public function test4() { set_time_limit(0); $arr = [1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1]; while (true) { foreach ($arr as $result) { // MQTT 수면단계 태스트 $topic = '/madcat' . '/sleepStep'; $message = sprintf("%d", $result); $mqtt = new MQTT("", 1883, "NeuroskyMQTTPUSH"); //Change client name to something unique if ($mqtt->connect()) { $mqtt->publish($topic, $message, 0); $mqtt->close(); } else { echo ' connect fail '; } echo '<br /> TEST SET : ' . $result . PHP_EOL; flush(); sleep(3); } } }
/** * @brief 라즈베리파이에서 측정된 30초 윈도우 받아서 가공 * @details 30초 윈도우 데이터를 외부 C 프로그램으로 분류하고 결과를 DB에 저장하고 MQTT 전송 * @param bluetoothaddr (String) * @param rawdata (String) * @return Util */ public function userRawDataReceiver() { $validRule = ['bluetoothaddr' => array('required', 'regex:/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{2}:[0-9a-zA-Z]{2}:[0-9a-zA-Z]{2}:[0-9a-zA-Z]{2}:[0-9a-zA-Z]{2}:[0-9a-zA-Z]{2}$/')]; $bluetoothaddr = array_map('trim', Input::only('bluetoothaddr')); $validator = Validator::make($bluetoothaddr, $validRule); $rawdata = Input::get('rawdata'); $noiseFile = Input::file('noisefile'); $noisePeak = Input::get('noisepeak'); if (!isset($noisePeak)) { $noisePeak = NULL; } if ($validator->fails()) { return Utils::result(Utils::CANNOT_PASS_VALIDATOR, true); } // 블루투스로 유저 조회 $member = Member::where('bluetoothaddr', $bluetoothaddr)->first(); if (!isset($member)) { return Utils::result(Utils::CANNOT_FIND_MEMBER); } //--------------------------- // RAW 데이터 처리 //--------------------------- $_startConvertData = microtime(true); $arrayRawData = explode(',', $rawdata); if (count($arrayRawData) == 0) { return Utils::result(Utils::CANNOT_PASS_VALIDATOR, true); } $arrayVoltageData = $this->matlabExec->convertRawData($arrayRawData); // RAW 데이터를 Voltage 데이터로 변환. // voltage 파일 저장 $saveResult = $this->matlabExec->saveRawData($arrayVoltageData); if ($saveResult === FALSE) { return Utils::result(Utils::CANNOT_PASS_VALIDATOR . " FAIL TO SAVE", true); } $_endConvertData = microtime(true); // MATLAB 필터 $_startClassify = microtime(true); // 실행시간 측정 $sleepStep = $this->matlabExec->execNeutralNetFilter(); //--------------------------------------------------------- // noise 파일 업로드 부분 //--------------------------------------------------------- $uploadFileName = NULL; if (isset($noiseFile)) { $extension = $noiseFile->getClientOriginalExtension(); $originalFileName = $noiseFile->getClientOriginalName(); $uploadFileName = sprintf("%s_%d.%s", md5(time()), time(), $extension); // 업로드 시작 $noiseFile->move(public_path() . '/upload/', $uploadFileName); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // AvgSleep & SleepRecord 업데이트 //--------------------------------------------------------- $lastRegIdx = $this->avgSleepRepo->getLastRegIdx($member); $lastRegTime = $this->avgSleepRepo->getLastRegTime($member, $lastRegIdx); // 가장 마지막 시간 가져옴 $currentTime = time(); $currentDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $currentTime); if (abs($currentTime - strtotime($lastRegTime)) > 3600) { /* 현재시간과 마지막 묶음 시간차이가 1시간 이상이면 다른 묶음으로 처리 */ $lastRegIdx += 1; $this->avgSleepRepo->addAvgSleep($member, $lastRegIdx); } $this->sleepRecordRepo->addSleepRecord($member, $lastRegIdx, $sleepStep, $currentDate, $uploadFileName, $noisePeak); // 수면 단계 업데이트 if (in_array($sleepStep, [1, 2, 3, 4])) { $this->avgSleepRepo->increaseTotalRecord($member, $lastRegIdx); if (in_array($sleepStep, [3, 4])) { $this->avgSleepRepo->increaseDeepRecord($member, $lastRegIdx); } } // MQTT 전송부분 $topic = $member->userid . '/sleepStep'; $message = sprintf("%d", $sleepStep); $mqtt = new MQTT("", 1883, "NeuroskyMQTTPUSH"); //Change client name to something unique if ($mqtt->connect()) { $mqtt->publish($topic, $message, 0); $mqtt->close(); } $_endClassify = microtime(true); // 측정끝 $output = new stdClass(); $output->sleepStep = (int) $sleepStep; $output->elapsedConvertFile = $_endConvertData - $_startConvertData; $output->elapsedClassification = $_endClassify - $_startClassify; $output->elapsedTime = $output->elapsedConvertFile + $output->elapsedClassification; // RAW 데이터 삭제 $this->matlabExec->removeRawData(); return Utils::result($output); }