public function carstock(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['date' => 'required'], ['date.required' => 'รายงาน สต็อครถ - วันที่ จำเป็นต้องเลือก']); $input = $request->all(); $provinceid = $input['provinceid']; $orderbytype = $input['orderbytype']; $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($input['date'])); $province = Province::find($provinceid); if ($orderbytype == 1) { $orderbytext = 'วันที่รับรถ'; } else { $orderbytext = 'แบบ/รุ่นและวันที่รับรถ'; } $filename = 'สต็อครถ' . $province->name . '_เรียงตาม' . $orderbytext . '_' . date("d/m/Y"); Excel::create($filename, function ($excel) use($province, $orderbytype, $orderbytext, $date) { // Set the title $excel->setTitle('no title'); $excel->setCreator('no no creator')->setCompany('no company'); $excel->setDescription('report file'); $excel->sheet('sheet1', function ($sheet) use($province, $orderbytype, $orderbytext, $date) { $results = DB::select('CALL report_carstock(' . $province->id . ',' . "'" . $date . "'" . ',' . $orderbytype . ')'); $carRequired = DB::select('CALL report_carstock_carrequired(' . $province->id . ',' . "'" . $date . "'" . ')'); $carTestDrives = DB::select('select * from car_test_drive where provinceid = ' . $province->id . ' and dodate <= ' . "'" . $date . "'"); $carTestUses = DB::select('select * from car_test_use where provinceid = ' . $province->id . ' and dodate <= ' . "'" . $date . "'"); $rsCount = count($results); $matchedCount = 0; $carRequiredCount = count($carRequired); $carTestDriveCount = count($carTestDrives); $carTestUseCount = count($carTestUses); $maxRowCarTest = $carTestDriveCount; if ($carTestUseCount > $carTestDriveCount) { $maxRowCarTest = $carTestUseCount; } $sheet->setAutoSize(true); $rowIndex = 0; $rowIndex++; $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setFontSize(14); }); $sheet->mergeCells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex); $sheet->row($rowIndex, array('บริษัทสยามนิสสัน' . $province->name)); $rowIndex++; $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setFontSize(14); }); $sheet->mergeCells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex); $sheet->row($rowIndex, array('สต็อครถ ประจำวันที่ ' . date("d/m/Y"))); $rowIndex++; $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setFontSize(14); }); $sheet->mergeCells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex); $sheet->row($rowIndex, array('เรียงตาม' . $orderbytext)); $rowIndex++; $sheet->mergeCells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex); $rowIndex++; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array('ลำดับ', 'คันที่', 'วันที่ออก Do', 'วันที่รับรถเข้า', 'จำนวนวัน', 'เลขเครื่อง', 'เลขตัวถัง', 'กุญแจ', 'แบบ', 'รุ่น', 'สี', 'จอด', 'วันที่แจ้งขาย', 'ชื่อลูกค้า', 'SALE', 'FN/สด', 'สถานะ', 'วันที่คาดส่ง')); $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->setBorder('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $rowNum = 1; $modelGroup = ''; foreach ($results as $item) { if ($item->custname != null && $item->custname != '') { $matchedCount++; } if ($orderbytype == 2 && $item->model != $modelGroup) { $modelGroup = $item->model; $rowIndex++; $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); }); $sheet->mergeCells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex); $sheet->row($rowIndex, array($modelGroup)); } $rowIndex++; if ($item->receiveddate != null && $item->receiveddate != '') { $item->receiveddate = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item->receiveddate)); } if ($item->datewantgetcar != null && $item->datewantgetcar != '') { $item->datewantgetcar = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item->datewantgetcar)); } if ($item->notifysolddate != null && $item->notifysolddate != '') { $item->notifysolddate = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item->notifysolddate)); } $sheet->row($rowIndex, array($rowNum, $item->no, date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item->dodate)), $item->receiveddate, $item->days, $item->engineno, $item->chassisno, $item->keyno, $item->model, $item->submodel, $item->color, $item->parklocation, $item->notifysolddate, $item->custname, $item->empname, $item->fn, $item->documentstatus, $item->datewantgetcar)); $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':H' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); if ($item->days > 360) { $sheet->cell('E' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setBackground('#ff99ff'); }); } elseif ($item->days > 180 && $item->days <= 360) { $sheet->cell('E' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setBackground('#00ff00'); }); } elseif ($item->days >= 90 && $item->days <= 180) { $sheet->cell('E' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setBackground('#ffff66'); }); } $sheet->cell('K' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->cells('M' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->setBorder('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $rowNum++; } //car test $rowIndex += 2; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, 'ลำดับ', 'รถ TEST DRIVE', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'ลำดับ', 'รถ TEST ใช้งาน')); $sheet->mergeCells('C' . $rowIndex . ':G' . $rowIndex); $sheet->mergeCells('L' . $rowIndex . ':Q' . $rowIndex); $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->setBorder('B' . $rowIndex . ':G' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $sheet->setBorder('K' . $rowIndex . ':Q' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $rowNum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxRowCarTest; $i++) { $rowIndex++; $rowNum++; if ($rowNum <= count($carTestDrives) && $rowNum <= count($carTestUses)) { $carTestDrive = $carTestDrives[$i]; $carTestUse = $carTestUses[$i]; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, $rowNum, $carTestDrive->model, null, $carTestDrive->submodel, $carTestDrive->color, null, null, null, null, $rowNum, $carTestUse->model, null, null, $carTestUse->submodel, $carTestUse->color)); $sheet->setBorder('B' . $rowIndex . ':G' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $sheet->mergeCells('C' . $rowIndex . ':D' . $rowIndex); $sheet->setBorder('K' . $rowIndex . ':Q' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $sheet->mergeCells('L' . $rowIndex . ':N' . $rowIndex); } elseif ($rowNum <= count($carTestDrives)) { $carTestDrive = $carTestDrives[$i]; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, $rowNum, $carTestDrive->model, null, $carTestDrive->submodel, $carTestDrive->color)); $sheet->setBorder('B' . $rowIndex . ':G' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $sheet->mergeCells('C' . $rowIndex . ':D' . $rowIndex); } else { $carTestUse = $carTestUses[$i]; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $rowNum, $carTestUse->model, null, null, $carTestUse->submodel, $carTestUse->color)); $sheet->setBorder('K' . $rowIndex . ':Q' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $sheet->mergeCells('L' . $rowIndex . ':N' . $rowIndex); } $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); } $rowIndex += 2; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'สีชมพู คือ เกิน 1ปีขึ้นไป')); $sheet->cell('i' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setBackground('#ff99ff'); $cell->setAlignment('center'); }); $rowIndex++; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'สีเขียว คือ 6-12 เดือน')); $sheet->cell('i' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setBackground('#00ff00'); $cell->setAlignment('center'); }); $rowIndex++; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'สีเหลือง คือ 90-180 วัน')); $sheet->cell('i' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setBackground('#ffff66'); $cell->setAlignment('center'); }); $rowIndex += 2; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, null, null, null, 'STOCK', $rsCount, null, null, 'จับคู่', null, $matchedCount)); $sheet->cells('E' . $rowIndex . ':F' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setFontSize(14); $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->cell('I' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setFontWeight('bold'); $cell->setFontSize(14); }); $sheet->cell('K' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setFontWeight('bold'); $cell->setFontSize(14); $cell->setAlignment('center'); }); $rowIndex++; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, null, null, null, 'ฝากจอด', 0, null, null, 'ว่าง', null, $rsCount - $matchedCount)); $sheet->cells('E' . $rowIndex . ':F' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setFontSize(14); $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->cell('I' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setFontWeight('bold'); $cell->setFontSize(14); }); $sheet->cell('F' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setBorder('none', 'none', 'thin', 'none'); }); $sheet->cell('K' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setFontWeight('bold'); $cell->setFontSize(14); $cell->setAlignment('center'); $cell->setBorder('none', 'none', 'thin', 'none'); }); $rowIndex++; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array(null, null, null, null, null, $rsCount, null, null, null, null, $rsCount)); $sheet->cell('F' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setFontColor('#ff0000'); $cell->setFontWeight('bold'); $cell->setFontSize(14); $cell->setAlignment('center'); $cell->setBorder('none', 'none', 'double', 'none'); }); $sheet->cell('K' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setFontColor('#ff0000'); $cell->setFontWeight('bold'); $cell->setFontSize(14); $cell->setAlignment('center'); $cell->setBorder('none', 'none', 'double', 'none'); }); $rowIndex += 2; $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setFontSize(14); }); $sheet->mergeCells('A' . $rowIndex . ':R' . $rowIndex); $sheet->row($rowIndex, array('รถที่ต้องการหา')); $rowIndex++; $sheet->row($rowIndex, array('ลำดับ', 'แบบ', null, 'รุ่น', 'สี', 'ชื่อลูกค้า', 'SALE', 'FN/สด', 'สถานะ', 'ทำสัญญา', 'วันที่คาดส่ง', 'หมายเหตุ', null)); $sheet->mergeCells('B' . $rowIndex . ':C' . $rowIndex); $sheet->mergeCells('L' . $rowIndex . ':N' . $rowIndex); $sheet->cells('A' . $rowIndex . ':N' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->setBorder('A' . $rowIndex . ':N' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); $rowNum = 0; foreach ($carRequired as $item) { $rowIndex++; $rowNum++; if ($item->contractdate != null && $item->contractdate != '') { $item->contractdate = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item->contractdate)); } $sheet->row($rowIndex, array($rowNum, $item->model, null, $item->submodel, $item->color, $item->custname, $item->empname, $item->fn, $item->documentstatus, $item->contractdate, date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item->datewantgetcar)), $item->remark)); $sheet->mergeCells('B' . $rowIndex . ':C' . $rowIndex); $sheet->mergeCells('L' . $rowIndex . ':N' . $rowIndex); $sheet->cell('A' . $rowIndex, function ($cell) { $cell->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->cells('E' . $rowIndex . ':K' . $rowIndex, function ($cells) { $cells->setAlignment('center'); }); $sheet->setBorder('A' . $rowIndex . ':N' . $rowIndex, 'thin'); } /*$data = array( array('header1', 'header2','header3','header4','header5','header6','header7'), array('data1', 'data2', 300, 400, 500, 0, 100), array('data1', 'data2', 300, 400, 500, 0, 100), array('data1', 'data2', 300, 400, 500, 0, 100), array('data1', 'data2', 300, 400, 500, 0, 100), array('data1', 'data2', 300, 400, 500, 0, 100), array('data1', 'data2', 300, 400, 500, 0, 100) ); $sheet->fromArray($data, null, 'A1', false, false); $sheet->cells('A1:G1', function($cells) { $cells->setBackground('#AAAAFF'); });*/ }); })->download('xlsx'); //return Redirect::to('/reporting'); }
public function view($id) { if (!$this->hasPermission($this->menuPermissionName)) { return view($this->viewPermissiondeniedName); } $model = CarPayment::find($id); $carpreemption = CarPreemption::find($model->carpreemptionid); $carpreemptionselectlist = array(); $carpreemptionselectlist[$carpreemption->id] = $carpreemption->bookno . '/' . $carpreemption->no; $model->bookno = $carpreemption->bookno; $model->no = $carpreemption->no; $model->purchasetype = $carpreemption->purchasetype; if ($carpreemption->purchasetype == 0) { $purchasetype0 = true; $purchasetype1 = false; } elseif ($carpreemption->purchasetype == 1) { $purchasetype0 = false; $purchasetype1 = true; } if ($carpreemption->carobjectivetype == 0) { $carobjectivetype0 = true; $carobjectivetype1 = false; } elseif ($carpreemption->carobjectivetype == 1) { $carobjectivetype0 = false; $carobjectivetype1 = true; } if ($carpreemption->registrationtype == 0) { $registrationtype0 = true; $registrationtype1 = false; $registrationtype2 = false; } elseif ($carpreemption->registrationtype == 1) { $registrationtype0 = false; $registrationtype1 = true; $registrationtype2 = false; } elseif ($carpreemption->registrationtype == 2) { $registrationtype0 = false; $registrationtype1 = false; $registrationtype2 = true; } $customer = Customer::find($carpreemption->buyercustomerid); $model->customer = $customer->title . ' ' . $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname; $model->customer2 = $customer->title . ' ' . $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname; $carmodel = CarModel::find($carpreemption->carmodelid); $carsubmodel = CarSubModel::find($carpreemption->carsubmodelid); $model->carmodel = $carmodel->name . '/' . $carsubmodel->name; $color = Color::find($carpreemption->colorid); $model->carcolor = $color->code . ' - ' . $color->name; $pricelist = Pricelist::find($carpreemption->pricelistid); $model->carprice = $pricelist->sellingpricewithaccessories + $carpreemption->colorprice; $carselectlist = array(); $item = Car::find($model->carid); $carselectlist[$item->id] = $item->chassisno . '/' . $item->engineno; $model->installments = $carpreemption->installments; $model->interest = $carpreemption->interest; if ($carpreemption->purchasetype == 1) { $finacecompany = FinaceCompany::find($carpreemption->finacecompanyid); $model->finacecompany = $finacecompany->name; } if ($carpreemption->purchasetype == 0) { $model->down = number_format($model->carprice - $carpreemption->discount, 2, '.', ''); $model->yodjud = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); $model->yodjudwithinsurancepremium = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); if ($model->overrideopenbill != null && $model->overrideopenbill != '') { $model->openbill = $model->overrideopenbill; } else { $model->openbill = number_format($model->carprice - $carpreemption->discount, 2, '.', ''); } $model->realprice = number_format($model->carprice - $carpreemption->discount, 2, '.', ''); $model->payinadvanceamount = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); } else { $model->down = $carpreemption->down; $model->yodjud = number_format($model->carprice - $carpreemption->discount - $model->down + $carpreemption->accessories + $model->accessoriesfeeincludeinyodjud, 2, '.', ''); $model->yodjudwithinsurancepremium = number_format($model->yodjud + $model->insurancepremium, 2, '.', ''); $model->openbill = number_format($model->yodjud + $model->down, 2, '.', ''); $model->realprice = number_format($model->carprice - $carpreemption->discount - $carpreemption->subdown, 2, '.', ''); if ($model->firstinstallmentpay) { $model->firstinstallmentpayamount = number_format($model->amountperinstallment, 2, '.', ''); } else { $model->firstinstallmentpayamount = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); } $model->payinadvanceamount = number_format($model->installmentsinadvance * $model->amountperinstallment, 2, '.', ''); if ($carpreemption->subsidisefree) { $model->subsidise = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); } else { $model->subsidise = $carpreemption->subsidise; } } $model->accessoriesfee = $carpreemption->accessoriesfee; $insurancecompanies = InsuranceCompany::orderBy('name', 'asc')->get(['id', 'name']); $insurancecompanyselectlist = array(); $insurancecompanyselectlist[null] = 'เลือกบริษัท'; foreach ($insurancecompanies as $item) { $insurancecompanyselectlist[$item->id] = $item->name; } if ($carpreemption->insurancefeefree) { $model->insurancefee = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); } else { $model->insurancefee = $carpreemption->insurancefee; } if ($carpreemption->compulsorymotorinsurancefeefree) { $model->compulsorymotorinsurancefee = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); } else { $model->compulsorymotorinsurancefee = $carpreemption->compulsorymotorinsurancefee; } if ($carpreemption->carobjectivetype == 0) { $registerprovince = Province::find($carpreemption->registerprovinceid); $model->registerprovince = $registerprovince->name; } else { $model->registerprovince = null; } $model->registrationtype = $carpreemption->registrationtype; if ($carpreemption->registrationfeefree) { $model->registrationfee = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); } else { $model->registrationfee = $carpreemption->registrationfee; } if ($carpreemption->carobjectivetype == 0) { $redlabelhistory = Redlabelhistory::where('carpreemptionid', $carpreemption->id)->first(); if ($redlabelhistory != null) { $redlabel = Redlabel::find($redlabelhistory->redlabelid); $model->redlabel = $redlabel->no; } else { $model->redlabel = "ไม่มีป้าย"; } } else { $model->redlabel = null; } $model->cashpledgeredlabel = $carpreemption->cashpledgeredlabel; if ($carpreemption->implementfeefree) { $model->implementfee = number_format(0, 2, '.', ''); } else { $model->implementfee = $carpreemption->implementfee; } $model->giveawaywithholdingtax = $carpreemption->giveawaywithholdingtax; $model->otherfee = $carpreemption->otherfee; $model->otherfeedetail = $carpreemption->otherfeedetail; $model->otherfee2 = $carpreemption->otherfee2; $model->otherfeedetail2 = $carpreemption->otherfeedetail2; $model->otherfee3 = $carpreemption->otherfee3; $model->otherfeedetail3 = $carpreemption->otherfeedetail3; if ($model->firstinstallmentpay) { $model->total = number_format($model->down + $model->amountperinstallment + $model->payinadvanceamount + $model->accessoriesfeeactuallypaid + $model->insurancefee + $model->compulsorymotorinsurancefee + $model->registrationfee + $model->cashpledgeredlabel + $model->implementfee + $model->giveawaywithholdingtax + $model->otherfee + $model->otherfee2 + $model->otherfee3, 2, '.', ''); } else { $model->total = number_format($model->down + $model->payinadvanceamount + $model->accessoriesfeeactuallypaid + $model->insurancefee + $model->compulsorymotorinsurancefee + $model->registrationfee + $model->cashpledgeredlabel + $model->implementfee + $model->giveawaywithholdingtax + $model->otherfee + $model->otherfee2 + $model->otherfee3, 2, '.', ''); } $model->subdown = $carpreemption->subdown; $model->cashpledge = $carpreemption->cashpledge; $model->oldcarprice = $carpreemption->oldcarprice; $model->totalpayments = number_format($model->total - $model->subdown - $model->cashpledge - $model->oldcarprice, 2, '.', ''); $salesmanemployee = Employee::find($carpreemption->salesmanemployeeid); $model->salesmanemployee = $salesmanemployee->title . ' ' . $salesmanemployee->firstname . ' ' . $salesmanemployee->lastname; $approversemployee = Employee::find($carpreemption->approversemployeeid); $model->approversemployee = $approversemployee->title . ' ' . $approversemployee->firstname . ' ' . $approversemployee->lastname; $payeeemployeeselectlist = array(); if ($model->payeeemployeeid != null && $model->payeeemployeeid != '') { $item = Employee::find($model->payeeemployeeid); $payeeemployeeselectlist[$item->id] = $item->title . ' ' . $item->firstname . ' ' . $item->lastname; } else { $payeeemployeeselectlist[null] = ''; } $model->date = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->date)); if ($model->overdueinstallmentdate1 != null && $model->overdueinstallmentdate1 != '') { $model->overdueinstallmentdate1 = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->overdueinstallmentdate1)); } if ($model->overdueinstallmentdate2 != null && $model->overdueinstallmentdate2 != '') { $model->overdueinstallmentdate2 = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->overdueinstallmentdate2)); } if ($model->overdueinstallmentdate3 != null && $model->overdueinstallmentdate3 != '') { $model->overdueinstallmentdate3 = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->overdueinstallmentdate3)); } if ($model->overdueinstallmentdate4 != null && $model->overdueinstallmentdate4 != '') { $model->overdueinstallmentdate4 = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->overdueinstallmentdate4)); } if ($model->overdueinstallmentdate5 != null && $model->overdueinstallmentdate5 != '') { $model->overdueinstallmentdate5 = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->overdueinstallmentdate5)); } if ($model->overdueinstallmentdate6 != null && $model->overdueinstallmentdate6 != '') { $model->overdueinstallmentdate6 = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->overdueinstallmentdate6)); } if ($model->oldcarpaydate != null && $model->oldcarpaydate != '') { $model->oldcarpaydate = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->oldcarpaydate)); } if ($model->deliverycardate != null && $model->deliverycardate != '') { $model->deliverycardate = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->deliverycardate)); } return view('carpaymentform', ['oper' => 'view', 'pathPrefix' => '../../', 'carpayment' => $model, 'carpreemptionselectlist' => $carpreemptionselectlist, 'carselectlist' => $carselectlist, 'insurancecompanyselectlist' => $insurancecompanyselectlist, 'payeeemployeeselectlist' => $payeeemployeeselectlist, 'purchasetype0' => $purchasetype0, 'purchasetype1' => $purchasetype1, 'carobjectivetype0' => $carobjectivetype0, 'carobjectivetype1' => $carobjectivetype1, 'registrationtype0' => $registrationtype0, 'registrationtype1' => $registrationtype1, 'registrationtype2' => $registrationtype2]); }
public function getbyid($id) { if (!$this->hasPermission($this->menuPermissionName)) { return view($this->viewPermissiondeniedName); } $model = CarPreemption::find($id); $customer = Customer::find($model->buyercustomerid); $model->customer = $customer->title . ' ' . $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname; $carmodel = CarModel::find($model->carmodelid); $carsubmodel = CarSubModel::find($model->carsubmodelid); $model->carmodel = $carmodel->name . '/' . $carsubmodel->name; $color = Color::find($model->colorid); $model->carcolor = $color->code . ' - ' . $color->name; $pricelist = Pricelist::find($model->pricelistid); $model->carprice = $pricelist->sellingpricewithaccessories + $model->colorprice; if (Auth::user()->isadmin) { if ($model->carobjectivetype == 0) { $cars = Car::doesntHave('carPayment')->where('objective', 0)->where('carmodelid', $model->carmodelid)->where('carsubmodelid', $model->carsubmodelid)->where('colorid', $model->colorid)->orderBy('chassisno', 'asc')->orderBy('engineno', 'asc')->get(['id', 'chassisno', 'engineno']); } else { $cars = Car::doesntHave('carPayment')->where('objective', '!=', 0)->where('carmodelid', $model->carmodelid)->where('carsubmodelid', $model->carsubmodelid)->where('colorid', $model->colorid)->orderBy('chassisno', 'asc')->orderBy('engineno', 'asc')->get(['id', 'chassisno', 'engineno']); } } else { if ($model->carobjectivetype == 0) { $cars = Car::where('provinceid', Auth::user()->provinceid)->doesntHave('carPayment')->where('objective', 0)->where('carmodelid', $model->carmodelid)->where('carsubmodelid', $model->carsubmodelid)->where('colorid', $model->colorid)->orderBy('chassisno', 'asc')->orderBy('engineno', 'asc')->get(['id', 'chassisno', 'engineno']); } else { $cars = Car::where('provinceid', Auth::user()->provinceid)->doesntHave('carPayment')->where('objective', '!=', 0)->where('carmodelid', $model->carmodelid)->where('carsubmodelid', $model->carsubmodelid)->where('colorid', $model->colorid)->orderBy('chassisno', 'asc')->orderBy('engineno', 'asc')->get(['id', 'chassisno', 'engineno']); } } $model->cars = $cars; if ($model->finacecompanyid != null && $model->finacecompanyid != '') { $finacecompany = FinaceCompany::find($model->finacecompanyid); $model->finacecompany = $finacecompany->name; } if ($model->interestratetypeid != null && $model->interestratetypeid != '') { $interestratetype = InterestRateType::find($model->interestratetypeid); $model->interestratetype = $interestratetype->name; } if ($model->purchasetype == 0) { $model->yodjud = 0; $model->realprice = $model->carprice - $model->discount; } else { $model->yodjud = $model->carprice - $model->discount - $model->down + $model->accessories; $model->realprice = $model->carprice - $model->discount - $model->subdown; } $salesmanemployee = Employee::find($model->salesmanemployeeid); $model->salesmanemployee = $salesmanemployee->title . ' ' . $salesmanemployee->firstname . ' ' . $salesmanemployee->lastname; $approversemployee = Employee::find($model->approversemployeeid); $model->approversemployee = $approversemployee->title . ' ' . $approversemployee->firstname . ' ' . $approversemployee->lastname; if ($model->carobjectivetype == 0) { $registerprovince = Province::find($model->registerprovinceid); $model->registerprovince = $registerprovince->name; $redlabelhistory = Redlabelhistory::where('carpreemptionid', $id)->first(); if ($redlabelhistory != null) { $redlabel = Redlabel::find($redlabelhistory->redlabelid); $model->redlabel = $redlabel->no; } else { $model->redlabel = "ไม่มีป้าย"; } } else { $model->redlabel = null; } //if($cust->birthdate != null) //$cust->birthdate = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($cust->birthdate)); return $model; }