 public function getValido(Request $request, $socio_numero, $plan_id)
     if ($request->ajax()) {
         /* Traigo el id del socio cuyo numero coincida con el valor ingresado */
         $socio = socio::where('numero', $socio_numero)->get()->toArray();
         $socio_id = $socio[0]['id'];
         /* Traigo del plan el precio segun el plan elegido */
         $plan = Plan::where('id', $plan_id)->get()->toArray();
         $precio = $plan[0]['precio'];
         /* Traigo del pago la fecha del último pago para calcular la deuda según el plan elegido y socio elegido*/
         $pago = Pago::where('socios_id', $socio_id)->where('planes_id', $plan_id)->orderBy('fecha', 'DESC')->first();
         if (!empty($pago)) {
             $fecha_pago = $pago->fecha;
             /* Calculo la fecha de hoy */
             $fecha_hoy = date('d-m-Y');
             /* Convierto las fechas para poder usar diff */
             $fechai = new DateTime($fecha_pago);
             $fechaf = new DateTime($fecha_hoy);
             $diferencia = $fechaf->diff($fechai);
             /* Calculo la diferencia de meses dentro del mismo año */
             $diferencia_meses = $diferencia->format("%m");
             /* Calculo la diferencia de años y la multiplicamos por 12 para tener los meses */
             $diferencia_anios = $diferencia->format("%y") * 12;
             $meses_total = $diferencia_meses + $diferencia_anios;
         } else {
             $meses_total = 1;
         $respuesta = array($meses_total, $precio);
         return response()->json($respuesta);
 public function testCreate()
     $user = $this->generateUser();
     $this->visit('/plan')->withSession(['Auth' => $user])->type('UnitTestProject', 'pname')->type('Test', 'pdescription')->type('1000', 'pexpected')->type('10000', 'ptarget')->type('0', 'pbudget')->type('10', 'pmonth')->press('pSave')->seePageIs('/plan');
     $plan = Plan::where("name", "=", "UnitTestProject")->first();
 public function getMonto(Request $request, $plan_id)
     if ($request->ajax()) {
         /* Traigo del plan el precio segun el plan elegido */
         $plan = Plan::where('id', $plan_id)->get()->toArray();
         $precio = $plan[0]['precio'];
         $respuesta = array($precio);
         return response()->json($respuesta);
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @param Deposit $deposit
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
  * @internal param RequestMoney $money
 public function create(Deposit $deposit)
     $user = \Auth::user();
     $user_purchases = \DB::table('purchase')->select(\DB::raw('count(purchase.id)'))->join('users', 'purchase.user_id', '=', 'users.id')->where('purchase.user_id', $user->id)->whereNotIn('type_id', [1, 3])->where('purchase.status_admin', 1)->groupBy('purchase.id')->get();
     if (count($user_purchases) > 0) {
         $currencies = Plan::where('type_id', 2)->get();
     } else {
         $currencies = Plan::where('type_id', 1)->get();
     return view('request.create', compact('deposit', 'currencies', 'user'));
 public function imprimirProfesorxPlan($patronplan = null)
     if (empty($patronplan)) {
         $planes = Plan::all();
     } else {
         $planes = Plan::where('plan', "LIKE", "%{$patronplan}%")->orderBy('plan')->get();
     $vista = \View::make('planes.profesorxplanpdf', ['planes' => $planes])->render();
     $pdf = \App::make('dompdf.wrapper');
     return $pdf->stream('profesorxplanpdf');
  * @POST("get_plan")
  * @param Request $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
 public function get_plan(Request $request)
     $plan = Plan::where('id', $request->input('plan'))->first()->toArray();
     return response()->json($plan);
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update(PlansRequest $request, $id)
     foreach ($request->all() as $key => $val) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 2) == "p_") {
             $tagname = "t_" . substr($key, 2);
             $tag = $request->input($tagname);
             if (!$tag) {
                 $tag = null;
             if ($val) {
                 $pid = substr($val, 2);
                 if (substr($val, 0, 1) == "M") {
                     $ptyp = "App\\Models\\Minister";
                 } elseif (substr($val, 0, 1) == "P") {
                     $ptyp = "App\\Models\\Preacher";
                 } else {
                     $ptyp = "App\\Models\\Guest";
             } else {
                 $pid = null;
                 $ptyp = null;
             $kk = array(explode('_', $key));
             $plan = Plan::where('society_id', '=', $kk[0][1])->where('service_id', '=', $kk[0][2])->where('planyear', '=', $kk[0][3])->where('planmonth', '=', $kk[0][4])->where('planday', '=', $kk[0][5])->first();
             if (count($plan)) {
                 $plan->tag_id = $tag;
                 $plan->preachable_id = $pid;
                 $plan->preachable_type = $ptyp;
                 if ($tag == null and $pid == null) {
                 } else {
             } else {
                 if ($tag or $pid) {
                     $newplan = Plan::create(array('society_id' => $kk[0][1], 'service_id' => $kk[0][2], 'planyear' => $kk[0][3], 'planmonth' => $kk[0][4], 'planday' => $kk[0][5], 'preachable_id' => $pid, 'preachable_type' => $ptyp, 'tag_id' => $tag));
     return Redirect::back()->with('okmessage', 'Plan details have been updated');
 public function compose(View $view)
     $plans_good = Plan::where('type_id', 1)->get();
     $plans_bad = Plan::where('type_id', 2)->get();
     $view->with('plans1', $plans_good)->with('plans2', $plans_bad);
  * Display a listing of Service Plans 
  *    filtered by user (leader/teacher) or by plan type
  * @param  filter (user|type) Show only plans for a certain user or of a certain type
  * @param  value  user_id or type_id
  * @param  show   (all|future) Show only future plans or all 
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index(Request $request)
     $querystringArray = $request->input();
     // set default values
     $filterby = isset($request->filterby) ? $request->filterby : '';
     $filtervalue = isset($request->filtervalue) ? $request->filtervalue : '';
     $show = isset($request->show) ? $request->show : 'future';
     $orderBy = isset($request->orderby) ? $request->orderby : 'date';
     $order = isset($request->order) ? $request->order : 'asc';
     $userIsPlanMember = [];
     // show only plans for certain user ids
     if ($filterby == 'user') {
         // show all plans, past and future?
         if ($show == 'all') {
             $plans = Plan::with('type')->where('leader_id', $filtervalue)->orWhere('teacher_id', $filtervalue)->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
             $heading = 'All Church Service Plans for ';
         } else {
             $plans = Plan::with('type')->whereDate('date', '>', Carbon::yesterday())->where('leader_id', $filtervalue)->orWhere('teacher_id', $filtervalue)->whereDate('date', '>', Carbon::yesterday())->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
             $heading = 'Upcoming Church Service Plans for ';
         $heading .= User::find($filtervalue)->first_name;
     } elseif ($filterby == 'type') {
         if ($show == 'all') {
             $plans = Plan::with('type')->where('type_id', $filtervalue)->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
             $heading = 'Show All ';
         } else {
             $plans = Plan::with('type')->whereDate('date', '>', Carbon::yesterday())->where('type_id', $filtervalue)->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
             $heading = 'Show Upcoming ';
         $heading .= Type::find($filtervalue)->name . 's';
     } elseif ($filterby == 'future') {
         // get ALL future plans incl today
         $plans = Plan::with(['type', 'leader', 'teacher'])->whereDate('date', '>', Carbon::yesterday())->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
         // for an API call, return the raw data in json format (without pagination!)
         if (isset($request->api)) {
             return json_encode($plans->get());
         $heading = 'Upcoming Services or Events';
         // get list of plans of which the current user is member
         $userIsPlanMember = listOfPlansForUser();
     } elseif ($filterby == 'date') {
         // list only plans of a certain date
         $plans = Plan::with(['type', 'leader', 'teacher'])->whereDate('date', 'like', '%' . $filtervalue . '%')->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
         $heading = 'Events for ' . Carbon::parse($filtervalue)->formatLocalized('%A, %d %B %Y');
     } else {
         // show only the user's own plans
         if ($show == 'all') {
             // past and future plans
             $plans = Plan::where('leader_id', Auth::user()->id)->orWhere('teacher_id', Auth::user()->id)->with('type')->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
             $heading = 'All Your Services/Events';
         } else {
             // only future plans
             $plans = Plan::with('type')->whereDate('date', '>', Carbon::yesterday())->where(function ($query) {
                 $query->where('leader_id', Auth::user()->id)->orWhere('teacher_id', Auth::user()->id);
             })->orderBy($orderBy, $order);
             $heading = 'Your Upcoming Services/Events';
     // for pagination, always append the original query string
     $plans = $plans->paginate(20)->appends($querystringArray);
     return view($this->view_all, array('plans' => $plans, 'heading' => $heading, 'userIsPlanMember' => $userIsPlanMember));