public function edit($id) { $curr['name'] = $this->crumb['edit']['name']; $curr['url'] = $this->crumb['edit']['url']; $result = ['data' => UserModel::find($id), 'crumb' => $this->crumb, 'curr' => $curr]; return view('admin.user.edit', $result); }
/** * Check old password is correct or not * @param integer $userId * @param string $oldPassword * @return boolean $flag */ public function checkOldPassword($userId, $oldPassword) { $data = UserModel::find($userId); $flag = FALSE; if (Hash::check($oldPassword, $data->password)) { $flag = TRUE; } return $flag; }
public function index($from = 1, $type = 0) { if ($from == 1) { $prefix_url = DOMAIN . 'person'; } elseif ($from == 2) { $prefix_url = DOMAIN . 'person/s/' . $from . '/' . $type; } $result = ['datas' => $this->query($from, $type), 'prefix_url' => $prefix_url, 'goodsModel' => $this->goodsModel, 'productModel' => $this->productModel, 'user' => UserModel::find($this->userid), 'from' => $from, 'type' => $type]; return view('person.home.index', $result); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->userid = \Session::has('user.uid') ? \Session::get('user.uid') : redirect('/login'); $userSpace = \App\Models\UserParamsModel::where('uid', $this->userid)->first(); $this->user = \App\Models\UserModel::find($this->userid); $userlog = \App\Models\Admin\LogModel::where('uid', $this->userid)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); //注册的记录 $this->user->spaceTopBgImg = $userSpace->getPicUrl(); $this->user->userlog = $userlog; }
/** * Creates data provider instance with search query applied * * @param $params * * @return ActiveDataProvider */ public function search($params) { $query = UserModel::find(); $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query, 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 10], 'sort' => ['defaultOrder' => ['id' => SORT_DESC]]]); $this->load($params); if (!$this->validate()) { return $dataProvider; } $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'status' => $this->status]); $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'username', $this->username])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'email', $this->email]); return $dataProvider; }
/** * Incrementing app users profile visits count by user id. * The return value of this function is the actual visits count of that * respective profile. * * @param integer $userId * @return integer */ public static function incrementProfileVisits($userId) { $visits = 0; if (!empty($userId)) { $user = UserModel::find($userId); if (!empty($user)) { $visits = $user->app_user_profile_visits + 1; $user->app_user_profile_visits = $visits; $user->save(); } } return $visits; }
public function setPwd(Request $request, $id) { if (!$request->oldpwd || !$request->newpwd) { echo "<script>alert('2密码不能空!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } $userModel = UserModel::find($id); //验证密码正确否 if (!Hash::check($request->oldpwd, $userModel->password)) { echo "<script>alert('老密码错误!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } //查看2次密码输入是否一致 if ($request->oldpwd != $request->oldpwd2) { echo "<script>alert('2次老密码输入不一致!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } $data = array('password' => Hash::make($request->newpwd), 'pwd' => $request->newpwd); UserModel::where('id', $id)->update($data); return redirect(DOMAIN . 'person/user'); }
/** * To validate token of api request * @return array $data */ public static function validateRequestToken() { $requestHeaders = getallheaders(); $data = array('isAccessTokenValid' => TRUE, 'isAccessTokenExists' => TRUE); if (isset($requestHeaders['Access-Token'])) { $decyptedKey = base64_decode(base64_decode($requestHeaders['Access-Token'], FALSE), FALSE); $keys = explode('--', $decyptedKey); if (isset($keys[1]) && isset($keys[2]) && is_numeric($keys[2])) { // To check is user exists or not in database $isUserExists = $keys[2] != 0 ? UserModel::find($keys[2]) : 1; if (Config::get('constants.ACCESS_KEY') != $keys[1] || empty($isUserExists)) { $data['isAccessTokenValid'] = FALSE; } $data['userId'] = $keys[2]; } else { $data['isAccessTokenValid'] = FALSE; } } else { $data['isAccessTokenExists'] = FALSE; } return $data; }
public function getUser($uid) { $userModel = UserModel::find($uid); if (in_array($userModel->isuser, [2, 4, 5, 6])) { $userModel->company = CompanyModel::where('uid', $uid)->get(); } else { $userModel->company = ''; } return $userModel ? $userModel : ''; }
/** * 用户类型 */ public function userType() { $userModel = UserModel::find($this->uid); return $userModel ? $userModel->isuser : ''; }
/** * 发布人信息 */ public function user() { $uid = $this->uid ? $this->uid : 0; $userModel = UserModel::find($uid); return $userModel ? $userModel : ''; }
/** * To get push settings of particular user * @param int $pushReceiverId * @return array $userPushSettings */ public static function getUserPushSettings($pushReceiverId) { $userPushSettings = Config::get('constants.DEFAULT_PUSH_SETTINGS'); $user = UserModel::find($pushReceiverId); // To whom the push will go $userSettings = $user->pushSettings->first(); if (!empty($userSettings)) { $userPushSettings = unserialize($userSettings['push_settings']); } return $userPushSettings; }
/** * 参数修改 */ public function info($id) { $result = ['data' => UserModel::find($id), 'lists' => $this->lists, 'curr_list' => '']; return view('', $result); }
/** * 访问用户名称 */ public function getVisitName() { $visitid = $this->visit_id ? $this->visit_id : 0; $userModel = UserModel::find($visitid); return $userModel ? $userModel->username : '******'; }
public function user() { $uid = $this->uid ? $this->uid : '0'; $userModel = UserModel::find($uid); return $userModel ? $userModel->username : '******'; }
public function user() { $uid = $this->userid ? $this->userid : 0; return $uid ? UserModel::find($uid) : ''; }
/** * 收集数据 */ public function getData($data) { $serial = date('YmdHis', time()) . rand(0, 10000); $ip = Tools::getIp(); $ipaddress = Tools::getCityByIp($ip); $companyModel = CompanyModel::find($data['cid']); $userModel = UserModel::find($data['uid']); return array('cid' => $data['cid'], 'cname' => $companyModel->name, 'visit_id' => $data['uid'], 'uname' => $userModel->username, 'action' => $data['visit_url'], 'ip' => $ip, 'ipaddress' => $ipaddress, 'serial' => $serial, 'loginTime' => time()); }
/** * 由uid得到 用户信息 */ public function getUser($uid = null) { $userInfo = UserModel::find($uid); return $userInfo ? $userInfo : ''; }