis = Devis::find($request->devis_id); switch ($request->laravel_name) { case 'hasMany': echo "hasMany<br>"; $model->create_hasMany_relation_with($request, $toModel); break; case 'belongsTo': echo "belongsTo<br>"; $model->create_belongsTo_relation_with($request, $toModel); break; case 'belongsToMany': echo "belongsToMany<br>"; $model->create_belongsToMany_relation_with($request, $toModel); break; case 'hasOne': echo "hasOne<br>"; # code... break; case 'morphedByMany': echo "morphedByMany<br>"; # code... break; case 'morphToMany': echo "morphToMany<br>"; # code... break; default: # code... break; } }
public function list_pointages(Request $request, Devis $devis) { $pointages = $devis->pointages()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); $mode = 'edit'; $sumPointagePerType = $devis->sumPointagePerType(); return view('admin.devis.edit', compact('pointages', 'devis', 'mode', 'sumPointagePerType')); }
public function generate_bootstrapping(Devis $devis) { return $devis->generate_bootstrapping(); //dd('bootstrapping Files successfully Generated in /uploads/'.$devis->id); //Flash::success('bootstrapping Files successfully Generated in /uploads/'.$devis->id); //return redirect()->route('admin.devis.edit',[$devis->id]); }