public function singleSms($society, $id) { if (Helpers::perm('admin', $society) or Helpers::perm('sms', $society)) { $soc = Society::find($society); $username = $soc->sms_username; $pword = $soc->sms_password; if ($soc->sms_provider == "bulksms") { if (Helpers::is_online()) { $data['credits'] = SMSfunctions::BS_get_credits($username, $pword); } else { $data['credits'] = "Bulk SMS is offline"; } } elseif ($soc->sms_provider == "smsfactory") { if (Helpers::is_online()) { $data['credits'] = intval(SMSfunctions::SF_checkCredits($username, $pword)); } else { $data['credits'] = "Bulk SMS is offline"; } } else { $data['credits'] = "SMS credentials are not set up yet"; } $data['indiv'] = Individual::find($id); $data['society'] = $society; return View::make('messages.singlesms', $data); } else { return view('shared.unauthorised'); } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $indivs = Task::with('individual')->select('individual_id')->groupBy('individual_id')->get(); foreach ($indivs as $ind) { if ($ind->individual->slack != "") { $society = $ind->individual->household->society->society . " Methodist Church"; $otasks = Task::with('project')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->where('donedate', '=', '')->where('duedate', '<', $today)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $itasks = Task::with('project')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->where('donedate', '=', '')->where('duedate', '=', $today)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $projects = Project::with('task')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->get(); if (count($itasks) or count($otasks)) { $msg = "Good morning, " . $ind->individual->firstname . "\n\nHere is a list of your overdue/upcoming project tasks:\n\n"; if (count($otasks)) { $msg .= "*Overdue tasks*\n\n"; } foreach ($otasks as $ot) { $msg .= "_" . $ot->project->project . ":_ " . $ot->description . " (Due: *" . $ot->duedate . "*)\n"; } $msg .= "\n"; if (count($itasks)) { $msg .= "*Tasks due today*\n\n"; } foreach ($itasks as $it) { $msg .= $it->project->project . ": " . $it->description . "\n"; } if (count($projects)) { $msg .= "*Summary of your projects*\n\n"; foreach ($projects as $project) { $tot = 0; $ovd = 0; foreach ($project->task as $task) { if ($task->donedate == '') { if ($task->duedate < $today) { $ovd++; } $tot++; } } if ($tot != 0) { $msg .= $project->project . " [Total tasks: " . $tot . "] Overdue: " . round($ovd / $tot * 100) . "%\n"; } else { $msg .= $project->project . " [No tasks set yet]\n"; } } } $msg .= "\nThank you for the part you are playing in making this happen :)\n\n_" . $society . "_"; Helpers::slackmessage($msg, '@' . $ind->individual->slack); } } } }
public function welcome() { if (!Schema::hasTable('settings')) { $data['firsttime'] = "yes"; return view('firsttime', $data)->with('okmessage', 'Please create a user before you can use Connexion'); } $user = Auth::user(); if ($user and $user->individual_id) { $today = date('d-m-Y'); $data['tasks'] = Task::where('donedate', '=', '')->where('project_id', '<>', 0)->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $data['personal'] = Task::where('donedate', '=', '')->where('project_id', '=', 0)->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $data['individuals'] = Individual::orderBy('surname')->get(); $data['projects'] = Project::with('undonetask')->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('project')->get(); $data['projectselect'] = Project::orderBy('project')->lists('project', 'id'); $data['page_title'] = Helpers::getSetting('circuit_name') . " Circuit"; $data['page_description'] = "Administrator home page"; $socs = Permission::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->select('society_id')->get(); foreach ($socs as $soc) { $thissoc = Society::where('id', '=', $soc->society_id)->get(); $dum['googleCalendarId'] = $thissoc[0]->society_calendar; $dum['color'] = $thissoc[0]->calendar_colour; $data['cals'][] = $dum; } $dum['googleCalendarId'] = Helpers::getSetting('circuit_calendar'); $dum['color'] = 'black'; $data['cals'][] = $dum; if (Helpers::is_online() and $user->googlecalendar != "") { $privatecal = new GoogleCalendar(); $pcals = $privatecal->getTen($user->googlecalendar); foreach ($pcals as $pcal) { $pcal['color'] = $user->calendar_colour; $data['pcals'][] = $pcal; } } else { $data['pcals'] = array(); } if (!count($socs)) { $soc = strtolower($user->individual->household->society->society); return redirect()->action('SocietiesController@show', $soc); } else { return view('home', $data); } } elseif ($user) { return view('shared.registered'); } else { return view('landingwebpage'); } }
public function welcome() { $data['fin'] = json_encode(array_merge(json_decode(Helpers::mapme('organisation')), json_decode(Helpers::mapme('project')))); return view('home', $data); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $data['fin'] = Helpers::mapme('organisation'); $data['organisations'] = Organisation::orderBy('organisationtype')->orderBy('organisation')->get(); return view('organisations.index', $data); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $data['fin'] = Helpers::mapme('project'); $data['projects'] = Project::orderBy('project')->get(); return view('projects.index', $data); }