 public function getReportDataForRegisteredBenefiters()
     try {
         // get benefiter registration number for any particular month.
         $benefitersCount = \DB::select(\DB::raw("select date_format(created_at, '%Y-%m') as created_at, count(id) as idcounter from benefiters group by date_format(created_at, '%Y %m')"));
         // $benefitersCount = \DB::select(\DB::raw("select created_at, count(id) as idcounter from benefiters group by year(created_at), month(created_at)"));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Log::error("A problem occured while trying to count the users based on registration date.\n" . $e);
         return null;
     Log::info("Returning result with users based on their registration date.");
     return $benefitersCount;
 private function getDoctorIdFromName($doctorName)
     $tmp = \DB::select(\DB::raw('select id from users where (user_role_id = 1 or user_role_id = 2) and (lastname like "%' . $doctorName . '%" or name like "%' . $doctorName . '%")'));
     if ($tmp != null) {
         Log::info("Returning the doctors ids.");
         return $tmp;
     } else {
         Log::error("Couldn't find the doctor's id");
         return null;
 public function processWorkTime($emp_mx_id, $punch_date)
     $total_work_time = 0;
     $in_times = [];
     $out_times = [];
     $difference = 0;
     $total_out_time = 0;
     $total_work_time = \DB::select(" SELECT\n                                         TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, MIN(punch_trg_datetime), MAX(punch_trg_datetime)) total_time\n                                      FROM tik_tok_attendance\n                                      WHERE emp_mx_id = '{$emp_mx_id}' AND\n                                            punch_trg_date = '{$punch_date}' AND DATE_FORMAT(punch_trg_datetime , '%H') >= 8 ;\n                                     ")[0]->total_time;
     //Latha and Alex
     if ($emp_mx_id != 'MX057' || $emp_mx_id != 'MX076') {
         $all_in_time_array = \DB::select("SELECT punch_trg_datetime FROM tik_tok_attendance WHERE punch_trg_date = '{$punch_date}' AND emp_mx_id = '{$emp_mx_id}' AND punch_type = 'In' AND DATE_FORMAT(punch_trg_datetime , '%H') >= 8 ORDER BY punch_trg_datetime,punch_trg_id ASC ;");
         $all_out_time_array = \DB::select("SELECT punch_trg_datetime FROM tik_tok_attendance WHERE punch_trg_date = '{$punch_date}' AND emp_mx_id = '{$emp_mx_id}' AND punch_type = 'Out' AND DATE_FORMAT(punch_trg_datetime , '%H') >= 8 ORDER BY punch_trg_datetime,punch_trg_id ASC ;");
         foreach ($all_in_time_array as $all_in_time_array_item) {
             $in_times[] = $all_in_time_array_item->punch_trg_datetime;
         foreach ($all_out_time_array as $all_out_time_array_item) {
             $out_times[] = $all_out_time_array_item->punch_trg_datetime;
         $in_time_count = count($in_times);
         $out_time_count = count($out_times);
         if ($in_time_count == $out_time_count) {
             foreach ($out_times as $key => $out_time_value) {
                 if (!empty($in_times[$key + 1])) {
                     $num_temp = $key + 1;
                     $difference = \DB::connection('mysql_dummy')->select(" SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, '{$in_times[$num_temp]}', '{$out_time_value}' ) difference ; ")[0];
                     $total_work_time += $difference->difference;
                     $total_out_time += abs($difference->difference);
         } else {
             if ($in_time_count > $out_time_count) {
                 $evaluate_date = new \DateTime($in_times[$in_time_count - 1]);
                 $num_temp = $in_time_count - 1;
                 if (intval($evaluate_date->format('H')) < 19) {
                 $difference = \DB::connection('mysql_dummy')->select(" SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, '{$in_times[$num_temp]}', '{$punch_date} 19:30:00' ) difference ; ")[0];
                 $total_work_time += $difference->difference;
     return "{$total_work_time},{$total_out_time}";
 private function getAllBenefitersForCsvFileDownload()
     $queryString = "select b.*, gl.gender, msl.marital_status_title, el.education_title, wll.description " . "as legal_working_status, wtll.work_title, " . "carl.description as country_abandon_reason from benefiters as b " . "left join benefiters_legal_status as bls on b.id = bls.benefiter_id left join genders_lookup as gl " . "on b.gender_id = gl.id left join marital_status_lookup as msl on b.marital_status_id = msl.id " . "left join education_lookup as el on b.education_id = el.id left join working_legally_lookup as wll " . "on b.working_legally = wll.id left join work_title_list_lookup as wtll on b.work_title_id = wtll.id " . "left join country_abandon_reasons_lookup as carl on b.country_abandon_reason_id = carl.id " . "where deleted_at is null group by b.id";
     return \DB::select(\DB::raw($queryString));