  * Page loading function
  * ---------------------
  * $options = array(
  *     'title' => string,     - Page title
  *     'no-robots',           - Disable crawlers (that respect meta tags)
  *     'no-default-css',      - Disable loading of default CSS files
  *     'no-default-js'        - Disable loading of default JS files
  *     'css' => string|array, - Specify a single/multiple CSS files to load
  *     'js' => string|array,  - Specify a single/multiple JS files to load
  *     'view' => string,      - Which view file to open (defaults to $do)
  *     'do-css',              - Load the CSS file whose name matches $do
  *     'do-js',               - Load the JS file whose name matches $do
  *     'url' => string,       - A URL which will replace the one sent to the browser
  * );
  * @param array $options
 static function loadPage($options)
     // Page <title>
     if (isset($options['title'])) {
         $GLOBALS['title'] = $options['title'];
     // Page heading
     if (isset($options['heading'])) {
         $GLOBALS['heading'] = $options['heading'];
     // SE crawling disable
     if (in_array('no-robots', $options)) {
         $norobots = true;
     // Set new URL option
     if (!empty($options['url'])) {
         $redirectto = $options['url'];
     # CSS
     $DEFAULT_CSS = array('theme');
     $customCSS = array();
     // Only add defaults when needed
     if (array_search('no-default-css', $options) === false) {
         $customCSS = array_merge($customCSS, $DEFAULT_CSS);
     # JavaScript
     $DEFAULT_JS = array('moment', 'global', 'dialog');
     $customJS = array();
     // Only add defaults when needed
     if (array_search('no-default-js', $options) === false) {
         $customJS = array_merge($customJS, $DEFAULT_JS);
     # Check assests
     self::_checkAssets($options, $customCSS, 'scss/min', 'css');
     self::_checkAssets($options, $customJS, 'js/min', 'js');
     # Import global variables
     foreach ($GLOBALS as $k => $v) {
         if (!isset(${$k})) {
             ${$k} = $v;
     # Putting it together
     $view = empty($options['view']) ? $GLOBALS['do'] : $options['view'];
     $viewPath = INCPATH . "views/{$view}.php";
     header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8;');
     if (empty($_GET['via-js'])) {
         require INCPATH . 'views/header.php';
         require $viewPath;
         require INCPATH . 'views/footer.php';
         $content = ob_get_clean();
         echo self::_clearIndentation($content);
     } else {
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = rtrim(str_replace('via-js=true', '', CSRFProtection::removeParamFromURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])), '?&');
         require INCPATH . 'views/sidebar.php';
         $sidebar = ob_get_clean();
         require $viewPath;
         $content = ob_get_clean();
         Response::done(array('css' => $customCSS, 'js' => $customJS, 'title' => (isset($GLOBALS['title']) ? $GLOBALS['title'] . ' - ' : '') . SITE_TITLE, 'content' => self::_clearIndentation($content), 'sidebar' => self::_clearIndentation($sidebar), 'footer' => CoreUtils::getFooter(WITH_GIT_INFO), 'avatar' => $GLOBALS['signedIn'] ? $GLOBALS['currentUser']->avatar_url : GUEST_AVATAR, 'responseURL' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'signedIn' => $GLOBALS['signedIn']));
  * Check authentication cookie and set global
 static function authenticate()
     global $Database, $signedIn, $currentUser, $Color, $color;
     if (!POST_REQUEST && isset($_GET['CSRF_TOKEN'])) {
     if (!Cookie::exists('access')) {
     $authKey = Cookie::get('access');
     if (!empty($authKey)) {
         if (!preg_match(new RegExp('^[a-f\\d]+$', 'iu'), $authKey)) {
             $oldAuthKey = $authKey;
             $authKey = bin2hex($authKey);
             $Database->where('token', sha1($oldAuthKey))->update('sessions', array('token' => sha1($authKey)));
             Cookie::set('access', $authKey, time() + Time::$IN_SECONDS['year'], Cookie::HTTPONLY);
         $currentUser = Users::get(sha1($authKey), 'token');
     if (!empty($currentUser)) {
         if ($currentUser->role === 'ban') {
             $Database->where('id', $currentUser->id)->delete('sessions');
         } else {
             if (strtotime($currentUser->Session['expires']) < time()) {
                 $tokenvalid = false;
                 try {
                     DeviantArt::getToken($currentUser->Session['refresh'], 'refresh_token');
                     $tokenvalid = true;
                 } catch (CURLRequestException $e) {
                     $Database->where('id', $currentUser->Session['id'])->delete('sessions');
                     trigger_error("Session refresh failed for {$currentUser->name} ({$currentUser->id}) | {$e->getMessage()} (HTTP {$e->getCode()})", E_USER_WARNING);
             } else {
                 $tokenvalid = true;
             if ($tokenvalid) {
                 $signedIn = true;
                 if (time() - strtotime($currentUser->Session['lastvisit']) > Time::$IN_SECONDS['minute']) {
                     $lastVisitTS = date('c');
                     if ($Database->where('id', $currentUser->Session['id'])->update('sessions', array('lastvisit' => $lastVisitTS))) {
                         $currentUser->Session['lastvisit'] = $lastVisitTS;
                 $_PrefersColour = array('Pirill-Poveniy' => true, 'itv-canterlot' => true);
                 if (isset($_PrefersColour[$currentUser->name])) {
                     $Color = 'Colour';
                     $color = 'colour';
     } else {
         Cookie::delete('access', Cookie::HTTPONLY);