/** * Returns HTTP response explaining the error that caused the exception. * * @return Response */ public function returnResponse() { $response = new Response(); $response->setStatusCode(409, 'Fb user is not valid'); $response->setJsonContent(['status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => $this->resource->getMessages()]); return $response; }
/** * Returns HTTP response explaining the error that caused the exception. * * @return Response */ public function returnResponse() { $response = new Response(); $response->setStatusCode(409, 'Error during FB callback'); $response->setJsonContent(['status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => $this->message]); return $response; }
/** * Returns HTTP response explaining the error that caused the exception. * * @return Response */ public function returnResponse() { $response = new Response(); $response->setStatusCode(404, 'Resource Not Found'); $response->setJsonContent(['status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => $this->message]); return $response; }
/** * @SWG\Post( * path="/oauth/token", * tags={"oauth"}, * summary="Request for a valid access token", * description="Given client_id and client_secret a valid access token is issued.", * operationId="getToken", * consumes={"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, * @SWG\Parameter( * in="formData", * name="grant_type", * description="Type of grant wanted.", * required=true, * type="string", * enum={"client_credentials"}, * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * in="formData", * name="client_id", * description="A valid client_id.", * required=true, * type="string", * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * in="formData", * name="client_secret", * description="A valid client_secret.", * required=true, * type="string", * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * in="formData", * name="scope", * description="List of scopes separated by comma.", * required=false, * type="string", * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * in="formData", * name="state", * description="String parameter to check if there is no man in the middle.", * required=false, * type="string", * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="Successfully created", * @SWG\Schema(), * examples={ * "application/json": { * "access_token": "a63097c58497b42bf2793e1f7851fe10ae7cff18", * "expires_in": 3600, * "token_type": "Bearer", * "scope": null * } * }, * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=400, * description="Bad request. Some parameter is missing.", * ), * ) */ public function getToken() { // TODO: return same access token if not expired $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); // Handle a request for an OAuth2.0 Access Token and send the response to the client return Response::responseFromOAuth($this->oauth->handleTokenRequest($request)); }
public function createRouter() { $path = $this->parseUrl($this->url); if (empty($path)) { $this->httpResponse->redirect('homepage'); } $controllerClass = 'App\\Controllers\\' . $this->kebabCaseToCamelCase(array_shift($path)) . 'Controller'; if (!class_exists($controllerClass)) { if (!class_exists('App\\Controllers\\ErrorController')) { throw new \Exception('App\\Controllers\\ErrorController not found.'); } $this->httpResponse->redirect('error'); } /** @var App\Controllers\BaseController $controller */ $controller = new $controllerClass(); $controller->process($path); $controller->render(); }
public function call(Micro $application) { $oauth = $application['oauth']; $url = strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?'); if (!in_array($url, self::$excepted_routes)) { // Handle a request to a resource and authenticate the access token if (!$oauth->verifyResourceRequest(Request::createFromGlobals())) { Response::responseFromOAuth($oauth->getResponse())->send(); throw new UnauthorizedRequest(); } } return true; }
/** * Check if the resource is saved or not and returns a response depending on this. * @param $resource * @return Response */ protected function response($resource) { // Create a response $response = new Response(); // Request method $method = $this->request->getMethod(); if ($method === "POST" || $method === "PUT") { if ($resource->save() == true) { // Change the HTTP status if ($method === "POST") { $response->setStatusCode(201, "Created"); } else { $response->setStatusCode(200, "Updated"); } $response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 'OK', 'data' => $resource)); } else { $response = new Response(); // Change the HTTP status $response->setStatusCode(409, "Conflict"); // Send errors to the client $errors = array(); foreach ($resource->getMessages() as $message) { $key = $message->getField(); if (empty($key)) { $errors[] = $message->getMessage(); } else { if (!isset($errors[$key])) { $errors[$key] = array(); } $errors[$key][] = $message->getMessage(); } } $response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 'ERROR', 'messages' => $errors)); } } else { if ($resource->delete() == true) { $response->setStatusCode(200, "Deleted"); $response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 'OK')); } else { // Change the HTTP status $response->setStatusCode(409, "Conflict"); $response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 'ERROR', 'messages' => 'Internal error while deleting')); } } return $response; }
/** * Gestion en appel statique * * @return Response */ public static function __callStatic($method, $arguments) { $object = Response::getInstance(); return call_user_func_array([$object, $method], $arguments); }