/** * @test */ public function TestAddHelpIsOnlyAddedOnce() { /** * test to make sure addHelp text is only added once to a message */ $message = new Messages(); $message->addHelp(); // add once $countAfterFirst = count($message->get()); $message->addHelp(); // add twice $countAfterSecond = count($message->get()); // first and second count should be exactly the same $this->assertEquals($countAfterFirst, $countAfterSecond); }
$recipes->setScore($key, $score); } // we now have a score value for each recipe based on ingredients expiry // order the recipes by order $recipes->sort(); // filter out all invalid recipes $results = $recipes->filter(); // check to make sure there is a recipe //the top result is the best recipe based on the ingredients expiry if (count($results)) { $result = array_shift($results); $message->add("The best recipe for you to make is : " . $result["name"])->add("You need the following ingredients:"); foreach ($result["ingredients"] as $ingredient) { $message->add(" - " . $ingredient["amount"] . " " . $ingredient["unit"] . " of " . $ingredient["item"]); } // add a blank line $message->add(""); } else { // order takeout $message->add("All ingredients are past their used by date, Order Takeout!"); } } } } else { // invalid number of arguments passed $message->add("Invalid number of arguments", true); } } else { $message->addHelp(); } echo $message->__toString();